Science Feature Articles</p>

Unlocking Stem Cell Gates

Prof. Tsvee Lapidot and Ph.D. student Isabelle Petit.


To obtain healthy stem cells for transplantation -  either from a healthy donor or from the patient himself before or during chemotherapy -  these cells must be encouraged to exit the marrow into the bloodstream (in other words, they must be "mobilized"). Looking for the mobilization signal, Prof. Tsvee Lapidot of the Institute's Immunology Department and Ph.D. student Isabelle Petit studied the cascade of events in the bone marrow leading to mobilization.

The scientists learned that stem cells in the marrow are freed into the bloodstream via a key protein called SDF-1. SDF-1 had previously been found by this and other research teams worldwide to anchor stem cells inside the marrow by activating adhesion molecules (molecules that serve as "glue"). Lapidot and Petit found that for stem cell mobilization to take place, SDF-1 must be degraded, and they uncovered an underlying "anchors aweigh"mechanism.

The findings, published in Nature Immunology, may lead to the improved collection of stem cells for clinical transplantations. Key elements of the opposite process -  the migration of cells into the marrow -  were elucidated by Lapidot and his colleagues in an earlier study. The scientists managed to dramatically increase the proportion of stem cells capable of migrating to the marrow, a factor critical to the success of transplantation. Both studies were made possible by a unique experimental system developed by Lapidot's team.

Prof. Lapidot's research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Gabrielle Rich Center for Transplantation Biology Research; the Levine Institute of Applied Science; Mr. Clifton Robbins, New York, NY; the Naftali Foundation, Israel; the Concern Foundation, Beverly Hills, CA; Ms. Nora Peisner, Huntington, MI; and Ms. Rhoda Goldstein, Nanuet, NY.
Prof. Tsvee Lapidot and Ph.D. student Isabelle Petit. Raising anchor
Life Sciences

A Trillion Computers in One Drop


illustration: Trillion Computers in one drop

This is the vision that inspires a team of Weizmann Institute scientists, who have recently made an important early step toward its realization, creating the first autonomous biological nanocomputer. Reported in Nature, as many as a trillion such computing devices can work in parallel in one drop of water in the lab of Prof. Ehud Shapiro of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department and the Biological Chemistry Department. The devices collectively perform a billion operations per second with greater than 99.8% accuracy per operation while requiring less than a billionth of a watt of power.

The nanocomputer created is computationally very limited and too simple to have immediate applications, however it may pave the way to future computers with unique biological and pharmaceutical applications able to operate within the human body. 'It will probably take decades,' says Shapiro. 'But we believe this vision is realizable. The living cell contains incredible molecular machines that manipulate information-encoding molecules such as DNA and RNA in ways that are fundamentally very similar to computation. Since we don't know how to effectively modify these machines or create new ones just yet, the trick is to find naturally existing machines that, when combined, can be steered to actually compute.'

Shapiro challenged Ph.D. student Yaakov Benenson to do just that: to find a molecular realization of one of the simplest mathematical computing machines - a finite automaton that detects whether a sequence of 0's and 1's has an even number of 1's.

Biological editing kit

Benenson came up with a solution using DNA molecules and two naturally occurring DNA-manipulating enzymes: Fok-I and Ligase. Operating much like a biological editing kit, Fok-I functions as a chemical scissors, slicing DNA into a specific pattern, whereas the Ligase enzyme seals DNA molecules together.

The nanocomputer can be programmed to perform several simple tasks, depending on the software molecules mixed into the solution. The software molecules can be used to create a total of 765 software programs. Several of these programs were tested in the lab, including the 'even 1's checker,' as well as programs that check whether in a list of 0's and 1's, the 0 comes before the 1 in every case, or whether it both starts with a 0 and ends with a 1.

Four letters

How do DNA strands come to contain the symbols 0 and 1? DNA strands are usually depicted as a scroll of recurring 'letters,' in varied combinations, which represent DNA's constituents (four chemical bases known as A, T, C, and G). The nanocomputer created by Shapiro's team uses these four DNA bases to encode the input data as well as the program rules underlying the computer 'software.' The team decided that the letter pattern 'CTGGCT' in the input molecule would signify 1 and 'CGCACG' would signify 0.

In addition to having two symbols, the input molecule, when mixed with hardware and software molecules, also has two states. When the hardware molecule Fok-I, recognizes a symbol and 'cuts' DNA, it leaves it with one strand longer than the other, resulting in a single-strand overhang called a 'sticky end' (see diagram). Since Fok-I makes its incision at the site of the symbol, the sticky end is what remains of the symbol. Fok-I may leave the symbol's 'head' or 'tail' attached. These are the two possible states. A computing device that has two possible states and two possible symbols is called a two-state, two-symbol finite automaton.

Input output

Two molecules with complementary sticky ends can temporarily stick to each other (a process known as hybridization). In each processing step the input molecule hybridizes with a software molecule that has a complementary sticky end, allowing the hardware molecule Ligase to seal them together using ATP molecules as energy.

Then comes Fok-I, which cleaves the input molecule again, in a location determined by the software molecule. Thus a sticky end is again exposed, encoding the next input symbol and the next state of the computation. Once the last input symbol is processed, a sticky end encoding the final state of the computation is exposed and detected - again by hybridization and ligation - by one of two 'output display' molecules. The resulting molecule, which reports the output of the computation, is made visible to the human eye in a process known as gel electrophoresis.

Though their potential as miniature 'doctors' may be decades away from realization, these devices, if further advanced, could, be used to screen DNA libraries in vitro. This in itself could contribute to the future development of gene therapies tailored to individuals according to their genetic make-up. Both visions have a long way to go, but these small beginnings are harbingers of a much enhanced quality of life.

