Science Feature Articles</p>

A Rose by Any Other Name


A rose is a rose is a rose; but do we, the artist and the poet all see the same flower in the same way?

This age-old philosophical question has now been put to the test by scientists at the Weizmann Institute.

While no one can actually “get inside” the head of another, for neurobiologists, modern biological imaging methods such as fMRI are the next best thing. The f stands for “functional,” meaning that the magnetic images record changes in the brain’s blood flow while it is in the process of thinking or experiencing, responding to stimuli or performing set tasks, allowing scientists to accurately pinpoint the areas involved in each function.

To compare individual perceptions of visual experiences, Prof. Rafael Malach and Uri Hasson, along with their colleagues in the Neurobiology Department, showed volunteers a segment of a movie (in this case, the classic Western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) while they were undergoing brain scans with fMRI.

The scans allowed the scientists to see which areas of the subjects’ brains were active during love scenes or gunfights. Because a movie offers a wealth of different visual stimuli - scenery, faces, action, etc. - the researchers were able to track the brains’ response to a rich, dynamic scene. A change in experimental stimuli turned up surprising results. Rather than showing the subjects carefully selected slides or photos - the typical visual stimuli used in such experiments - the researchers showed them a movie. Essentially, rather than presenting one type of stimulus and then looking for the response, the brain areas themselves were allowed to select their own fare from a smorgasbord of possibilities, and the scientists then took note of the brain’s selections.

What they found was a striking similarity between brain activity patterns in all the subjects; so much so that the patterns of one brain could be used to predict activity in other brains when viewing the same segment. “Despite our strong sense of individuality, such a high level of agreement among subjects implies that our brains ‘tick together’ when exposed to the same visual environment,” says Malach.

Interestingly however, the brain scans also revealed that within an individual brain, different regions are active in viewing different parts of the movie. Because each area is activated by a specific kind of visual cue, it only picks up on those bits that “speak” directly to its specialized preference. For instance, a region known to be involved with face recognition lights up only when close-ups appear on the screen, while scenery elicits a response from another part of the brain that helps us navigate in three-dimensional space. The scientists noted a third area that seemed to be activated when actors performed delicate hand motions. They believe this last area may be part of a network of brain regions used to understand the actions and intentions of others. “While you perceive a single, whole movie, different regions of your brain are each processing a private motion picture of their own,” says Malach. “The unified percept you experience is, in fact, the result of a tremendous ‘jam session’ played by many different, highly specialized brain areas.”

Watching brain patterns

Prof. Malach’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Murray H. and Meyer Grodetsky Center for Research of Higher Brain Functions; the Norman and Helen Asher Center for Brain Imaging; the Edith C. Blum Foundation Inc.; the Mary Ralph Designated Philanthropic Fund and the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

Life Sciences

Archaeology Goes Hi-Tech


Prof. Uzy Smilansky. Physics of ancient relics

How smart were the hominids who inhabited our planet 1.5 millions years ago? Did the Phoenicians destroy the Mediterranean port of Dor? Until recently, you wouldn’t have expected Weizmann Institute research to throw light on such questions, but today’s Institute scientists are involved in a number of archaeological studies, including several conducted in an unlikely venue - a physics lab.

Prehistoric axes and pieces of ancient pottery began to appear in Weizmann’s physics building about three years ago, after Prof. Uzy Smilansky celebrated his 60th birthday by taking his family to work at an archaeological dig in Ein Gedi. Smilansky, of the Physics of Complex Systems Department, had been fascinated by archaeology ever since he volunteered at the excavation of Massada in the 1960s during his army service. Returning to this lifelong interest, he set out to develop an objective, computerized method for analyzing large amounts of archaeological data.

One area of archaeology where computers might prove invaluable is the study of pottery - which provides a wealth of information about past civilizations, helping to date excavated layers, reveal social customs and trace trade relations. Sorting and classifying pottery finds is, however, an overwhelming task. Excavations generally churn up thousands of pieces of broken clay pots. Moreover, the use of artists to hand-draw the pottery shards potentially introduces a bias. Smilansky attacked these problems together with two archaeologists, Drs. Ayelet Gilboa of the University of Haifa and Ilan Sharon of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and graduate student Avshalom Karasik, who has a joint bachelor’s degree in archaeology and mathematics.

To produce objective digital images of pottery pieces, the scientists used a profilograph, a device that traces the outline of an object and transmits it to a computer. Next, they analyzed the resulting images using a mathematical algorithm that sorts the objects according to their curvature.

Initial results have proven promising. One of the studies examined findings from Dor - today a popular beach north of Tel Aviv, but in the distant past a bustling Mediterranean port and commercial hub.


ancient pottery: The science of style

Dor was excavated for two decades under the direction of Hebrew University’s Prof. Ephraim Stern and is now being explored under the guidance of Gilboa and Sharon. The digging had revealed layers belonging to the 12th and 11th centuries BCE, separated by a thick layer of debris.

