Science Feature Articles</p>

Blocking Type 1 Diabetes


Prof. Irun Cohen. Blocking destruction












A team of researchers led by Prof. Irun Cohen of the Weizmann Institute of Science has developed a vaccine that halts the progression of Type I (juvenile or insulin-dependent) diabetes. The vaccine functions by blocking the destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic cells.

Diabetes is a chronic disease associated with elevated blood sugar levels, in which the body does not produce or improperly uses insulin - a hormone needed to convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy. Recent data show that between 120 and 140 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide. Type I diabetes usually results from an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own insulin-producing pancreatic cells, reducing and ultimately eliminating all insulin production. All Type I diabetes patients eventually must receive insulin injections to compensate for their loss of natural insulin production.

For the past several years researchers at the Weizmann Institute's Department of Immunology led by Cohen have been studying the mechanism by which the immune system destroys the insulin-producing pancreatic cells. Working with mice, the scientists discovered that a particular protein called HSP60 was closely linked to this destructive process.

The protein acts like an antigen, prompting the immune cells to attack. Further investigation by Cohen, Dr. Dana Elias (first a graduate student and then a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute), and other students and colleagues revealed that injecting sick mice with p277, a small peptide fragment of the HSP60 protein, shut down the immune response, preventing the progression of Type I diabetes. This led Peptor Ltd., a biopharmaceutical company based in Rehovot, Israel, to develop the experimental drug DiaPep277, designed to prevent or treat Type I diabetes.

A combined clinical study performed recently by researchers at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School, Peptor Ltd., and Cohen proved that DiaPep277 is successful in arresting the progression of Type I diabetes in newly diagnosed patients. The research findings were published in the Lancet.

The study involved 35 patients newly diagnosed with Type I diabetes. Eighteen patients received injections of DiaPep277 - at the beginning of the study, after one month, and after six months; 17 patients received three injections of an inert substance (a placebo). Patients in the treatment group (those receiving DiaPep277) showed a delay or even a cessation in the attack by the immune system upon their pancreatic insulin-producing cells. These results were evident in the level of the body's own insulin production and a decreased need for insulin injections. The researchers were able to trace the mechanism of this improvement to changes in the patients' immune lymphocytes called T-cells. In contrast, patients receiving the placebo showed a significant decline in their natural insulin production and a persistent rise in the need for insulin injections. No significant side effects as a result of injecting DiaPep277 were found.

'The idea of using p277 stemmed from the discovery that the immune system has different options to choose from in responding to an antigen,' says Cohen. 'It can act to destroy the antigen or alternatively protect it from being destroyed. In the latter case it protects the antigen, thereby indirectly preventing damage to the pancreatic cells. The peptide essentially acts to 'reeducate' the immune cells, switching off their destructive activity.'

The scientists participating in this study are: Prof. Itamar Raz and Dr. Muriel Metzger of Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical School; Dr. Dana Elias (now VP R&D at Peptor Ltd.); and Drs. Ann Avron and Merana Tamir, also of Peptor Ltd.

Prevention rather than replacement


Back in 1920 Dr. Federick Banting and Charles Best of the University of Toronto made a discovery that would change the course of medical history. They had succeeded in obtaining a pancreatic extract which proved to have potent anti-diabetic characteristics when tested on dogs. Within two years their team would isolate and purify the extract's key ingredient, a hormone known as insulin, and the first human trial would begin, extending the life of Leonard Thomson, a fourteen year-old-boy who lay dying in hospital, for an additional 13 years.

Today extensive research efforts have yielded dramatically improved high-quality insulin as well as better delivery methods. Nevertheless insulin is not a cure, it merely helps to maintain blood sugar levels in check. A cure would be to stop the autoimmune destruction, sparing the insulin-producing beta cells. In contrast to the replacement therapy offered by insulin, the vaccine currently in development by Prof. Cohen's team has been shown to prevent the destruction of pancreatic cells.


Prof. Cohen holds the Helen and Morris Mauerberger Professorial Chair in Immunology. His research is supported by the Robert Koch Minerva Center for Research in Autoimmune Disease, the Yeshaya Horowitz Association, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Cohen, Illinois.

Prof. Irun Cohen.
Life Sciences

Scientists Uncover the Exact Mode of Action of Five Antibiotic Drugs


Prof. Ada Yonath

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science and Germany's Max-Planck Society have discovered exactly how each of five antibiotic drugs bind to the bacterial ribosome - the cell's protein factory - shutting off protein production. Proteins are the cell's primary component and the basis of all enzymatic reactions; blocking their production kills the bacterium.