This study was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Zvi Livneh, Dr. Tamar-Paz Elizur, and Dr. Rivka Adar of the Weizmann Institute's Biological Chemistry Department and Prof. Ehud Keinan of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology's Chemistry Department.

Computers in the Dust

In 1954 researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science built the first computer in Israel, and one of the first computers worldwide, which they fondly named WEIZAC. Thirty years later, silicon chip computers routinely functioned at a rate that was thousands and millions of times faster than WEIZAC.

Today, research at the Institute targets the development of ever-faster, more compact chips designed according to the emerging principles of quantum electronics. These will inevitably leave silicon chips in the dust, much as the silicon chips once turned WEIZAC into a museum exhibit.
However, surprising as it may sound, even before quantum electronic chips have become a reality, they already have a potential successor - the tiny biological computer developed by Prof. Ehud Shapiro's team.
Prof. Shapiro received his Ph.D. from Yale University and joined the Weizmann Institute in 1982. During the 1980s he was involved with the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Project and published numerous scientific papers in the area of concurrent logic programming languages.
The design of a universal molecular computer, which inspired the creation of the molecular automaton reported in Nature, was recently awarded U.S. Patent 6,266,569.
Prof. Ehud Shapiro, Dr. Rivka Ada, and Yaakov Benenson. nanocomputer
Prof. Shapiro's research is supported by the Dolfi and Lola Ebner Center for Biomedical Research, Yad Hanadiv, and the Samuel R. Dweck Foundation.
illustration: Trillion Computers in one drop
Math & Computer Science

The Worm's Secret


Profs. David Harel and Irun Cohen, and Na'aman Kam.Whole organism

For centuries, biologists have been hard at work - each studying a tiny piece in the great puzzle of nature. The underlying belief has been that the examination of smaller and smaller parts of nature would, when all the findings were assembled, explain the whole. But so many bits and pieces have accumulated by now that scientists are beginning to wonder how the puzzle will ever be put together. Ph.D. student Na'aman Kam of the Weizmann Institute's Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department as well as its Immunology Department is trying to tackle just this aspect of biology. In the process, he has highlighted the importance of aiming for the whole picture: without it, some pieces may get lost on the way.

As a student, Kam came across a method for visually representing the behavior of such complex systems as aircraft, cellular phones, and automobiles. This method, called Statecharts, was developed by Prof. David Harel of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department at the urgent request of the Israel Aircraft Industries, who were having trouble organizing information on a fighter jet project. Harel came up with the idea of putting all the information into computerized charts that would pack in all the possibilities of action. 'For instance,' explains Kam, 'we know that when we press one button at the side of our watch we will see the date and if we press two buttons we will hear a sound. But have engineers determined what will happen if we press three or all four buttons, or has this been left to chance? Similarly, we may know how a cell in our body reacts to a certain stimulant, but we don't always take into consideration the range of possible combinations and interactions. This is something that is difficult for us as humans and easier for computers.'

Kam, who at the time was studying for an M.Sc. in biology and mathematics under the joint supervision of Prof. Irun Cohen of the Immunology Department and Harel, quickly recognized the potential of applying Statecharts to biological systems. As a test model, he took the immune system - more specifically, its patrol units called T-cells, which among other functions, identify and attack pathogens invading the body. Although there was an explosion of experimental data on how these cells become activated, no mechanism existed to make possible an all-inclusive, comprehensible picture.

Using the language of Statecharts, Kam set to work building a model that maps how each component participating in the process of T-cell activation changes its internal state according to signals received from other system components or those arriving from the external environment. He tested this model using a software tool called Rhapsody, also based on Harel's ideas, (developed by I-Logix, Inc., which Harel co-founded).

It worked fine, except for one quirk. In our body and in lab experiments, after a T-cell has been activated, it can return to an inactive, stable, 'memory' state; yet in Kam's model, the memory state was unstable, and the T-cell jumped back to an activated state. 'If the model doesn't work, it means something is missing,' says Kam. 'Either the model has uncovered the need to answer a biological question or a piece of information has been overlooked.' In this case, after extensively reviewing the relevant scientific literature, Kam found a piece of information that had commonly been overlooked: when moving from an activated to a memory state, the T-cell loses a receptor that plays a crucial role in its activation. After including this piece of information, the model worked properly. The study won the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Formal Methods, Italy, 2001.

Kam is now working on one of biology's ultimate dreams: to describe the development of an organism in its entirety, with all influencing factors and the interactions between them taken into consideration. His idea for this ambitious project took root last year and quickly captured the interest of an interdisciplinary team of scientists from the Institute and abroad. Jointly supervised by Prof. Amir Pnueli and Harel, both of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department, and Institute immunologist Prof. Cohen, Kam has also forged a unique collaboration with Prof. Michael Stern of Yale University School of Medicine and Prof. Jane Hubbard of New York University.

The right worm for the job

The object garnering the collective attention of this varied team is none other than a tiny worm called C. elegans, whose most recent claim to fame was being the first multicellular organism to have its genome fully sequenced.

It wasn't chosen at random. The trick in searching for an appropriate experimental model is to find a system that is relatively simple and yet complex enough to provide relevant insights into broader fields of biology, including how our bodies work. C. elegans offers important experimental advantages in this respect: it has a small number of cells, 959 to be exact, which are generated from the fertilized egg by an invariant pattern of cell divisions and movements; it is transparent, allowing all of its cellular processes to be followed in living animals; and finally, it has a short life span, reaching adulthood in a mere three days. Equally important, numerous studies have shown that biologically we humans have much in common with this worm.

Research in the past decade has increasingly demonstrated a striking thread of unity at the molecular level of life, where many of the molecules have similar structure and function in all multicellular animals. Since worms and other 'simple' organisms are relatively easy to study, they offer an ideal research setting for understanding the molecular workings of the human body.