Archaeologists assumed that the debris signaled a sweeping change in population: The Phoenicians, who conquered Dor from the Sea People in the 11th century BCE, had apparently wrought widespread destruction. However, a computer analysis revealed that the pottery had undergone a continuous evolutionary change during the 12th and 11th centuries BCE, thus putting into question the effect of the Phoenician conquest on the local population. “Obviously, you can’t draw sweeping conclusions from this finding, but it does support the notion of cultural continuity. At the very least, the art of pottery continued to be passed on from father to son,” says Gilboa.

Another study offers a look into the brain power of our prehistoric ancestors by examining early Stone Age handaxes, found in abundance in Israel. The ones studied by the scientists were apparently left behind about 1.5 million years ago by Homo erectus migrating from Africa to Asia and Europe.

Smilansky, Karasik and Sharon, working with postdoctoral fellow and prehistorian Dr. Idit Saragusti, found that at three of the sites studied, the axes showed enhanced symmetry and smoothness over time - a finding that suggests the evolution of cognitive skills, since the ability to generate symmetry requires a certain degree of sophistication.

Since word of the new method got out, Smilansky has been approached by archaeologists in Israel and abroad and is currently involved in half a dozen collaborative projects. If the method’s popularity continues to grow, archaeological exhibits are likely to become a routine fixture in the Institute’s physics building.

This research was supported by a Bikura Grant from the Israel Science Foundation and by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Archaeological Sciences at the Weizmann Institute. Prof. Smilansky’s research is supported by the J & R Center for Scientific Research and the Minerva Center for Nonlinear Physics of Complex Systems. He is the incumbent of the Professor Wolfgang Gentner Professorial Chair of Nuclear Physics.

Prof. Uzy Smilansky. Piecing the puzzle
Scientific Archaeology

Tubes with a Twist


Prof. Israel Rubinstein and his team. Tubes in a template

In a discovery filled with surprises, Institute scientists have created a new type of nanotube made of gold, silver and other metals. Made at room temperature - a first time achievement - the tubes exhibit unique electrical and optical properties, and may lead to a variety of applications in medicine, industry and security systems.

Nanotubes are among the most promising materials of nanoscience, a rapidly growing field aimed at creating novel materials and structures by manipulating matter on the tiniest of scales - atom by atom, molecule by molecule. (Nanos, the Greek for dwarf, is one billionth, so a nano-meter is one billionth of a meter - or roughly one hundred-thousandth the width of a human hair.)

The first nanotubes, discovered in 1991, were made of carbon and captured the attention of scientists worldwide when, despite their incredibly small dimensions, they proved to be the strongest material ever made (see box).

The new nanotube created at the Institute lacks the mechanical strength of carbon nanotubes. Its advantages lie instead in its use of nanoparticles made of gold, silver and other metals as building blocks. This makes it possible to tailor the tube’s properties to diverse functions according to the nature of the nanoparticles chosen. These nanoparticles can also serve as a scaffold for various add-ons, such as semiconducting or polymeric materials, thus further expanding the tubes’ available properties.

The study, published in Angewandte Chemie, was performed by Prof. Israel Rubinstein, Dr. Alexander Vaskevich, post-doctoral associate Dr. Michal Lahav and Ph.D. student Tali Sehayek - all of the Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department.

The scientists had started out with a totally different target - to create nanosized templates for studying how biological molecules pass through different membranes. “We were amazed when we discovered the beautifully formed nanotubes,” says Rubinstein. “The construction of nanotubes out of nanoparticles is unprecedented, and,” he adds smiling, “the twist is that we’re not yet sure how this happens, which, of course, is one of the fun things about science.”

What is clear is the specific scheme that led to the tubes’ formation. The team started out with an aluminum oxide template with nanosized pores, which they modified chemically to make it readily connect to gold or silver nanoparticles. When a solution containing the nanoparticles was poured through (each only 14 nanometers in diameter), the particles bonded to both the template and to one another, creating multi-layered nanotubes in the template pores. In the final step, the template can be dissolved, leaving an assembly of free-standing, solid nanotubes. “We expected the nanoparticles to bind to the template - that had been done before; but we did not expect them to bind to one another, creating the tubes,” says Rubinstein.

The resulting tubes are porous and have a high surface area, distinct optical properties and electrical conductivity. Collectively, the tubes’ unusual properties may enable the design of new catalysts as well as sensors capable of detecting diverse substances present in minuscule amounts. A key feature of their success would be the ability, due to the tube’s room-temperature production, to add on biological molecules that would otherwise be destroyed by high production temperatures. These would then perform their natural function of recognizing other molecules in nature, in a key-fits-lock manner. Other tube applications might include lab-on-a-chip systems used in biotechnology, such as DNA chips that detect genetic mutations or evaluate drug performance. Yeda, the Institute’s technology transfer arm, has filed a patent application for the tubes.