The research team headed by Prof. Ada Yonath of the Weizmann Institute's Structural Biology Department and the Max-Planck Research Units for Ribosomal Structure in Hamburg and Berlin has uncovered the exact mode of action of these drugs. Yonath had earlier revealed the detailed structure of the two subunits forming the ribosome, the first ever accomplishment of its kind, in a study described by the prestigious journal Science as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the year 2000. Elucidating the structure of the ribosome - a notoriously unstable, giant nucleoprotein complex - was a goal that had eluded scientists for years.

Armed with their extensive understanding of ribosomal structure, Yonath, Dr. Anat Bashan, and Ph.D. student Raz Zarivach decided to examine precisely how different antibiotics bind to the ribosome and shut off its protein production. To do so they treated bacteria with one of five different antibiotics and then created crystals that captured the individual complexes formed between each drug and the bacterial ribosome.

To examine these microscopic structures the scientists bombarded the crystals with high-intensity X-ray beams, analyzed how the rays diffracted, and then worked backward to decipher the crystal's exact structure - a technology known as X-ray crystallography. Using this method the researchers were able, for the first time, to view how the antibiotic drugs bind to a specific site of action on the ribosome, shutting off its machinery. These findings were recently reported in Nature.

A better understanding of the mode of action of antibiotic drugs may improve the treatment strategies of existing drugs and lead to the design of antibiotics that target bacterial agents at the ribosomal level.

The Max-Planck scientists collaborating in this study are Francois Franceschi, Joerg Harms, Ante Tocilj, Renate Albrecht, and Frank Schluenzen.

Prof. Yonath holds the Martin S. Kimmel Professorial Chair. Her research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomeolecular Structure and Assembly and the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Center for Structural Biology.

Prof. Ada Yonath

A Window of Opportunity in the Sky


Prof. Eli Waxman. A boundary for neutrinos



One needs a good reason to go to the South Pole. The night there lasts six months, and the annual temperature averages -50°C. The Pole has long been a prized goal of Arctic explorers, but why would a scientist interested in outer space, like Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute, want to travel to this forbidding frosty desert? Surprisingly enough, Waxman and a handful of astrophysicists in other countries believe the South Pole may become the next frontier in space exploration. They consider turning the 3,000-meter-thick plateau of ice hugging the Pole into a giant trap for elusive cosmic particles called neutrinos that may help reveal the secrets of the universe.

From time immemorial people have sought to understand the universe by gazing at the sky - first with the naked eye, then through optic telescopes. Next came more advanced telescopes, which examined celestial bodies by capturing the electromagnetic radiation they emit - from radio and infrared waves to ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma radiation. More information about celestial objects, such as black holes and galactic nuclei, can be gleaned from cosmic radiation - the rays of elementary particles, including protons, neutrons, electrons, alpha particles, and neutrinos - emitted by celestial bodies. However, because most of these particles have an electric charge, their path toward the

Earth is affected by various magnetic and electric fields whose magnitude and location in the universe is unknown. This makes it very difficult to trace these particles back to their sources, which in turn significantly reduces the amount of information they can provide about the universe.

Neutrinos may offer a solution. Lacking an electrical charge and with only a tiny mass, neutrinos behave in an 'unsociable' manner: they hardly interact with other particles of matter and travel to Earth in a straight line. Therefore, by observing the universe as it emerges from the rays of neutrinos one can perhaps gain valuable insights into the location and physical properties of the celestial bodies emitting the neutrinos. Physicists believe that these sources, such as active nuclei of galaxies affected by a black hole, could become enormous 'physics laboratories.' But realizing this fantastic prospect won't come easy.

Tracking down a loner


Physicist Wolfgang Pauli was the first to propose the existence of a particle later to be called the neutrino, back in the 1930s. Pauli was examining the law of energy conservation, which seemed to be violated by certain radioactive processes. However, many years passed before neutrinos were discovered - once again, mainly because these particles interact so sparsely with their surroundings. In fact, they interact with matter only via the weak force, which governs various radioactive processes such as the splitting of the neutron. But so weak is this force that the neutrinos hardly leave any tracks. For example, a neutrino can travel through the Earth in a split second without slowing down. During this journey very few neutrinos will forge any traceable 'connections' with other particles.

To spot neutrinos and learn about the celestial bodies that emitted them, physicists build giant detectors, each containing thousands of tons of matter, with which one out of the trillions of neutrinos is likely to collide, leaving a tiny flash of detectable light.

