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Two ultrafast pulses, measured together, create a kind of shape-revealing hologram
Physicists and biologists team up to show that even the simplest biological developmental patterns may require some noise to be formed
What happens when you accelerate in a quantum vacuum? Analyzing ripples on the water’s surface provided proof for the answer
Electrons in a “viscous flow” surpass conductivity limits and could lead to new types of electronic devices
The iris in the zebrafish has a distinctive crystal structure that both camouflages the eye and prevents unwanted light from entering
The physics of the attraction between two mirrors in a vacuum may lead to “lubrication” for electronic circuits
A new method of trapping single photons could bring quantum memory one step closer
Ants' nest feeding is well regulated despite a lack of central control
The optics of a unique underwater visual system are revealed
Understanding the properties of these materials will help advance new photoelectric technologies