All this explains why C. elegans has been studied in a wide variety of fields, from cancer-related research to aging. In tackling the challenge of bringing these data together, Kam has started out by focusing on one aspect of this well-studied worm, using the computerized tools mentioned above to put together a clear picture of the developmental processes underlying its reproductive machinery. He still has a long way to go, however, and is currently working closely with the two U.S. labs headed by Stern and Hubbard. Offering their experimental expertise, these scientists are presently assisting in the construction and analysis of the model, and will later test its validity, using experimental trials to examine predictions emerging from the model.

Once this task is completed, many others will follow - perhaps eventually leading to an accurate blueprint of biology's most famous worm. And as for the even bigger picture? Who knows, say the scientists. Hopefully, we may one day even be able to chart the intricate networks giving rise to that incurably inquisitive organism - Homo sapiens.

Prof. Harel holds the William Sussman Professorial Chair. His research is supported by the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Prof. Cohen holds the Helen and Morris Mauerberger Professorial Chair in Immunology. His research is supported by the Robert Koch Minerva Center for Research in Autoimmune Disease, the Yeshaya Horowitz Association and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Cohen of Lincolnwood, Illinois.
Prof. David Harel, Prof. Irun Cohen, and Ph.D. student Na'aman Kam
Math & Computer Science

A Plant's Brainy Balancing Act


Prof. Gad Galili. Like corn, like human

Plants don't have a brain. True, they have other winning traits - like the ability to withstand searing summer skies or biting frost (they can't pack up and leave when times get rough). Nevertheless, they lack the neuron-based information processing found in animals, from the single-neuron system found in sea anemones and hydras to the remarkably complex human brain.

Surprisingly, however, what started out for Prof. Gad Galili as a quest to create more nutritious, hardier crops has detoured into research findings that offer a better understanding of the molecules underlying brain function and of a severe human genetic disorder resulting in mental retardation.

A geneticist in the Weizmann Institute's Department of Plant Sciences, Galili focuses on the biochemical machinery that churns out lysine - an amino acid charged with overseeing plant growth and development that is also an essential amino acid in humans, where it serves as a building block of proteins and is vital for proper growth and bone development. Since humans are unable to synthesize lysine they must receive it through their diet, yet cereals and other important crops produce this nutrient in only very small amounts, a fact that is largely responsible for the malnutrition plaguing developing countries and the need to supplement livestock feed with costly additives.

Hoping to boost plant lysine levels, Galili's team began by piecing together the players along this biochemical pathway, asking which compounds are involved and how they interact. They succeeded in pinpointing a key enzyme, known as DHPS, which regulates lysine production. 'The plant doesn't waste any energy,' says Galili. 'Once lysine is present in sufficient amounts, it 'switches off' the DHPS enzyme - a process known as feedback inhibition - preventing further lysine production.' When looking around to see how other organisms tackle this challenge, the team uncovered a counterpart enzyme in bacteria that is less sensitive to feedback inhibition. They decided to genetically insert the gene encoding this bacterial enzyme into a model plant. The result - a significant increase in lysine levels - is currently being used to improve soybean, maize, and canola.

The tightrope walk

But then some of these plants threw a curveball; they started breaking down the extra lysine. It turned out that lysine accumulation consists of both an anabolic, lysine-producing track and a catabolic track, where lysine is broken down into glutamate. The engineered plants were breaking lysine down because excess levels are toxic to the plant. 'It soon became clear that the lysine-glutamate pathway is a master of self-regulation, constituting one of the most highly regulated plant biochemical pathways known,' says Galili. He and others discovered that plants normally maintain the lysine levels needed for protein-based growth and 'housekeeping chores,' while also breaking it down to produce moderate amounts of glutamate. But when under stress, the plant's catabolic machinery switches into overdrive, breaking down far more lysine into glutamate, which is then further modified to produce stress-resistance compounds.

Zeroing in on this catabolic track, Galili has isolated a key gene, known as LKR-SDH, which is equipped with unique regulatory features that may enable lysine catabolism to flow at a slow or rapid pace according to environmental conditions. His findings led to the identification of a counterpart gene in humans that also mediates the production of glutamate (in this context a neurotransmitter playing an essential role in learning, memory, and a host of other tasks - see box). The human gene also keeps lysine levels in check to enable normal brain function. In fact, in April 2000 a team led by Michael Geraghty at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that this gene is mutated in patients with hyperlisinemia, a genetic disorder resulting in mental retardation and other symptoms. 'The discovery of similar catabolic genes in plants and in humans places us in a unique position,' says Galili. 'Studies of this pathway in plants may help reveal how lysine contributes to glutamate production in the brain.'

Nerve Talk

Nerves talk to one another through neurotransmitters - chemical compounds that cross a bridge to neighboring neurons, where they bind to matching receptors. This explains why a recent discovery by a New York University team that plants have receptors for the glutamate neurotransmitter sent ripples of excitement through the scientific community. Researchers had initially thought that plants produce glutamate to protect themselves from herbivores. Indeed, in what may have evolved as a defense strategy, glutamate and many other plant compounds affect human and other mammalian nervous systems, producing a range of hallucinogenic, anesthetic, and other reactions.

However, the discovery of plant receptors for glutamate has triggered an enticing new idea - that similar to its role in humans, glutamate may act as a signaling molecule in plants, conveying information about the environment or regulating developmental processes. In other words, it may underlie an ancient signaling mechanism that has made its way up the evolutionary ladder.

Potential Fields

Personable and brimming with energy, Prof. Gad Galili clearly loves his job. 'When I look at an agricultural field, I see potential,' he confesses. 'My passion is basic science, to understand the mechanisms behind plant function and survival; but I'm also fascinated by implementation, to see how plants can be designed for better nutrition.' Galili believes that future research should include the development of crops with boosted medicinal properties such as antioxidant-rich tomatoes for heart disease patients or for slowing down aging and fighting cancer. Currently collaborating with diverse research teams, including those of Csaba Koncz and Rainer Hoefgen at Germany's Max-Planck Institutes, one of Galili's primary goals is to fine-tune the plant lysine-glutamate pathway, turning off its catabolic machinery at a critical window in time during seed development.