In this way scientists, including the Weizmann Institute's Prof. Israel Dostrovsky, have succeeded in detecting neutrinos spewed out by the sun - an observation that confirmed the theory about the way in which stars produce the energy they release. Other experiments led to the observation of additional neutrinos originating in the relatively close supernova of the Magellanic Cloud - a satellite galaxy of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. With these successes in hand, the appetite for neutrino sightings grew. Astrophysicists started observing the universe via detectors that can spot high-energy neutrinos emitted by the most distant and energetic sources. Equipment based on the absorption of electromagnetic radiation is unsuitable for studying these sources, since it does not allow the passage of photons - which is why physicists believe that the neutrino telescope may offer the best opportunity for exploring the universe.

Yet how realistic is it to build such a system? To answer this question, it's necessary to know how many neutrinos reach the Earth from different sources during a given period of time. This is where Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute's Physics Faculty enters the picture. Together with Prof. John Bahcall of Princeton University, he performed calculations showing that there is an upper boundary to the neutrino flux. Existence of the so-called Waxman-Bahcall bound means that detecting high-energy neutrinos would require a transparent detector containing at least a trillion tons of liquid.

This transparent detector would have to be surrounded by an array of light detectors, which would register the tiny flashes of light produced by the collisions of cosmic neutrinos with particles on Earth.

Waxman is a member of an international committee of scientists examining the possibility of building such a giant detector in Antarctica, inside the entirely transparent ice cap covering the South Pole. Another possibility is to set up a detector for high-energy neutrinos on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, whose waters at great depth are also transparent. In any event, the project's cost is estimated at some $100 million - a sum that, astronomical as it may sound, is far lower than the cost of building the advanced particle accelerators needed to study elementary particles.

What can be learned with the help of giant neutrino detectors? 'When a proton of cosmic radiation hits a photon, a neutrino particle is emitted,' explains Waxman. 'If we could detect these neutrinos, we would be able to chart the sites of these collisions and use them to trace cosmic radiation back to its source - today one of the greatest mysteries of astrophysics.

'Another mystery that may be solved with the help of high-energy neutrino astronomy is the source of gamma-ray bursts occasionally occurring in the universe. Waxman and Bahcall, together with Prof. Peter Meszaros of the University of Pennsylvania have shown in theoretical studies that these gamma-ray bursts may originate in streams of matter bursting out when a black hole sucks in the remains of matter from a star that initially gave rise to it during the collapse of its core. High-energy neutrinos are emitted during this process, and the ability to detect them may lead scientists to the sources of gamma-ray bursts.

Neutrino relativity

Giant neutrino detectors may also make it possible to examine several underlying principles of the general relativity theory, by comparing the speed of the energetic neutrinos with the speed of photons coming from the same source. In this manner it will be possible to identify, among other things, the slowing of particles passing through gravitational fields. A neutrino detector that allows scientists to study this phenomenon was built recently near the South Pole. Sunk deep in the Antarctic ice, the installation is about twice the height of the Eiffel Tower. But according to Waxman's calculations, astrophysical studies of high-energy neutrinos would require an installation a hundred times larger. Hopefully, says Waxman, the international committee studying the feasibility of such a detector will reach a decision to open this new window of opportunity for astrophysics.

Prof. Waxman's research is supported by the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.

Prof. Eli Waxman
Space & Physics

Test-Tube Archaeology


Prof. Sariel Shalev. Scientific answers

If one could imagine the history of humanity as an ascending staircase, then each step would be of a different material, reflecting the life of those living at that brief moment in time. From the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, to the age of silicon and the birth of computers, and finally, to today's era of complex materials. This is how Dr. Sariel Shalev of Haifa University sees materials - as a mirror of culture.


Retracing life in the distant past calls for a highly scientific approach stresses Shalev, whose training includes bachelor's and master's degrees in Biblical archeology and a Ph.D. in archeological material sciences. 'Take early metals, for instance, which represent ancient hi-tech. Astute examination of early metal findings could tease out a world of information. Israel has many findings that are catalogued according to material, site, or estimated era. But most have not been analyzed for further key information. It's no more than a historic or intuitive assumption, for instance, to decide that a pot found in an archeological dig was used for cooking unless we perform a lipid analysis.' (Lipids are a diverse group of organic compounds that, among other functions, make up the cell walls of living organisms.) 'And the same goes for a metal dagger. How can one determine whether it was used for butchering or to cut vegetables? Maybe for both?