A close look shows hollow gold/palladium tubes

Tough stuff

While major hurdles remain, scientists believe that the products of nanoscience might change our future. Carbon nanotubes, for instance, are already a favorite with researchers worldwide. Researchers estimate that a fiber about the width of a human hair made of these carbon tubes could support around 2 tons. The first experiment demonstrating the strength of carbon nanotubes was performed here at the Institute by Prof. Daniel Wagner. The tubes’ phenomenal strength (over 100 times stronger than steel) has triggered research targeting applications that run the gamut from classic engineering quests, such as longer bridges and taller buildings, to science-fiction- like missions, including nanotube cables that would tether a satellite in orbit or even make possible “space elevators” carrying people or equipment into outer space.

Different dimensions

Look for Rubinstein and his team outside of the lab and you might be surprised. Rubinstein, for instance, has a black belt in karate, having picked up the sport at age 45; Vaskevich (Sasha) spends his downtime trekking through mountains and art museums; for Michal Lahav, currently pursuing a postdoc at Harvard University, time-off is best spent deep-water diving in the Red Sea’s world-famous reefs; and roaming through the jungles of Peru or the temples of Thailand is how Ph.D. student Tali Sehayek chooses to relax.

Prof. Rubinstein’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Fritz Haber Center for Physical Chemistry; the Angel Faivovich Foundation for Ecological Studies; the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research; the Edward D. and Anna Mitchell Family Foundation; and Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.

Prof. Wagner is the incumbent of the Livio Norzi Professorial Chair.

(l-r) Dr. Alexander Vaskevich, Prof. Israel Rubinstein and Ph.D. student Tali Sehayek. Tube tales



Harel, Efroni and Cohen. Dynamic model


The life stories of blood stem cells, rich in suspense and danger, could fill volumes. A new study at the Weizmann Institute of Science has come out with a dynamic model that, for the first time, captures these stories on film.

Every 15 minutes a stem cell travels from the bone marrow to the thymus gland, where it undergoes a grueling training period. Only a few survive. The training proceeds through several stations, each of which equips the cadet with the skills necessary for the next stage. The process is very risky: If the cadet goes to the wrong station it will die. If it goes to the right station yet performs incorrectly or receives too strong a stimulus it again will die. Those that survive – only 3% – become mature T cells, the top combatants of the immune system. What is the secret of their survival? Is it possible to forecast the survival chances of each cell? The factors determining life and death are many: a small change in the number of certain receptors on the cell, the level of expressed proteins, etc. Since the number of receptors and cells is very large, and the number of combinations they may form is even larger, the whole system is extremely complex. Until now, scientists have lacked the ability to obtain an integrated picture of this process without introducing gross over simplifications.

To overcome this problem, Prof. Irun Cohen of the Weizmann Institute’s Immunology Department collaborated with Prof. David Harel, Dean of the Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty. With their joint graduate student Sol Efroni they were able to build a dynamic model that describes the training process through animation. In other words, they took the script – an enormous amount of information accumulated through previous studies – and turned it into a moving picture of the working thymus. What’s more, it’s an interactive film, in which the scientists can change parts of the plot to see how varying circumstances affect the outcome.

Their approach, termed Reactive Animation (RA) was designed using Statecharts, a method developed by Harel around 20 years ago to facilitate the management of complex computerized systems (see box).

In watching the animated drama, the scientists were able to piece together how different circumstances (such as changes in the stem cell population due to cell death or birth) affect the training results. They were surprised to discover several previously unsuspected phenomena. It turns out, for example, that during training the thymus cells compete with one another in Darwinian fashion, and even interfere with one another’s performance.

To examine the importance of this competition, the scientists used the dynamic RA model to decrease the level of competitiveness among the cells. The result: The structure of the thymus gland became distorted and its normal function ceased. In other words, the competition among the cells is a critical phenomenon without which T-cell training cannot take place.

To assess the reliability of their program, the scientists designed an experiment in which they entered  the data characterizing the starting point of the thymus cell-training program. They then ran the program without interruption (i.e. without introducing new circumstances) to see whether the outcome would correspond to the training results occurring naturally in the body. The result was a direct match. 

The model’s ability to describe the behavior of this highly complex biological system will enable experimental biologists to examine theories relating to immune function, choosing those that best conform to reality. “A better understanding of the factors controlling the T-cell training process could one day be used to promote desirable immune responses, such as blocking autoimmune diseases and reducing the body’s rejection of transplants,” says Cohen.

RA could also prove helpful to the study of embryogenesis – a leading field in biology dedicated to exploring the remarkable process by which a single fertilized egg develops into a complex three-dimensional organism. One of the team’s findings was that it is possible to generate a detailed model of the thymus gland – its form and function – merely by providing the computer program with information about the gland’s cells, the way these cells interact, and the chemicals they secret. Future studies might apply RA in this fashion to study the development of other glands or even organs. The idea, says Cohen, would be to use RA to examine how the body’s components “speak” to and influence one another to orchestrate the development of the lungs, heart and other organs – all striking in their architectural waltz of form and function.