Prof. Galili holds the Bronfman Chair of Plant Science. His research is supported by the Minna James Heineman Stiftung, the Raymund Burton Fund for Plant Genome Research, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Plant Molecular Genetics Research, and the Avron-Willstaetter Center for Photosynthesis Research.


Prof. Gad Galili.

Biting Truths


Sussman, Katzir, Fuchs, Fridkin, Harel, Balass, Scherf and Kashner. Snapshot




Count on the snake for the promise of hidden, enticing knowledge. The reptile has lured Weizmann Institute scientists into cracking one of its most precious secrets: how snake venom gains its deadly, irreversible grip on a victim. Several Institute teams took part in the series of studies that lasted more than a decade and unfolded like a scientific detective story, recently culminating in success.

What the scientists have accomplished is equivalent to reconstructing a murder act in minutest detail. Using knowledge obtained from different fields of research, they produced a precise three-dimensional snapshot of a major snake venom toxin in the act of blocking vital communication pathways in the body - a blockage that often causes death within hours.

The potential payoff is far-reaching. One obvious outcome is the prospect of a drug for treating snakebite, a largely neglected plague. About a million people worldwide are bitten by venomous snakes every year; most deaths - an estimated 40,000 annually - occur in developing countries, where antivenom, currently the only effective remedy, is in short supply or unaffordable by the local population. Antivenom is produced by isolating antibodies from the serum of horses immunized by certain venoms. By revealing how a major snake toxin works, Weizmann Institute scientists have opened the way to developing a synthetic drug that would trap the toxin molecules, preventing them from harming the snakebite victim.

The implications of the Weizmann research, however, go far beyond treating snakebite. The snake toxin hooks up with molecules in the body at a busy place - the very spot that serves as a gateway for signals responsible for nerve-muscle communication. All our voluntary muscle movements, from furrowing the brow to high jumping, are dependent on these signals, which are transmitted by messenger molecules such as acetylcholine, released by the nerves. In fact, certain types of venom paralyze the body by blocking acetylcholine receptor molecules on the muscle, thus interrupting nerve-muscle communication.

But apart from carrying messages to the muscle, acetylcholine is also one of the most important molecules transmitting signals between nerve cells in the brain. This explains why abnormalities in the binding between acetylcholine and its receptors are involved in a multitude of both muscle and nervous system disorders, from myasthenia gravis to schizophrenia to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The structural understanding of acetylcholine receptor's binding site obtained in the Weizmann study may therefore facilitate the development of a wide variety of therapies.

Snake-inspired sleuthing

The scientific sleuthing began in the laboratory of Prof. Sara Fuchs of the Immunology Department, who, for nearly three decades, has worked on the structure of the acetylcholine receptor and on disorders involving this receptor. In the mid-1980s she identified a tiny region of the receptor - comprising a dozen amino acids out of a total of nearly 3,000 - that was capable of binding with a major snake toxin called alpha-bungarotoxin. Next Fuchs launched an investigation to resolve a long- standing riddle: why some animals - the snakes themselves and their archenemy, the mongoose - are immune to snake venom. Her studies revealed that in both snakes and mongooses the structure of the acetylcholine receptor differs slightly from that of other animals. The difference was observed in the same tiny region that had earlier been shown to bind with alpha-bungarotoxin; apparently this small structural deviation suffices to protect the animals by preventing venom from binding. The scientists hypothesized that they had zeroed in on the receptor's binding site, its 'holy of holies.' But how could they prove this?

In the early 1990s, Fuchs teamed up with Institute Prof. Ephraim Katzir. A world-famous biochemist and one of the founders of biological research at Weizmann, Katzir later served as President of Israel and then returned to the Institute to continue his research in biological recognition. Now 85, Katzir did not balk at embarking upon a new area of study. His team member Dr. Moshe Balass, together with Fuchs, searched through a huge 'library' of peptides (protein fragments) until they identified one peptide that had a specific interaction with alpha-bungarotoxin. The result was both surprising and rewarding: The peptide corresponded to the exact spot in the acetylcholine receptor that Fuchs had marked in earlier studies as the potential binding site.

To obtain more knowledge of the binding site, Fuchs, Katzir, and Balass formed yet another collaboration - with Prof. Jacob Anglister of the Structural Biology Department and Dr. Tali Scherf, now of the Institute's Chemical Services. These studies, using nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR)spectroscopy, revealed crucialstructural aspects of the binding between the peptide and alpha-bungarotoxin.

Details of the deadly grip

The next breakthrough occurred when a team consisting of Katzir's postdoctoral fellow Dr. Roni Kasher, Balass, Fuchs, Scherf, and Prof. Mati Fridkin of the Organic Chemistry Department took advantage of the NMR data; using sophisticated modification methods they designed a new series of peptides with an exceptionally good fit to the snake toxin. Kasher then created crystals of the peptide and the toxin, needed for an X-ray analysis. The stage was now set for a precise structural analysis of the peptide-toxin complex. Scherf used NMR to probe the complex while Prof. Joel Sussman of the Structural Biology Department, author of several landmark papers involving acetylcholine, applied X-ray crystallography. What reinforced the findings was that the structures that emerged from the two different technologies were similar.

Still the evidence regarding the location of the binding site remained circumstantial because a crucial piece of the puzzle was missing: To obtain a full picture of the toxin in action the scientists needed crystals of the entire acetylcholine receptor, which, despite numerous attempts by laboratories around the world, has not yet been crystallized. Sussman managed to provide the next best thing: he contacted Dutch colleagues who had crystallized a protein that is virtually identical to the outer portion of the acetylcholine receptor - the portion that protrudes outside the cell membrane and harbors the binding site.