Holding an archeological finding, Shalev, currently working at the Weizmann Institute's Scientific Archeology Center headed by Prof. Steve Weiner, tells its history. It started out as a raw mineral, but after being artificially exposed to some form of thermal activity changed into a different substance with new mechanical and thermal properties. Despite its eye-catching shine this rock may have lain around for centuries - prior to the Chalcolithic period (4500-3500 B.C.) people had no clue that some rocks, rich in copper or arsenic, for instance, could be transformed into metal. But once this knowledge had been uncovered, it was widely used to craft metal objects. After several years of use this particular object was lost or buried, and since then it has interacted with its environment for thousands of years, during which it gradually corroded, changing back to a mineral state.


'By understanding the abilities and knowledge (chemical, physical, etc.) needed in tool-making, one can reconstruct essential parts of social and economic systems,' says Shalev. 'Metal findings, for example, offer a window to the social and cultural changes occurring in Israel during the transition from the fourth to the third millenium B.C., when urbanization began.'


At times however, solid scientific data can spoil quite a good story, Shalev admits. The British museum has a sword on display, known as the 'Philistine Sword,' which is more than a meter long. Found at an excavation site near today's Beit Dagan, it was long considered the only example ever found of a weapon produced by the legendary 'sea people,' who occupied Israel's southern coastal region toward the end of the second millenium B.C. Whoever wanted to demonstrate what David had to face in his epic fight against Goliath would make reference to this sword.


However, in his research, Shalev found that during the early Iron Age, when the Philistines lived in the region, all the copper based metals contained a certain amount of tin, ranging from small impurities to a deliberate addition of up to 13 percent. 'This is the era's reference stamp all over the ancient Near East,' says Shalev. 'But in analyzing the sword, we found that in addition to copper, it contained 5% arsenic and not tin - a practice belonging to the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age, more than one thousand years before the Philistines.' This finding also correlates with the sword's shape, which is very similar to swords and daggers from the intermediate period between the Early and Middle Bronze Ages and proves that the sword has nothing to do with Goliath of the Philistines.


Shalev is currently focusing his attention on developing new archeological research tools, including a project with Dr. Oded Haver of the Institute's Particle Physics Department. The project targets the use of a particle accelerator, used today to study a range of questions at the forefront of physics research, to tap into the pulse of ancient societies still hidden in untold archeological findings.


Illustration: History of humanity as an ascending staircase, each step is a different material, reflecting the life of those living at that brief moment in time. From the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, to the age of silicon and the birth of computers, and finally, to today's era of complex materials.

Prof. Sariel Shalev
Scientific Archaeology

The Physics Of Falling Leaves


Downward spiral

The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind. - Ezra Pound, The River Merchant's Wife
Neuron movement, cell division, and spreading fires. What do these disparate phenomena have in common? Each has been examined in the lab of the Weizmann Institute's Prof. Elisha Moses, who studies the physical properties of natural systems. But ask Moses about his work in the Physics of Complex Systems Department and he'll downplay the immediate benefits of his research. 'I grew up with the idea that a good scientific experiment is elegant, simple, and useless,' he says. 'I usually stay away from the applied side.'
One project, however, has definitely taken a practical turn. The story began in 1995, when then master's student Hagai Eisenberg walked into the lab and dropped a sheet of paper. The page fluttered serenely to the floor. 'This is what I want to study,' he told Moses, and began research into how non-spherical objects behave as they fall in a liquid or gas. The problem had been a challenge in fluid mechanics for over 150 years - ever since 19th-century physicists James Maxwell and Lord Kelvin attempted in vain to offer equations that accurately predict the path of such falling objects. Eisenberg and Moses, along with visiting scientist Dr. Andrew Belmonte, now at Penn State University, built a thin glass tank - so thin that it could represent a two-dimensional system - and filled it with liquid. They then dropped a series of thin strips, metal or plastic, into the tank.
By making precise observations with the help of computer-enhanced imaging and flow-visualization techniques, the scientists developed a theoretical model that could accurately predict the course a strip would follow as it fell to the bottom of the tank. This two-dimensional model can be extended to the phenomenon of falling leaves or other objects in three-dimensional systems.
The scientists found two general types of motion: 'flutter,' in which the falling strips move back and forth from side to side, and 'tumble,' in which the strips rotate end over end. Their calculations also suggested an inherent logic. The type of motion, they discovered, is determined by a numerical constant known as the Froude number. Originally defined to describe the behavior of sailing vessels, this constant is also used to predict the maximum speed at which two- or four-legged animals can walk or trot before they must begin to run or gallop. In the case of falling strips or leaves, the Froude number defines the relationship between the size of an object and its weight: a long strip will flutter while a shorter strip tumbles.
Papers were published, Eisenberg moved on to Ph.D. work, and the new mathematical model found its way outside the lab. 'The behavior of falling objects is endlessly harder to predict in the real world's three dimensions,' says Moses, a lesson he learned in a Manhattan movie theater, trying to drop a quarter into a cup on the bottom of a fish tank to win free tickets. 'Even though I knew the algorithm, I probably lost four or five bucks before my wife dragged me away,' says Moses. 'But our model is pretty good - I was close every time.'
The team found that their model could be used to explore not only how a leaf falls to the ground but also the way a ship goes down at sea as did the Israeli submarine Dakar, which disappeared in 1969. When news of the Dakar's discovery off the coast of Crete made headlines, Moses and Eisenberg realized that their understanding of falling objects could help naval researchers who were trying to understand exactly what happened during the ship's last moments. After three decades of mystery, their mathematical model together with three-dimensional experiments carried out in collaboration with the Israeli Navy, helped to quantify the motion of the original ship, providing new insights into the Dakar tragedy.
'It's rewarding to see how basic research probing the fundamental principles of how nature behaves, can suddenly prove to be of unique importance,' says Moses.
Prof. Moses' research is supported by the Levine Institute of Applied Science and Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H.
Downward spiral
Space & Physics

