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cells that remember their identity

Cancer cells turn out to have memories. But these are unreliable and can end up causing trouble

Sneaky RNA Tag Rendered Visible

Understanding exactly where this tag attaches will reveal new aspects of how our genes are regulated

Schraga Schwartz and group

Dr. Schraga Schwartz and his group are revealing in unprecedented detail a mechanism for controlling gene activity

Prof. Moshe Oren

An Institute study finds a whole new role for one of the most famous proteins in cancer research

which came first

In evolution, both chicken and egg may come first

Epigenetics: Environmental effects influence how genes are turned on or off

Epigenetics has a large say in blood formation

(l-r) Dr. Zohar Mukamel, Zohar Shipony and Prof. Amos Tanay

As the body’s cell divide and age, mistakes can pile up in the genome's "tags"

(l-r) Amir Bar, Dr. Amos Tanay, Netta Mendelson-Cohen, Prof. Varda Rotter, Dr. Zohar Mukamel, Naomi Goldfinger, Gilad Landan and Dr. Alina Molchadsky

Surprising changes in certain genomic markers may help explain how cells can turn cancerous as they age and divide

Inherited expression levels of the resistance gene (green) and the native gene (red), shown in the stomachs of unchallenged larva (left), challenged larva (center) and unchallenged larval offspring of challenged larvae, eight generations later (right)

Can a genetic response to a short-term threat be inherited over the long term?