The scientists could now map the atomic structure of the snake toxin blocking the acetylcholine receptor. Using X-ray crystallography, Sussman and Dr. Michal Harel of the same department revealed that the three-pronged toxin molecule wraps around acetylcholine's binding area, inserting its middle 'finger' directly into the binding site gorge. This picture explains the exact way in which the venom blocks access to acetylcholine, preventing the nerve message from reaching the muscles. Little wonder that the venom's paralyzing grip on the victim is irreversible!

The new structural knowledge obtained in this research may prove a powerful tool in developing antivenom drugs as well as in the design of therapies for disorders involving the acetylcholine receptor. While its reputation may have been tarnished by its sneaky role in Adam and Eve's banishment from the Garden of Eden, this time around, the snake seems to have more than delivered on its promise to impart valuable knowledge.

Prof. Sara Fuchs holds the Professor Sir Ernst B. Chain Chair of Neuro-Immunology.

Prof. Ephraim Katchalsky-Katzir holds the Theodore R. Racoosin Chair of Biophysics

Prof. Mati Fridkin holds the Lester B. Pearson Chair of Protein Research

Prof. Joel Sussman, Prof. Ephraim Katzir, Prof. Sara Fuchs, Prof. Mati Fridkin. Top: Dr. Michal Harel, Dr. Moshe Balass, Dr. Tali Scherf, Dr. Roni Kasher
Life Sciences

Cell Wizardry


Dr. Uri Alon. Tracing gene circuitry





Life is about decision making. From humans down to unicellular organisms it's all about striking the best deal, finding the greenest pastures or, say, choosing the quickest escape route from fire, predators, or noxious chemicals.

At the command post, on a submicron scale, lies the cell. First viewed by the human eye during the late 1600s but sporting billions of years of evolutionary polish, it easily rivals today's most advanced computers. On receiving information about its environment, the cell processes it, filters out irrelevant cues, cross-checks the extracted information with prior experience, and decides upon an appropriate 'output,' or response strategy.

Scientists have spent decades piecing together this picture of the cell's nuts and bolts. Yet its actual circuitry and time-dependent responses to environmental stimuli remain elusive. Pooling together computer science, a research tool derived from an ancient jellyfish defense strategy, and his background in theoretical physics, Dr. Uri Alon of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Cell Biology Department is tackling these questions. His goal: to trace how gene circuitries and their encoded proteins perform computations within the cell; to find out how the cell 'thinks.'

Alon and his team, including postdoctoral fellow Michal Ronen and Ph.D. student Shiraz Kalir, created an experimental 'tracking' system capable of monitoring the simultaneous expression of multiple genes in real time. Their idea was to take a well-studied molecular pathway, such as the one found in Escherichia coli bacteria, and examine it using green florescent protein (GFP), originally isolated in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. (See below.)

E. coli divides every 30 minutes when food is plentiful, Alon explains. But when things get rough the bacterium prepares to swim away, using a microscopic protein-based 'engine' complete with paddling flagellar appendages, a 100-rpm 'motor,' and an internal computer that directs the bacterium to food-rich areas by examining concentration gradients. To save energy this motor is produced only upon demand, when food runs low. The transformation from a stationary, dividing bacterium to a mobile E. coli takes three generations, with the cell making the initial parts of an engine that its 'grandchildren' will complete.

Using genetic engineering, Alon introduced the gene for GFP into these bacterial genes so that they glow green when expressed (i.e., when they are engaged in protein production). The result: a live system that can be monitored in real time through sequential snapshots. By developing computer algorithms that cluster this information according to the recording time, the team was then able to map the precise timeline of events controlling the bacterium's 'food-detecting' circuitry. Their study was recently published in Science.

'Scientists spent roughly three decades mapping this bacterial network using classic genetic methods, systematically knocking out gene after gene to determine its function,' says Alon. 'Our approach enabled us to reconstruct the entire system within weeks. We confirmed previous studies but also added something new: There's an exquisite synchrony between the time in which each protein is produced and where it is assembled within the bacterial engine.'

Performing with conveyor-belt precision, the bacterium produces 50 proteins divided into 14 groups. First come information processing proteins, then the intracellular structural components of the 'rotary motor,' and finally the extracellular flagellar components. Timing is key. During the second stage, for instance, seven gene groups turn on sequentially according to the motor assembly order, while the last gene activates the third stage. 'These findings highlight how nature excels at conserving energy through methodical planning,' says Alon. 'There's no point in producing a protein until its forerunner is available.'

Following their success with the E. coli model Alon and his team are moving to new protein networks, including one that switches on following DNA damage, dubbed the SOS repair system. Their immediate goal, however, is to construct a detailed map of the bacterial cell circuitry triggered in response to diverse stimuli. Success at this may vault over bacterial lines, edging toward a Holy Grail of molecular biology: 'The dream is to draw up a blueprint of the human cell, to set up a research infrastructure based on mathematical algorithms that can trace diverse protein circuitries,' says Alon.

Just as engineers use detailed diagrams of their machines to zero in on performance problems, the ability to trace protein pathways - for instance what goes wrong in a specific disease - may lead to highly selective medicines targeting a system's weak link, as well as other creative biotech applications.

Where Submarine Warfare Meets Molecular Genetics

The human body contains over 30,000 proteins interacting in dense networks. Figuring out how the cell orchestrates the stuff of life, the way in which it responds to environmental stimuli by playing the DNA like a keyboard to activate certain genes while suppressing others, is a hefty task.