Seeking A Low-Energy Position


Prof. Sam Safran and Dr. Tsvi Tlusty. energy cost

'The Lord above gave man an arm of iron, so he could do his job and never shirk,' sings Alfred Doolittle in the musical My Fair Lady. 'But with a little bit o' luck,... someone else will do the blinkin' work.' Doolittle was lazy; but the dislike for wasting energy, or more precisely the desire to reach a goal with a minimum investment of energy, is a universal phenomenon common to humans and molecular particles alike. In the case of simple molecules, it drives them to create dense structures (such as solids or liquids), characterized by a large number of bonds between molecules 'costing' a minimum of energy per bond.


But molecular particles (and perhaps people as well) have another, conflicting characteristic that is just as important: under certain conditions they prefer a state of maximum disorder (entropy). The key factor influencing these conflicting tendencies is temperature: at very high temperatures entropy wins and the particles assume a gaseous state, the freest and most disorderly state possible. For example, at high temperatures, water turns to steam. But when the particles are cooled, the energy-saving tendency begins to dominate, causing them to reorganize into more orderly structures. Thus water vapor, when cooled, condenses into a liquid or a solid.


These tendencies apply to simple liquids, called isotropic liquids, composed of particles in which the energy 'cost' of bonding between the particles is independent of their orientation. But what about anisotropic systems, which are made up of particles whose bonding energy is highly dependent on their mutual orientation? Can cooling cause these systems to condense?


This is a fundamental physics question, but one that may also have important applications, since anisotropic liquids play an important role in modern technology. Dr. Tsvi Tlusty and Prof. Sam Safran, his doctoral adviser and Dean of the Weizmann Institute's Feinberg Graduate School decided to tackle this challenge.


In the past, most scientists believed that the answer to this question depended on the nature of the mutual attraction between the particles constituting a liquid. That is, if the mutual attraction is strong enough, it can 'compensate' for the loss of entropy (the loss of disorder involved in the process of condensing matter from gas to liquid).


One of the most striking examples of anisotropic liquids is that of magnetic liquids, characterized by magnetic particles that 'float' within a simple liquid, such as water or oil. In ordinary isotropic liquids, the condensed state of matter is formed by the clustering of particles, each clinging to a relatively large number of other particles (between 6 and 12). In contrast, magnetic liquids in dilute solutions form chains where each particle adheres to only two other particles at most, in a north-south-north-south structure. The bonding energy between these particles is highly dependent on their magnetic orientation. When two such magnets are aligned (i.e. their poles are positioned north to north or south to south) they repel each other; but when the nearby poles are of opposite orientation, the magnets mutually attract - which results in the north-south pole structure. This chaining structure in magnetic liquids prevents the usual type of condensation; because each of the particles is in contact with only two of its neighbors, it has less bonding energy. Therefore, until recently, the accepted scientific wisdom was that magnetic liquids could not undergo the usual gas-to-liquid condensation.


Safran and Tlusty's research sheds new light on this belief. Using a theoretical model, the scientists have shown that magnetic liquids can undergo condensation. Their conclusion seems from the fact that the magnetic chains 'prefer' to form Y-like junctions that bring together three chains (the energy 'cost' of this state is lower than the 'cost' of having both ends of a chain free). Thus magnetic chains in a dilute solution tend to form large and complex networks. In their study, recently published in Science, the researchers suggest that these network junctions strive for a balance between a state that 'costs' a minimum of energy and a state of maximum entropy. The network finds it 'worthwhile' to create more and more junctions, thus increasing its entropy while making the network denser and more complex. When the system of junctions making up the network is dilute, the material is in the gaseous phase; but when the network becomes more dense, the substance condenses to increase the junction entropy and makes the transition from a gas to a liquid.