Statecharts animation protrays a complex biological system






Statecharts provides a visual description of the behavior of big, reactive systems such as those present in airplanes, automobiles and phone networks. Recently, it has been used to describe biological systems. The method presents all known possibilities and the relations between them in systematic, hierarchical diagrams. A software tool called Rhapsody, devised by Prof. Harel with a company called I-Logix, implements and supports Statecharts.


In RA, the diagrams produced using Statecharts were programmed to interface in a novel way with Flash animation. 


Prof. Cohen’s research is supported by the Robert Koch Minerva Center for Research in Autoimmune Disease; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Theodore Cohen, Chicago, IL; and the Minna James Heineman Stiftung. He is the incumbent of the Helen and Morris Mauerberger Professorial Chair in Immunology.


Prof. David Harel, graduate student Sol Efroni and Prof. Irun Cohen. Survival of the fittest
Math & Computer Science

The Body Electric


Prof. Eitan Reuveny. Ion channels



A brilliant flash of lightning streaks across the evening sky followed by a sharp crack of thunder. As you rush upstairs to close the bedroom window, the millions of cells making up your heart muscle continue their endless task of contracting and relaxing in concert, guided by a small group of conductor cells. You then turn up the heater, relishing the wave of hot air as it meets your skin.

Electricity is everywhere: in nature, appliances and the human body. A steady heartbeat, mental processing, the perception of sounds, sights and temperatures - all depend on meticulously orchestrated cellular communication pathways linked up through electrochemical signaling.

One of the body’s primary communication pathways consists of a tiny pipe located in the cell membrane that opens to allow ions (electrically charged atoms) to flow into or out of the cells according to specific signals. These pipes, known as ion channels, are “motivated” to open by electrical differences existing between a cell’s internal and external environment.
Cells maintain an electric charge that is negative relative to their external environment. When these channels open, this difference in energy propels positively charged ions through the channel, triggering a variety of cellular processes.

Most channels allow the passage of only one type of ion. Yet how do different channels open and close? What enables them to act like bouncers at a club, selectively determining which ions (such as sodium, calcium or potassium) will enter or exit the cell?

Prof. Eitan Reuveny of the Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department is studying this cellular feat in potassium channels - key  ion channels affecting the electrical state of the heart, nerves and muscles.

Previous research had revealed that the potassium channel contains a selectivity filter that identifies and binds to potassium ions, filtering these ions from the intracellular solution. It does so with remarkable speed - tens of millions of ions are identified and travel through a single channel every second. The channel opens when an intracellular molecule, called a G protein, is activated, causing four of its subunits to rearrange themselves, thus permitting ion flow. The mechanism is similar to that of a door latch. Following activation, the G protein subunits bind to the channel, changing its formation in a way that essentially presses down a handle, pulling a door tongue inside and thus opening the channel.

To probe this “door-latch” mechanism, Reuveny is combining exciting new technologies from the worlds of biophysics and molecular genetics to do what was unthinkable just a few years ago: identify the tiny fluctuations of electric potential that occur within an individual cell. One of the technologies applied (which earned its developers, German cell physiologists Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann, the 1991 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) is based on using microscopic glass pipettes a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter. By sucking in a tiny part of the cell membrane containing only one ion channel, the pipettes make it possible to measure the incredibly tiny current created as ions pass through.

Working with graduate students Rona Sadja, Karin Smadja, Noga Alagem and Inbal Riven, Reuveny began by introducing genetic modifications that in effect shortened the latch tongue, causing the channel to open even without G protein activation. Next, they tagged the channel with “reporter” proteins that lit up under certain optical conditions, making it possible to trace the actual movements of the channel latch.

Using this double strategy, the team succeeded in identifying the key molecular elements that open the potassium channel. Later research showed that these same elements also fulfill an important role in stabilizing the channel once it opens. The team’s findings were published in Neuron.

A better understanding of the rules governing potassium and other ion channels will clarify some of the most basic life processes. Insights into what goes wrong when cellular communication pathways break down may also lead to new therapies, from those targeting heart arrhythmia to diabetes and a range of neuronal disorders.

Opening the potassium channel

Potassium channels and diabetes

In related research, Prof.  Reuveny is studying how fluctuations in the electrical activity of potassium channels trigger a “shut-down” response that controls insulin release. Research in this field might lead to a new therapy for hypoglycemia - a complication of Type 1 diabetes occurring when elevated levels of insulin flow into the blood, causing glucose to drop to dangerously low levels.

Prof. Reuveny’s research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Dr. Josef Cohn Minerva Center for Biomembrane Research; and the Buddy Taub Foundation.



