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Physics of Complex Systems

Ricky Rapoport Friesem. Poet laureate

The former head of the Institute’s Communications Department is now winning prizes for her poetry.

Two-photon autofluorescence image of a live cell incubated with gold nanoparticles, superimposed on a simple transmission image of the cell

The properties of materials on the nanometer scale could revolutionize everything from microscopy to solar collectors.

Prof. Victor Steinberg

Prof. Victor Steinberg was chosen as an Outstanding Referee for the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters...

Prof. Nir Davidson

Prof. Nir Davidson was elected Fellow of the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America (OSA)

Scanning electron microscope images of guanine plates from a silver spider. Arrow on top points to sandwich-like structure with amorphous guanine filling between two guanine crystals
A normally dull white material becomes a silvery reflecting surface under the right conditions
Prof. Asher Friesem
Prof. Asher Friesem was among the first in the world to become involved in the technology of planar optics. In this technology,...
Dr. Nirit Dudovich and Dror Shafir. Ultra-fast lasers freeze molecular action
What can you see in an attosecond?
(l-r) Dr. Assaf Rotem and Prof. Elisha Moses. Smart nerve network
Circuits grown from living nerve cells could become an interface between human brains and artificial systems
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty. Evolved for efficiency
Bacteria turn out to be models of industrial efficiency
Excavation site of the Natufian cemetery in a cave overlooking Nahal Hilazon in western Galilee
12,000-year-old grave uncovered in the western Galilee