This finding overturns the previously accepted view that the condensation of magnetic liquids is impossible without the involvement of additional, isotropic forces. In these systems, it is actually the increase in network entropy that stabilizes the condensed liquid state. No other forces are necessary. Further experimentation, resulting in confirmation of the scientists' 'network model,' might lead to the emergence of an entirely new field of technological applications. For instance, a better understanding of the physical properties of anisotropic liquids, and especially of their great sensitivity to changes in magnetic or electric fields, is important for developing advanced computers and other micro-machines.


Prof. Safran holds the Fern and Manfred Steinfeld Professorial Chair.



Prof. Sam Safran and Dr. Tsvi Tlusty

Brain Drain, Brain Gain



Berman and Dudai. New knowledge


Wise people learn from the experience of others, but such wisdom is rare. Most of us learn only from our own successes... and failures (which of course is why the irksome 'I told you so' will most likely never gather dust).

But how does such learning take place? How does the brain store new knowledge or readjust the old to reflect the current reality? Prof. Yadin Dudai and graduate student Diego Berman of the Weizmann Institute's Neurobiology Department have zeroed in on one of the underlying mechanisms. Their findings were recently published in Science.

Let's assume you try a certain delicious-looking dish and discover that it doesn't agree with you. Chances are you'll refuse it next time around. Your brain stores information that associates this dish with something unpleasant. A future encounter will trigger the 'retrieval' of this associative information, essentially a warning that your best recourse is a polite decline. This, of course, is what happens if you're wise enough to learn from experience.

But it's also wise not to hold on to the same opinions forever without reevaluation. In the case of the dish, the following turn of events is possible: somebody you like or trust persuades you to try it again, and much to your surprise you discover that it tastes great and doesn't disagree with you. This being the case, you're less likely to turn it down in the future. And if things go well again, your opinion about this dish, based on your more recent experiences, will change entirely. The old, negative association will no longer spring to mind. In fact, the opposite will occur - every time you see this dish, you'll remember how wonderful it tastes, forgetting that in the distant past it rubbed you the wrong way. In technical language this updating process is called 'extinction' - the brain has erased the old information and 'filed' new data reflecting your latest experiences.

How does this extinction process occur? Dudai and Berman discovered that the same brain regions gear into action whether we're learning new facts of life or updating old information. But in information-update - in other words, in relearning something - the brain does not make use of the entire learning machinery, only a few 'core' mechanisms are involved.

Learning is a complex, multistep, and multiplayer process, orchestrated with great precision. When we learn something for the first time, all components pitch in: a type of signaling enzyme, called MAPK, and receptors for glutamate, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine - all key neurotransmitters. Protein synthesis inside neuronal cells must also be efficient.

These efforts, however, are trimmed down when it comes to reevaluating and updating existing knowledge. The scientists found that only two elements - beta-adrenergic norepinephrine receptors and protein synthesis in brain nerve cells - are involved. Operating independently of all the others, these 'core' learning components are crucial for both first-time learning and memory extinction.

'These findings emphasize the brain's evolutionary efficiency,' says Dudai. 'The same mechanism is capable of working in different ways, at different levels.' Future applications of these and other research findings may make it possible to chemically control the way we update information according to experience. Of course, we'll probably still be hard put to explain why, if information updating is so efficient, so many people are entirely mulish when it comes to changing their mind.

Prof. Dudai holds the Sara and Michael Sela Professorial Chair of Neurobiology. His research is supported by the Abe and Kathryn Selsky Foundation, North Bethesda, MD; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Lester Crown Brain Research Fun; the Abramson Family Brain Research Program; and the Carl and Michaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute.

Ph.D. student Diego Berman (left) and Prof. Yadin dudai.
Life Sciences

Gone (gene) Fishing


Prof. Jacqui Beckmann, population goldmine


Born and raised in Belgium but pretty much a globetrotter ever since, Prof. Jacqui Beckmann has spent nearly 30 of his 50+ years hunting for genes. The former Associate Director of the French National Genotyping Center, and a leading molecular geneticist, Beckmann's gene sleuthing has included mapping the genes that cause limb girdle muscular dystrophy, kidney disease, mature onset diabetes, and hypertension.