Prof. Eitan Reuveny. Cell talk
Space & Physics

Reversing Colon Cancer


Prof. Avri Ben-Ze’ev. Tracing cell circuitry


Weizmann Institute scientists have uncovered a key mechanism leading to the spread of cancerous colon cells and have succeeded in reversing their metastasis in laboratory tests. The study, published in the Journal of Cell Biology, raises hopes that target-specific drugs might be devised to prevent, or reverse, the metastatic stage of colon cancer.

The second most prevalent type of cancer in men and the third in women in the Western world, colon cancer is lethal largely because its cells spread to a variety of other tissues, primarily the liver.

Normal cell growth and repair are orchestrated through an intricate checks-and-balances system controlled by a circuitry of genes and their respective proteins. Tumor formation is generally triggered by a mutation in one or several of these genes, causing the circuitry to go off track.

The team of Institute researchers headed by Prof. Avri Ben-Ze’ev of the Molecular Cell Biology Department has now traced one of the key cellular circuitries that, when mutated, leads to metastatic cancer of the colon. Its main players are two “cell-gluing” molecules known as beta-catenin and E-cadherin, and a cancer-causing gene called Slug. The team showed that the malfunction of these adhesion-related molecules causes the cancer cells to break loose from the tissue and migrate to form another tumor at a distant site.

They found that abnormally high levels of beta-catenin (due to a mutation in the beta-catenin gene itself or in one of the genes controlling its breakdown) cause a surge in Slug, which then inhibits the production of beta-catenin's partner in cell adhesion, E-cadherin. The resulting E-cadherin shortage prevents the cell from adhering to adjacent cells. “The cell takes on a boat-like shape and, leaving the pack, enters the bloodstream and migrates to distant colon tissue, where it proceeds to multiply, forming a new tumor,” explains Ben-Ze’ev.


Drug for Slug

The scientists found that when colon cancer cells are surrounded by other such cells in the crowded environment created in a test tube, minute quantities of E-cadherin recruit beta-catenin from the nucleus and bind to it. Lower levels of beta-catenin in the nucleus then result in decreased Slug production, leading, in turn, to increased E-cadherin production. As a result, the cells stick together and form a tissue-like organization, losing their invasive properties. This finding parallels a recent study in colon cancer patients by pathologists at Erlangen University in Germany. In examining lymph node tumors that had spread from the patient’s colon, the researchers found that some of the cells naturally maintained their invasive character, while others reordered into a crowded, normal “tissue-like” organization. Something about their new environment induced cell repair. This is precisely the process that Ben Ze’ev’s team hopes to promote to block metastasis. The question is how to tilt the scales in favor of the formation of normal tissue.

 “The fact that the invasive process in colon cancer can be turned around is surprising,” says Ben-Ze’ev. “It offers hope of reversing the metastatic process, or even preventing it, in the future. One idea would be to design a drug that would raise the levels of the adhesive E-cadherin protein by targeting its inhibitor - Slug.”  

Prof. Ben-Ze’ev’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Yad Abraham Center for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy; the estate of Maria Zondek; and La Fondation Raphael et Regina Levy. He is the incumbent of the Samuel Lunenfeld-Reuben Kunin Professorial Chair of Genetics.

Slug reduces represses cell gluing protein



Prof. Avri Ben-Ze’ev. Silence of the genes
Life Sciences

NMR - the Movie


Prof. Lucio Frydman. Magnetism



Lucio Frydman devotes much of his time to one of the oldest traditions of humankind - making tools and using them to explore the world that surrounds us. But things have changed quite a bit since early blade-shaping, fire-making and glass-blowing attempts. “The goal is to craft ever-sensitive recording methods for peering into the heart of matter,” says Frydman, a professor in the Institute’s Chemical Physics Department.

The tool he is working to perfect is called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which, since its development in the 1940s, has proven invaluable to studying the structure of molecules, designing new drugs and even exploring the human brain (see box).

The key to NMR is magnetism. All matter is made up of atoms, and each atom contains a nucleus. When exposed to electromagnetic radiation, nuclei “get excited” - they start spinning, creating their own electromagnetic sounds. The nucleus of each type of atom emits a sound that is entirely unique. The challenge facing NMR scientists is to study the dispersion patterns of the sound waves produced by the excited molecules - in other words, to work backward from the resulting “nuclear symphony” to reconstruct a precise three-dimensional picture of the molecule.

It’s not an easy task. To date, scientists wishing to obtain a full NMR picture of complex molecules needed to perform numerous measurements: hundreds or thousands of one-dimensional scans, which could only be performed one after the other. These scans were then combined to create a unified three-dimensional picture. While a single scan took a fraction of a second, the multidimensional procedures leading to the overall picture of the molecule could last several hours or even days.

Now Frydman and his team have developed an approach called ultrafast multidimensional NMR that significantly expedites the analysis of the electromagnetic sounds produced, making it possible to acquire complete multidimensional NMR spectra within a fraction of a second.