Since 1996, when its three-dimensional structure was solved, green florescent protein (GFP) has lent an increasingly important hand, being used by laboratories across the world to track the expression of proteins in organisms ranging from bacteria and nematodes to rats and humans. It offers unique advantages for the real time exploration of molecules and organelles in live cells.

Originally isolated from Aequorea Victoria, a jellyfish commonly found in the Pacific Ocean, GFP protects the animal by teaming up with another protein  aequorin  that is activated by rising calcium levels in response to a perceived threat. Aequorin emits a blue light which is then 'edited' by GFP to produce a bright green flash that presumably scares off the attacker. Ships and submarines also trigger this unique defense mechanism in the jellyfish, resulting in a glowing trail of light that marks the ship's course  which explains the U.S. military's longstanding interest in the jellyfish.



Dr. Uri Alon holds the Carl and Frances Korn Career Development Chair in the Life Sciences. His research is supported by the Dr. Ernst Nathan Fund for Biomedical Research, the Mrs. Harry M. Ringel Memorial Foundation, the Cherpak-Vered Visiting Fellowship, Yad Hanadiv, and the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.

Dr. Uri Alon.
Life Sciences

Antibiotics in Action

Prof. Ada Yonath. Killing them with a kiss


Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Germany's Max-Planck Society have discovered exactly how each of five antibiotic drugs bind to the bacterial ribosome - the cell's protein factory - shutting off protein production. Proteins are the cell's primary component and the basis of all enzymatic reactions; blocking their production kills the bacterium.

The research team headed by Prof. Ada Yonath of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department and the Max-Planck Research Units for Ribosomal Structure in Hamburg and Berlin has uncovered the exact mode of action of these drugs. Yonath had earlier revealed the detailed structure of the two subunits forming the ribosome, the first ever accomplishment of its kind, in a study described by the prestigious journal Science as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the year 2000. Elucidating the structure of the ribosome - a notoriously unstable, giant nucleoprotein complex - was a goal that had eluded scientists for years.

Armed with their extensive understanding of ribosomal structure, Yonath, Dr. Anat Bashan, and Ph.D. student Raz Zarivach decided to examine precisely how different antibiotics bind to the ribosome and shut off its protein production. To do so they treated bacteria with one of five different antibiotics and then created crystals that captured the individual complexes formed between each drug and the bacterial ribosome.

To examine these microscopic structures the scientists bombarded the crystals with high-intensity X-ray beams, analyzed how the rays diffracted, and then worked backward to decipher the crystal's exact structure - a technology known as X-ray crystallography. Using this method the researchers were able, for the first time, to view how the antibiotic drugs bind to a specific site of action on the ribosome, shutting off its machinery. These findings were recently reported in Nature.

A better understanding of the mode of action of antibiotic drugs may improve the treatment strategies of existing drugs and lead to the design of antibiotics that target bacterial agents at the ribosomal level.

The Max-Planck scientists collaborating in this study are Francois Franceschi, Joerg Harms, Ante Tocilj, Renate Albrecht, and Frank Schluenzen.

Prof. Yonath holds the Martin S. Kimmel Professorial Chair. Her research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomeolecular Structure and Assembly and the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Center for Structural Biology.
Prof. Ada Yonath.

Smoking Out a Decoy


Prof. Jacob Anglister.The smaller the object, the larger the equipment



The smaller an object, the larger the equipment needed to measure it. This rule of thumb comes to mind when looking up at the daunting nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machinery in Prof. Jacob Anglister's laboratory. A member of the Department of Structural Biology at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Anglister uses NMR to probe how molecules in the cell interact. 'Numerous biological processes, including protein production, cellular division, and immune response, depend on two molecules recognizing and responding to each other,' Anglister explains. 'NMR enables us to study this key recognition aspect at the atomic level. For instance, we can capture a three-dimensional representation of the complex formed when two proteins meet.'

Examples of the protein one-on-ones that have grabbed Anglister's attention include what happens when antibodies, the immune system's 'infantry' soldiers, recognize and attack invading proteins; how scorpion neurotoxins bind to neuronal membranes; and how interferon alerts the body to use its antiviral and anticancer weapons. His team is currently focusing on antibodies against the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) that causes AIDS.

During the initial stage of infection, a protein on the envelope of the HIV virus known as gp120 binds to two different immune cells - T-cells and macrophages. This bonding triggers conformational changes in gp120 that mediate the fusion between the virus and its target cells.

Hide and seek

Using NMR, Anglister has revealed the complex formed between the HIV virus and the body's immune cells, and honed in on a region in gp120, called the V3-loop. This loop plays a key role in binding the HIV virus to its target cells - indeed, the immune system generates antibodies whose sole function is to bind with the V3-loop, thus neutralizing the virus. The HIV virus, however, is able to overcome this defense strategy by rapidly mutating the V3-loop to escape detection. Another trick, used by what is perhaps the nastiest strain of this virus, is to hide the V3-loop until the very moment it is needed to bind the virus to its target, so that no immune antibodies will be produced.

A key puzzle to researchers is how the virus is able to use the V3-loop on its envelope to bind to target cells yet at the same time mutate this loop to escape detection. Having uncovered the detailed structure of the V3-loop, Anglister's team may now have a partial answer. In what appears to be an ingenious decoy approach, the DNA encoding the V3-loop consists of two primary types of sites - evolutionarily conserved sites (which suggests they are highly important for viral replication) and rapidly mutating sites that 'cover'/protect the conserved region from attack. Since the protein segments encoded for by the mutating regions are highly exposed on the virus envelope, they quickly draw the immune cells' fire. But because these regions mutate so quickly, the body is unable to mount an effective response. Furthermore, even when the immune cells succeed in generating antibodies against the conserved protein segments, the mutating regions obstruct their attack.