With a rough blueprint of the genes encoding the human body made available by the Human Genome Project, and a flood of findings about what happens when things go wrong in genes, pharmaceutical companies are rushing to develop new medical treatments and technologies. The proposed scenarios vary, including a routine test by your family doctor showing your potential 'future health ID' coupled with suggestions of how to skirt unlucky genetic cards through diet, medication, or even gene therapy. Across the board, however, scientists and physicians agree that within a few decades the growing insights into what makes us tick, genetically speaking, will change the face of medicine.


'It's becoming increasingly clear that virtually all diseases have a genetic component,' says Beckmann, who recently joined the Institute's Crown Human Genome Center. 'Genes play a decisive role in Tay-Sachs, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, whereas they are only contributing factors in heart disease or diabetes. But even infectious diseases, like AIDS or the common flu, have a genetic element, influencing one's susceptibility to the disease and/or response to it.'


This growing understanding will have a widespread influence on future medical trends. Having uncovered a genetic deficiency leading to, for instance, kidney disease will help us develop new means of targeting the root cause. The next, more dramatic step is that of personalized medicine.


Future therapies will address the fact that we all experience disease differently. A by-product will be that today's 'common disease' will be regarded as a cluster of 'minor diseases.' Diabetes will not be diabetes per se, it will be subdivided into its various categories, with each patient treated according to his or her specific pathology and genetic make-up.


One of the research areas that Beckmann plans to pursue here at the Institute is population genetics. 'Israel is a genetic goldmine,' he explains. 'Its population is highly diverse but also highly homogeneous within each ethnicity. This homogeneous 'back-drop' offers ideal conditions for zeroing in on mutated, disease-causing genes - those responsible not only for common Jewish genetic disorders but also leading diseases worldwide. These include cancer as well as cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, which are often multifactoral.


Beckmann: 'Research efforts have undergone a major shift in their inherent paradigm - away from the classical laboratory structure of a research team working around hypothesis-driven topics and toward highly automated throughput production. Conceived and polished to an art during the Human Genome Project, the strategy is first to get large amounts of data and then decide how to proceed. In this respect Israel can't hope to compete with genetic research giants such as the United States, Germany, and France; but it does have a head start when it comes to applying this new approach, thanks to its unique population structure.'

Prof. Jacqui Beckmann, gene hunter
Life Sciences

Plants Tell It Like It Is


Prof. Dan Yakir. CO2 rising


About 6.5 billion tons of carbon are spewed into the Earth's atmosphere every year as carbon dioxide, or CO2 - the greenhouse gas believed to be largely responsible for global warming. Of this, some 1.5 billion tons dissolve in the ocean, but 2 billion additional tons are removed in an as yet mysterious way.


Evidence suggests that plants may be involved, but details of this vanishing act remain unclear. One scientist exploring this question is Prof. Dan Yakir of the Weizmann Institute's Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department.


Greenhouse gases, so called because they trap heat, are in fact essential to life. When the sun's radiation hits the earth's surface, it's reflected back as infrared radiation. This radiation is then partly trapped by greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. Without this natural effect, the Earth would be a pretty inhospitable place, with average temperatures nearing 0°F (18°C). The problem is one of balance. If too much heat is trapped, an increasingly warmer climate can have serious consequences, experts predict, including rising seas, severe weather patterns, and even a dramatic spread of infectious disease. And proof that this process may have begun is piling up. The Earth's surface temperature rose by about 1°F during the 20th century, accompanied by a 6-inch (15-centimeter) rise in sea levels, thinning arctic ice, and longer growing seasons.


Plants counteract this harmful build-up by converting part of the excess CO2 into glucose through photosynthesis. But how significant and sustainable is their impact? And to what extent is their beneficial effect offset by widespread deforestation, particularly in the world's rainforests? Solving these unknowns is essential for predicting climate changes and designing environmental strategies aimed at controlling the levels of greenhouse gases.


Prof. Yakir's past research led to a method for calculating the amount of carbon dioxide consumed globally by vegetation. It is well known that plants 'inhale' or absorb CO2; but Yakir zeroed in on their specific preferences. He found that they prefer carbon dioxide containing the light version of oxygen atoms, O16, rather than the heavier isotope O18, and that the amount of heavy oxygen left in the atmosphere reflects the extent of carbon dioxide consumption by plants.


But another angle needed to be addressed. Plants differ in the rate at which they consume carbon dioxide. For instance, most plants belonging to the C3 biochemical category, which includes tropical shrubs and trees, require high CO2 concentrations. However, savanna and prairie grasses belonging to the C4 biochemical category can thrive in relatively low CO2 levels. This explains why C4 plants accounted for roughly 40 percent of global vegetation activity during the last ice age, when atmospheric CO2 levels were about half of what they are today, whereas they now account for only 25 percent. In other words, the global activity of C4 plants can effectively indicate changes in atmospheric CO2 levels, offering a valuable addition to the limited arsenal of quantitative research tools available. Now a recent study by Yakir and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Jim Gillon suggests just how these indicators may be put to use.