Their approach, described in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA, “slices up” the molecular sample into numerous thin layers and then simultaneously performs all the measurements required on every one of these slices. The protocol then integrates these measurements according to their precise location, generating an image that amounts to a full multidimensional spectrum from the entire sample.

Thanks to the speed with which the new method collects the data, scientists will now be able to observe rapid changes taking place in molecules, such as the folding of proteins. In a sense, the method amounts to a transition from taking NMR “stills” to making NMR “movies.”

Frydman’s team is applying the techniques they’ve developed to study a variety of molecular structures and their potential interactions with their surroundings. One of their projects examines how nucleic acids and other biological molecules bind to metal ions (metals play vital roles in a range of systems, including serving as catalysts, which speed up reactions or enable them to occur). Additional projects aim to facilitate the efficient use of NMR in pharmaceutical and biochemical studies.

The team’s approach should make it possible to examine molecular and biological systems with a much higher time resolution than was previously possible, yielding detailed insights into molecular-level interactions. These, in turn, might advance the design of new drugs as well as industrial catalysts and novel materials.

Contributing to this research were Dr. Adonis Lupulescu of the Chemical Physics Department and Dr. Tali Scherf of Chemical Services at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Prof. Frydman’s research is supported by the Fritz Haber Center for Physical Chemistry; the Henri Gutwirth Fund for Research; the estate of Ilse Katz, Switzerland; the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research; the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.; and the Abraham and Sonia Rochlin Foundation.

First magnetic steps

Research using nuclear magnetic resonance dates back to the 1940s, when Felix Bloch of Stanford University and Harvard’s Edward Purcell first applied NMR to examine solids and liquids, earning themselves the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics. Weizmann Institute scientists Shlomo Alexander and Shaul Meiboom built one of the world’s first high-resolution NMR spectrometers in the early 1950s. They and other Institute scientists later developed an NMR approach for measuring the behavior of molecules in crystals and solutions. Since then NMR and its daughter technique, MRI, have evolved into what is arguably the most commonly used analytical and diagnostic tool in scientific research, spanning the fields of medicine, structural biology, pharmaceutical chemistry, condensed matter physics and earth sciences.


Making of a toolmaker

Argentinean-born Prof. Frydman received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires. Following a postdoctoral period at the University of California, Berkeley he joined the faculty of the University of Chicago, where after seven years he became a full professor. He and his family settled in Rehovot, Israel, in 2001, when he joined the Institute’s Chemical Physics Department.

And why choose NMR research? “This field is unique in the way it combines quantum mechanical principles with instrumental and computational challenges,” says Frydman. “Moreover, its importance as a diagnostic tool in a variety of scientific fields means that there’s always a new question just waiting to be explored.”


Prof. Lucio Frydman. Ultrafast NMR

Garlic “Smart Bomb”


Prof. David Mirelman. Garlic compund kills cancer


Weizmann Institute scientists have destroyed malignant tumors in mice using a chemical that occurs naturally in garlic. The key to the scientists’ success lies in the development of a two-step system that delivers the cancer-treating chemical directly to the tumor.

The active chemical, called allicin, is the substance that gives garlic its distinctive aroma and flavor. For many years, scientists studying allicin have known that it is as toxic as it is pungent. It has been shown to kill not only cancer cells, but the cells of disease-causing microbes and even healthy human body cells. Fortunately for our cells, allicin is highly unstable and breaks down quickly once ingested. However, its rapid breakdown and undiscriminating toxicity have presented twin hurdles to creating an effective allicin-based therapy. 

Researchers in the Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department have now solved this double challenge, designing a delivery method that works with the pinpoint accuracy of a smart bomb. The study, reported in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, was performed by Drs. Aharon Rabinkov, Talia Miron and Marina Mironchick, working with Profs. David Mirelman and Meir Wilchek.

Allicin is not present in unbroken cloves of garlic; it is produced in a biochemical reaction between two substances stored apart in tiny adjoining compartments within each clove - an enzyme called alliinase and a normally inert chemical called alliin. When the clove is damaged - whether by food-seeking soil parasites or upon crushing in cooking - the membranes separating the compartments are ruptured, alliin and alliinase interact, and allicin is produced.

The scientists wondered whether it might be possible to reproduce this natural reaction at the site of a tumor. In this way, toxic allicin molecules could be aimed directly at the cancer cells.

To pursue this goal, the scientists took advantage of the fact that most types of cancer cells exhibit distinctive receptors on their surfaces. They took an antibody naturally programmed to recognize one of these receptors and chemically bonded it to the garlic enzyme, alliinase. They then injected this paired unit into the bloodstream, where, as expected, it proceeded to seek out cancerous cells. The second component, alliin, was then injected at intervals. When encountering the alliinase enzyme, the normally inert alliin molecules were turned into lethal allicin molecules, which then penetrated and killed the tumor cells. Neighboring healthy cells remained intact due to the precise delivery system.