A peptide-based vaccine may offer a partial solution, as demonstrated by Institute Profs. Michael Sela and Ruth Arnon, who pioneered the application of synthetic vaccines. They showed that synthetic peptides could be used to generate a protective immune response against various pathogens. This approach may be especially beneficial in the case of HIV, as it can trigger an immune response against viral regions that, like the V3-loop, are generally hidden. A cocktail of peptides found in the protein sequences of major HIV strains may help researchers target this elusive virus.

Anglister's team is currently studying an antibody, isolated from an HIV patient by an American research group, which is capable of neutralizing various HIV viral strains that have undergone V3-loop mutations. 'Our aim is to use NMR to discover the secret of this antibody's success,' says Anglister. 'Such understanding may help in designing an optimal peptide-based HIV vaccine.'

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

NMR makes possible the study of protein molecules in solution. It can also provide information about dynamic processes in the body occurring at a rate of up to a millionth of a second.

Scientists had traditionally relied on X-ray crystallography to elucidate protein structures. However, when using crystallography one has first to create crystals of the protein in question - an often difficult process.

Additionally, crystallography cannot be performed on solutions, where biological molecules exhibit their activity. The first three-dimensional NMR structure of a protein was solved in 1985 by Kurt Wuthrich and his co-workers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.

In using NMR to probe the structure of protein molecules, a small amount of a solution containing the protein is placed in a magnetic field and an electro-magnetic current is applied at varying frequencies, thus selectively activating the nuclei in the atoms making up the protein molecule.

Since each nucleus -- say that of a carbon or hydrogen atom -- responds with its own unique spin, scientists can use sensitive recording equipment to detect the resultant magnetic fields. They then use this information to construct a three-dimensional picture of the entire protein molecule.

The first NMR application was developed back in the 1940s by Felix Bloch of Stanford University and Harvard's Edward Purcell, earning them the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics. Weizmann Institute scientists Shlomo Alexander and Shaul Meiboom built the world's second high-resolution NMR spectrometer in the 1950s. The system was used to pioneer the research of chemical reactions in equilibrium, and to explore the structure and behavior of molecules. Later Meiboom, Alexander, and other Institute scientists, using nuclear quadropolic resonance, developed a method of measuring the movement of molecules in crystals.


Prof. Anglister holds the Joseph and Ruth Owades Professorial Chair in Chemistry. His research is supported by the Burstein Family Foundation, the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H., the Nelfort Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Samy Cohn.

Prof. Jacob Anglister.

Heart Gene Hunt


Avidan, Olender and Ben-Asher. Single base change












When Leilah* began showing the dreaded symptoms at age 8, her parents quickly turned to the medical community for help. Having earlier lost two children to this mysterious disease, they recognized its signs. She was diagnosed with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PVT) a fatal heart condition. Primarily affecting young children, PVT is characterized by a fast and irregular heartbeat, seizures, and in certain cases, sudden death - particularly following physical exertion or emotional stress.

The child's family belongs to a Bedouin community in the north of Israel thought to be the descendants of three brothers who settled in the Galilee over 200 years ago. The nature of the disease and the common Bedouin custom of familial intermarriage alerted researchers to possible genetic involvement.

Hypothesizing that one of the original brothers had harbored a genetic mutation, doctoral student Hadas Lahat of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, Sheba Medical Center visited the community and tested the families. It appeared she was on the right track. In seven families alone, thirteen children were identified as having PVT and treated. Nine untreated children in these families had earlier died from this condition.

The Sheba team succeeded in pinpointing a region in human chromosome 1 that most likely gave rise to the disease when mutated, and showed that the defective gene was recessive. However the suspect area encompassed over 100 genes, making it nearly impossible to identify the exact gene responsible for PVT. At the time the Human Genome Project was far from complete and information was available for only half of the 100 suspect genes. Lahat and her advisers, Prof. Michael Eldar, Chief of the Heart Institute at the Sheba Medical Center, and Dr. Elon Pras of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, decided to contact the Weizmann Institute of Science for help.

At the Institute, Drs. Nili Avidan, Edna Ben-Asher, and Tsviya Olender, and Prof. Doron Lancet of the Department of Molecular Genetics initially had little success. Indeed, after screening a dozen of the more seemingly biologically relevant genes, the team was quite discouraged. Then, having systematically screened every genome database update, Dr. Olender suddenly came across a perfect candidate gene, Calsequesrin 2 (CASQ2), previously not known to belong to this genomic region. This protein appeared a likely candidate because it serves as a calcium ion reservoir in heart muscle cells. Since it binds, holds, and releases calcium ions, the CASQ2 protein could possibly play a vital role in the contraction and relaxation of heart muscles. A second clue came from an unexpected source. Only four months earlier a different research team had found that a mutation in another gene, known as RYR2, also causes a form of PVT. Importantly, RYR2 takes part in the same cellular pathway as CASQ2.

The Weizmann Institute team soon found that the children suffering from PVT had a mutation in their CASQ2 gene and were able to pinpoint how things had gone wrong in those that had died. They discovered that the mutation was surprisingly small - characterized by only a single base change, from G to C, in one of the DNA's nucleotides, which changes the amino acid coded, from aspartic acid to histidine.

But how can a single amino acid change have such a devastating outcome? The CASQ2 protein carries a very strong negative charge, thus binding a large number of positively charged calcium ions and releasing them when necessary (thereby triggering the muscle contractions through which the heart pumps blood throughout the body). Unfortunately, in the mutated CASQ2 protein, the overall negative charge is smaller, given that the single base change replaces the aspartic acid - which is negatively charged - with the positively charged histidine. This most likely damages the protein's ability to attract calcium ions, leading to heart failure.

'Our finding is expected to improve the screening for and treatment of this fatal disease, as well as opening a window to a better understanding of other heart conditions,' says Dr. Avidan, who champions the mutation discovery effort in the Weizmann team. 'We believe that mutations in this and other biochemically related genes may lie behind a number of as yet largely unsolved heart disorders.'

Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the successful collaboration between the Sheba Medical Center and the Weizmann Institute illustrates how cracking a genetic riddle may save lives. Every solved puzzle sheds light on the role genes play in health and disease, and on the potentially immense future contribution of genetically based drugs.

The research performed at the Weizmann Institute of Science was funded by the Crown Human Genome Center. Other scientists collaborating in this study are Etgar Levy-Nissenbaum and Dr. Boleslaw Goldman of the Danek Gartner Institute of Human Genetics, Sheba Medical Center, and Drs. Asad Khoury and Avraham Lorber of the Rambam Medical Center.

Recessive Inheritance


Both parents carry a normal gene R and a faulty gene r. The parents (Rr genotype, are unaffected carriers, because having one R copy assures health. One quarter of the offspring, who happen to receive a faulty gene from both parents (rr) will have a disease, while the rest will be unaffected.

Dominant Inheritance

An affected parent (genotype Dd) has a single faulty dominant gene (D), which overpowers its normal counterpart (d). When mating with an unaffected parent (dd), half of their offspring will have the disease (Dd) and the other half will be unaffected (dd).

The Human Genome - Facts & Figures

- An estimated 40,000 genes are dispersed through 23 chromosome pairs.

- It is impossible to see the 23 chromosome pairs with the unaided eye, yet this set contains roughly 3.1 billion base pairs - an amount of data roughly equivalent to 200 telephone directories, each 500 pages long.

- Only 3 percent of the genome code for proteins, the rest (sometimes termed 'junk DNA') might serve other, as yet unclear, functions.

- The human genome differs from Chimp DNA by only 1.5% and shares about a third of its genes with Drosophila melanogaster - the common fruit fly. One fly gene with a human counterpart is p53, a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in over 50 percent of all cancer patients.

- The Human Genome Project is a technology triumph. New robots put to work in the last two years have increased the sequencing rate tenfold, enabling the sequencing of the entire human genome in one year.

Prof. Lancet holds the Ralph and Lois Silver Professorial Chair in Human Genomics. His research is supported by the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; the Crown Human Genome Center; the Henri and Francoise Glasberg Foundation; the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation; the Kalman and Ida Wolens Foundation; and Mr. Avraham Goldwasser, Israel.

Left to right: Drs. Nili Avidan, Tzviya Olender and Edna Ben-Asher.
Life Sciences

Death of a Cell

Dr. Atan Gross. Rules of cell suicide


The basic units of all living organisms can travel two main paths on their final journey. One is a form of self-sacrifice. Cell suicide, 'apoptosis,' occurs when cells have become potentially harmful or unnecessary. 'The kill is fast and tidy,' says Dr. Atan Gross of the Weizmann Institute's Biological Regulation Department. 'There are no leftovers, no inflammation, and no harm to surrounding cells.' The cell shrinks, dies, and is then eaten by other cells. Failure of this mechanism can lead to illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, or Alzheimer's disease.

But self-destruction doesn't come easy. A cell's self-destruction manual contains a complex set of instructions, which scientists have long struggled to decipher. In the 1980s, the discovery of a family of proteins called BCL-2, which plays a major role in apoptosis, transformed the field from an apparent impasse to one that might, with difficulty, be traversed. Research received a major boost when enzymes called caspases were found to also serve as activators of certain BCL-2 family members. The field was finally stimulated into what it is today - a focal point for cancer research, teeming with scientists who seek to solve this as yet undecipherable riddle.

Gross's team is conducting three separate studies related to apoptosis. Two deal with how the powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondrion, is involved in apoptosis. Scientists feel that understanding how the mitochondrion breaks apart in apoptosis is crucial to understanding cell suicide. Some believe that channels in the mitochondrion form during the process, and that the mitochondrion's innards leak through them. Other theories point to the formation of oxygen radicals as causing the rupture of the mitochondrion's membrane.

Most recently, Gross found that before apoptosis, a version of a molecule in the BCL-2 family, called tBID, forms aggregates in the mitochondrion's membrane, possibly in an effort to construct channels.

Hoping to explore this phenomenon further, Gross decided to check what happens when BAX, another molecule belonging to the BCL-2 family, is introduced into yeast. 'As a single-celled organism, yeast lacks its own apoptotic mechanism, thus offering an ideal control setting for selectively examining the effect of specific molecules on apoptosis,' explains Gross, adding that its single-celled status also makes it easy to manipulate.

An additional study, which Gross conducted in collaboration with Prof. Alex Tsafriri of the same department, deals with apoptosis in the ovary (atresia). Gross: 'Apoptosis is crucial to ovulation. Ovaries contain huge numbers of follicles, carrying immature eggs, of which thousands undergo atresia. Follicles that reach the ovulation stage are the exception to the rule.' Observing follicles in culture, he found that caspases were barely activated in apoptosis, and apoptosis still occurred when caspase activity was inhibited. On the other hand, when ovulation was induced, caspase activity, surprisingly, increased. Caspases, then, may play a non-apoptotic role in the ovulation process.

As Gross and other scientists work to unlock the secrets of apoptosis, one can only hope that new understandings in the field will lead to improved treatment of some of humankind's most menacing diseases.

Dr. Gross holds the Robert Armour Family Career Development Chair in Perpetuity. His research is supported by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chais, Beverly Hills, CA; the Dolfi and Lola Ebner Center for Biomedical Research; the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Willner Family Center for Vascular Biology; Mr. and Mrs. Bram of Belgium; the Louis Chor Memorial Trust Fund; the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for Molecular Genetics of Cancer; Yad Hanadiv; the Jean-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; and the Foundatin Fernande et Jean Gaj.
Dr. Atan Gross.
Life Sciences