As reported in Science, the researchers discovered surprising differences between C3 and C4 plants in the activity of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme that is also important in human and animal breathing. Because these differences affect not only the quantity of atmospheric CO2 taken up by plants but also the amount of the O18 isotope left over, this discovery sets the stage for using O18 analyses in atmospheric CO2, as determined by a newly formed network of 50 research stations worldwide.


Based on these data, it is now possible to calculate the relative contribution of C3 and C4 plants to global vegetation activity. Initial calculations by Yakir's team show that C4 plants may today account for only 20 percent of this activity.


'The evidence of a significant change in global plant populations is consistent with predictions of climbing CO2 concentrations,' says Yakir. 'It's an important step toward a better understanding of the complex interactions between biological systems and the global climate.'


Prof. Dan Yakir's research is supported by the Sussman Family Environmental Research Center, the Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft fuer die Forschung m.b.H., and the Avron-Wilstaetter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis.

Prof. Dan Yakir

On Shaky Ground


Dr. Einat Aharonov. Earthquake science


How do we know that the creations of worlds are not determined by falling grains of sand? - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

They're all around us - from dust, to sand dunes, to broken rocks in the earth's crust, and even to plant seeds or coffee. Known as granular materials, their definition is simple: a large collection of macroscopic particles. But understanding their behavior is anything but simple - it's strikingly different from any of the familiar forms of matter: solid, liquid, or gas. A better understanding of these minute particles could shed light on incredibly powerful and large-scale processes shaping the Earth, including landslides or even earthquakes.
When and where will the next earthquake strike? How big will it be? These and other questions loom in the minds of people who live in earthquake-prone zones. Focusing on granular materials, Dr. Einat Aharonov, a senior scientist in the Weizmann Institute's Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, is working to develop computer simulations to better understand the movement of tectonic plates and other geological processes. 'I was always interested in rocks, even as kid,' she recalls. 'I like going out into the field, splitting a rock open and seeing the crystals. It has a quietness to it, especially in places where you can see that there was once an ocean where now there is a mountain, or a river that is now desert.'
Aharonov's earthquake models focus on the behavior of granular material formed when two tectonic plates crush against each other. The initial inter-actions among the huge number of grains formed are essentially simple but give rise to complex dynamics. By constructing a mathematical model accounting for these processes, Aharonov, working with Dave Sparks of Texas University, succeeded in simulating the 'fault gouge' - the crushed-up granular region that forms at the heart of geological fault zones, where earthquakes strike.
'Our model is somewhat like traffic control modeling,' explains Aharonov. Granular material moves and rubs together, causing friction. The grains can't penetrate one another but neither are they mutually repellent. They 'want' to steer clear of one another but there's no place to go - much like cars in a traffic jam.'
Other models target an understanding of how the oceanic crust is formed, the ways in which rocks change and evolve over time, and what causes part of the earth's surface to suddenly undergo a phase transition, changing its behavior from that of a solid to a liquid, as in landslides or liquefaction. One of the most dreaded by-products of an earthquake, liquefaction occurs when the powerful seismic waves created during an earthquake travel through the soil, causing it to behave like a liquid. Often leaving a trail of devastation in its path, soil liquefaction can easily cause buildings and bridges to collapse, and poses a significant threat to underground pipelines. In the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake, for instance, liquefaction-related damage to water supply pipelines severely hampered attempts to battle the fires that swept through the city, ultimately causing much of the overall damage. Aharonov and her colleagues hope to use mathematical modeling to further understand these phenomena, making it easier to identify zones prone to liquefaction or landslides.
But Aharonov cautions that mathematical modeling is not perfect: 'Simulation is just a crude approximation of nature. There are countless variables that can affect the outcome. Particle size and shape as well as chemical reactions all play an important role in grain-scale modeling. Time is another complicated variable, since the Earth's time scale ranges from less than a second to millions of years.'
Having begun with an interest in breaking up and looking inside rocks, today Aharonov develops mathematical models that help explain how rocks form and change over time. Enhanced understanding of such geophysical processes may facilitate engineering measures to better prepare us for the next time the earth suddenly fails beneath us - as it inevitably will.
Dr. Aharonov holds the Anna and Maurice M. Boukstein Career Development Chair. Her research is supported by the Samuel M. and Helene Soref Foundation, Studio City, CA.
Dr. Einat Aharonov.