Using this method, the team has succeeded in blocking the growth of gastric tumors in mice. The tumor-inhibiting effects were seen up to the end of the experimental period, long after the internally produced allicin was spent. The scientists note that the method could work for most types of cancer, as long as a specific antibody could be customized to recognize receptors unique to the particular cancer cell. The technique could prove invaluable for preventing metastasis following surgery. “Even though doctors cannot detect where metastatic cells have migrated and lodged themselves,” says Mirelman, “the antibody-alliinase unit should be able to hunt them down and, in the presence of alliin, destroy them anywhere in the body.”


Cancer cells -- before and after allicin treatment


From vampires to fungi

Long hailed as a wonder plant, garlic has been used traditionally for everything from warding off vampires to treating bacterial and fungal infections. The ancient Egyptians fed garlic to their pyramid-building slaves to enhance their stamina; the Greeks used it to treat bladder infections, leprosy and asthma; and in World War I, following research by Louis Pasteur proving garlic’s anti-bacterial properties, the plant was used to disinfect open wounds and prevent gangrene.

Modern research has confirmed that garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-amoebic, anti-inflammatory and even heart-protecting properties, with a lipid-lowering effect that prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits. Allicin, the active compound in crushed garlic, has been shown to kill over 20 types of bacteria, including Salmonella and Staphylococcus.

In previous research, Prof. Mirelman and his colleagues Dr. Miron, Dr. Rabinkov and Prof. Wilchek revealed that allicin kills disease-causing amoebas, bacteria and fungi by inactivating some of their enzymes. This finding led to current efforts to develop therapies against intestinal and fungal diseases, which claim the lives of thousands yearly and afflict millions more. The group has also shown that allicin can function as an antioxidant, inactivating harmful oxygen molecules believed to contribute to atherosclerosis.

Alliin and Alliinase combine to form cancer-killing allicin



Prof. David Mirelman. On target
Life Sciences

Ancient Cast - New Production


Dr. Roy Bar-Ziv. Like an electrical circuit, but made of genes


Shaped through time, biological cells are the ultimate engineering systems, able to perform the most advanced information processing known. They also produce a wonderland of materials - from over 100,000 proteins to the materials they help build: skin, record-strong spiderwebs, horns and far more. The cell pulls off these feats in a tiny setting that engineers can only dream of. How do its systems work? Might they be harnessed to build superfast computers or advance new biotechnologies?

In a step that might help address these questions, a Weizmann scientist has now designed the first synthetic circuit able to process genetic input to produce proteins. The circuit works on the principles of a conventional electrical circuit - that of a flashlight, for instance - but is constructed entirely of genes, proteins and other biological molecules. “Our goal was to determine whether an assembly of these components could be made to operate outside the context of a living cell,” says Dr. Roy Bar-Ziv, of the Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department, who performed the work with Prof. Albert Libchaber and Dr. Vincent Noireaux of Rockefeller University in New York.

The circuit built by the scientists floats in a biochemical “soup” containing the necessary ingredients and machinery for processing genetic information to produce proteins. The circuit inputs are genes (DNA molecules coding for proteins) which are “wired-up” so that the protein encoded by one gene can either activate or depress the production of neighboring proteins. The circuit design also uses an external sugar molecule that, functioning much like a biochemical switch, turns on the protein synthesis.

While other scientists have developed single-gene systems, this is the first time researchers have rigged up a multiple-gene circuit outside the cell. Though rudimentary, this synthetic circuit offers an isolated and thus highly controllable environment in which to explore the workings of the cell. Moreover, it may represent the first step to streamlined protein production plants or advanced biocomputers. Unlike conventional computer systems, in which information is processed through a rigid digital 0-or-1, yes-or-no framework, biological networks are able to plod toward their goal using the multi-branched routes characteristic of parallel processing. This inherent property, researchers believe, might significantly fast-forward computer processing.

But this won’t happen any time soon. The system’s DNA-to-protein reactions can take an hour or more, and it takes time until enough of the first material is produced to initiate the next stage. When too many stages are added to the sequence, the reactions tend to fizzle out as available resources are used up.

The next step, says Bar-Ziv, is to try to introduce circuitries of this sort into different materials. Once it is possible to create positive and negative feedback systems to turn things on and off, one could potentially design artificial circuits that mimic transistors, sensors, memory elements and clocks. “The gene is hardware and software all rolled up into one, and we need to learn to work with its unique properties,” says Bar-Ziv. “Scientists are busy trying to invent self-replicating nanotechnology, but why not use what already exists?”


