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Physics of Complex Systems

two vacuum chambers and the ultracold results

Heating up: One ion and thousands of atoms, all at a millionth of a degree above absolute zero 

Staff Scientist: Dr. Ehud Fonio

What can a physicist learn from ants? 

(l-r) Prof. Elisha Moses, Prof. Menahem Segal and Dr. Yaron Penn

Neurons may synchronize their oscillations to produce signals

A unique method of shaping the ultrashort pulses enables them to act as “many beams in one”

Giving shape to an ultrafast laser pulse enables new optical methods

Longhorn crazy ants cooperating to transfer an item much too heavy for one to move alone.

A physics-based model can explain how ants cooperate in steering food to their nest

NPM1 interacts with DNA polymerase eta and regulates polymerase eta-promoted TLS. Assay of polymerase eta and NPM1 in unirradiated (l) and ultraviolet irradiated cells ((c) after one hour, (r) after 18 hours). Blue: DNA in the nucleus; green: polymerase eta–NPM1 interaction

A mechanism for keeping DNA repair mistakes to a minimum might advance the development of cancer drugs


receptors day and night

Weizmann Institute scientists reveal that a hormone that keeps us alert also suppresses the spread of cancer

Waves of the Future

"Tractor beams" – waves that pull, rather than push – have been created in the lab

An illustration showing the magnetic field lines of two electrons, arranged so that their spins point in opposite directions

Weizmann physicists measured magnetic interactions between single electrons