Steps in the gene circuit


A different type of building

Dr. Bar-Ziv credits his current career track to his background in both theoretical and experimental physics (through M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees completed at the Institute under Profs. Sam Safran and Elisha Moses, respectively), followed by a 3-year postdoc at Rockefeller University under Prof. Libchaber, where he focused on biological systems. The lab, says Bar-Ziv, is the best kind of work/playground he can imagine - where he can combine his fascination with the abstract questions of physics with his dream of building artificial biological circuits.

* Prof. Libchaber received an honorary doctorate from the Weizmann Institute in 2003.

Dr. Bar Ziv’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Sir Charles Clore Prize - the Clore Foundation; Sir Harry Djanogly, CBE, U.K.; the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research; the Levy-Markus Foundation; and the Lord Sieff of Brimpton Memorial Fund. He is the incumbent of the Beracha Foundation Career Development Chair.



Dr. Roy Bar-Ziv. Gene circuits
Space & Physics

Prince of Tides


Dr. Hezi Gildor. Connected cycles


Party planners may have one more thing to worry about in planning their event. To the list of volcanoes, sunspots and other phenomena known to affect the weather, scientists have now added another potential element: ocean plankton.

Though tiny, these ocean-floating organisms may influence weather patterns all over the world, particularly in the tropics. Dr. Hezi Gildor of the Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department revealed this potential link through computer models he designed to examine how nature’s complex web of interacting elements determines global climates.

Plankton drift with ocean currents. They range in size from the microscopic to the barely visible, but they are so abundant their populations can be tracked from orbiting satellites. NASA tracks plankton because they make up the bottommost levels of the marine food chain, and the health of the entire ocean may depend on them.

One of Gildor’s models involves two major groups of plankton: plant-like phytoplankton, which, like their rooted cousins, take up sunlight, carbon dioxide and nutrients and convert them into sugars using chlorophyll; and zooplankton, animal-like organisms that live off the phytoplankton. Under certain conditions, the predator population grows at the expense of its prey until the latter’s dwindling amounts can no longer sustain it. At this point, the zooplankton population drops and its prey (phytoplankton) bounces back, and so on. These repeating cycles, or predator-prey oscillations, can be described mathematically.

Oscillation patterns are seen in global climate systems as well. The western Pacific Ocean is a case in point. The amount of rainfall in this tropical region swings through a cycle every 40-50 days, and the temperature of the surface water beneath oscillates in a more or less corresponding cycle. (Interestingly, even small rises in this region’s oceanic surface temperature can affect weather all across the globe, leading, through a complicated set of interactions, to such far-flung climatic phenomena as rain in India or floods in South America.)

Gildor and colleagues at Columbia University in New York wondered whether these two cycles - of oceanic temperature levels and plankton populations - might somehow be connected.

Their key clue was the phytoplankton’s chlorophyll. Built to absorb light, chlorophyll can block a portion of the warming sunlight that penetrates the ocean’s surface. When conditions are right, plankton congregations can be so dense they effectively shade the water below. Therefore, changes in phytoplankton numbers could affect sea water temperatures.

To test their theory, the team put together a complex simulation based on existing models of three dynamic systems: the atmosphere, ocean water and plankton. They then ran the model to simulate ten months of weather over the tropical Pacific, alternately with and without the plankton component, to see if there were any differences between the two situations.

Their study suggested that the plankton cycle interacts with changing atmospheric conditions, such as cloud formation. Clouds disrupt the normal flow of energy from the sun into the water and from the water back out toward space. As a result, cloud formation affects weather stability along a simple scale: When the level of cloud interference in the atmosphere is low, weather patterns tend to be stable (characterized by un-changing rainfall levels), whereas a high level of cloud interference is characterized by increased instability, in which the system swings between periods of heavy rainfall and clear skies.

But put the phytoplankton into this equation and the scales shift even further. Gildor showed that at the mid-cloud range, where the weather is usually stable, the presence of phytoplankton (due to the natural “ups” of its population cycle) affects the system, driving it toward increased instability. Moreover, as the level of cloud interference rises into the realm of instability, the plankton further influence rainfall patterns, significantly cutting the transition period from clear skies to rain. “It turns out that not only the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas, but plankton in the Western Pacific can cause rain in India,” says Gildor.

Cracking the Ice Age

In other research, Gildor applies computer models to examine the history of ice ages on Earth. In the “Sea-Ice-Switch” model, developed together with Prof. Eli Tziperman of the same department, ice forming on the ocean’s surface was found to play a major role in regulating the switch from climatic heating to cooling and back.

Such models are judged by how well they explain existing climate records. Gildor and Tziperman have successfully used the model to explain the mechanism that makes ice sheets advance and retreat; why recent ice ages took place in cycles of 100,000 years, whereas over a million years ago the cycles lasted only 41,000 years; and why CO2 levels in the atmosphere decreased as the ice advanced.

Dr. Gildor’s research is supported by the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences and the Sir Charles Clore Prize - the Clore Foundation.

Dr. Hezi Gildor. Plankton predictions
