Losing Money, Emotions and Evolution



money on the brain illustration
Financial loss can lead to irrational behavior. Now, research by Weizmann Institute scientists reveals that the effects of loss go even deeper: Loss can compromise our early perception and interfere with our grasp of the true situation. The findings, which recently appeared in the Journal of Neuroscience, may also have implications for our understanding of the neurological mechanisms underlying post-traumatic stress disorder.

The experiment was conducted by Dr. Rony Paz and research student Offir Laufer of the Neurobiology Department. Subjects underwent a learning process based on classic conditioning and involving money. They were asked to listen to a series of tones composed of three different notes. After hearing one note, they were told they had earned a certain sum; after a second note, they were informed that they had lost some of their money; and a third note was followed by the message that their bankroll would remain the same. According to the findings, when a note was tied to gain, or at least to no loss, the subjects improved over time in a learned task – distinguishing that note from other, similar notes. But when they heard the “lose money” note, they actually got worse at telling one from the other.

Functional MRI (fMRI) scans of the brain areas involved in the learning process revealed an emotional aspect: The amygdala, which is tied to emotions and reward, was strongly involved. The researchers also noted activity in another area in the front of the brain, which functions to moderate the emotional response. Subjects who exhibited stronger activity in this area showed less of a drop in their abilities to distinguish between tones.

Paz: “The evolutionary origins of that blurring of our ability to discriminate are positive: If the best response to the growl of a lion is to run quickly, it would be counterproductive to distinguish between different pitches of growl. Any similar sound should make us flee without thinking. Unfortunately, that same blurring mechanism can be activated today in stress-inducing situations that are not life-threatening – like losing money – and this can harm us.”

That harm may even be quite serious: For instance, it may be involved in post-traumatic stress disorder. If sufferers are unable to distinguish between a stimulus that should cause a panic response and similar, but non-threatening, stimuli, they may experience strong emotional reactions in inappropriate situations. This perceptional blurring may even expand over time to encompass a larger range of stimuli. Paz intends to investigate this possibility in future research.
Dr. Rony Paz’s research is supported by the Sylvia Schaefer Alzheimer's Research Fund; the Ruth and Herman Albert Scholars Program for New Scientists; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, Israel; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; Katy and Gary Leff, Calabasas, CA; the European Research Council; and Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Leshner. Dr. Paz is the incumbent of the Beracha Foundation Career Development Chair.
money on the brain illustration
Life Sciences

Shine a Light

(l-r) Rivka Levy, Shiri Ron, Dr. Ofer Yizhar, Lihi Gibor, Roy Degani, Tess Oram and Mathias Mahn


Dr. Ofer Yizhar, who recently joined the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department, plans to shed light – literally – on the workings of the brain. In his new lab, researchers will be able to turn specific types of brain cell on and off by flashing a tiny beam of light on them.

“Even small areas of the brain contain different kinds of neurons, often performing completely different functions, and as each of these can connect, through its synapses, to thousands of other cells, we have not been able to really understand the complex interactions between them,” he says. “That complexity is especially daunting when we look at a higher brain area like the cortex (the outer shell of the brain); it contains interconnected networks that are widely distributed, and we think that disorders like schizophrenia and autism might originate there.”

But the young field of optogenetics is giving scientists new tools for directly investigating neuron functions. (The term optogenetics refers to the genetic alterations in specific brain cells that enable them to sense and respond to light.) Until now, says Yizhar, brain researchers have had many tools for measuring brain activity but very few that allowed them to precisely control that activity and observe the results. Yizhar began working in this field in his postdoctoral work at Stanford University, and in his Weizmann lab, he is currently building and assembling the specialized setup he will need to continue his optogenetics research.
Mouse hippocampus containing two different types of channelrhodopsins. The green fluorescence marks axons entering into the hippocampal CA1 region, and the red fluorescence is expressed in the dentate gyrus part of the hippocampus (inverted V-shaped structure)
The idea of controlling the activities of individual brain cells originated with Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of the DNA double helix. Crick, who later in his life was involved in neurobiology research, predicted in the 1970s that scientists would find ways to actively manipulate brain cells, and even guessed it would be done with light. People have attempted to do this in various ways over the years, but it took the discovery, in 2001, of a light-sensitive protein in a microscopic alga to kick-start the field of optogenetics.

This protein is a member of a large family called rhodopsins, all of them built to absorb light. The algal rhodopsin, which helps the microorganism steer toward light, is unique in the way it works: Light prompts it to open channels in the cell membrane, letting various charged ions in or out and thus changing the cell’s internal chemistry. Since neurons fire off charged signals to one another through similar channels, scientists thought that these rhodopsins might finally give them the control they sought. Surprisingly, the algal rhodopsins functioned quite well in sophisticated mammalian nerve cells.

The first report on a marriage between an algal protein and a nerve cell was published in 2005, and it was this seminal paper that set Yizhar on his path. As he neared the end of his doctoral research at Tel Aviv University and was contemplating postdoctoral positions, he was searching for ideas in the pages of neuroscience journals. “I wanted a subject that would excite me,” he says. That seminal paper was the spark he was looking for, and Yizhar set off to do his postdoctoral research in the optogenetics lab of the paper’s lead author, Dr. Karl Deisseroth, at Stanford University.

There, Yizhar joined a group of young researchers in developing the toolkit for the nascent field. Beginning with nerve cells grown in culture and progressing to genetically engineered mice in which selected brain cells were activated by light pulses from tiny implanted optic fibers, the team continued to demonstrate the potential of the method. By now, says Yizhar, the toolkit has advanced to the point where different neurons can be made to respond to different colors of light, enabling scientists to work with more than one cell type at a time. The developers have made the toolkit available to other researchers and, so far, over a thousand labs worldwide have requested it.

In his Weizmann lab Yizhar intends, among other things, to continue research he began at Stanford in an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. This is where such higher functions as goal-directed behavior and working memory take place; faulty circuitry in this area is implicated in a number of psychiatric problems. Yizhar and the Stanford team tested a theory that both autism and schizophrenia might be tied to an imbalance in the activities of two types of neurons controlling these circuits. Indeed, when the researchers used their light-activated optogenetic tools to create such an imbalance in lab mouse brains, they saw behavior associated with autism.

Yizhar emphasizes that we will not be curing psychiatric disorders anytime in the near future with implanted optic cables. Rather, optogenetics will give researchers powerful tools that should enable them to pinpoint the sources of malfunctions and hopefully lead to the design of effective treatments.

Back to Rehovot

Dr. Ofer Yizhar grew up in Mazkeret Batya, near Rehovot, and attended the Israeli Arts and Science Academy high school in Jerusalem. He received his B.Sc. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D., in neurobiology, from Tel Aviv University.

He lives on campus with his wife Lital, a breast-feeding counselor, and their three children. In his spare time, Yizhar enjoys swimming, rock climbing and music.
Dr. Ofer Yizhar's research is supported by the Adelis Foundation; the Candice Appleton Family Trust; and the Clore Center for Biological Physics. Dr. Yizhar is the incumbent of the Gertrude and Philip Nollman Career Development Chair.
Mouse hippocampus containing two different types of channelrhodopsins. The green fluorescence marks axons entering into the hippocampal CA1 region, and the red fluorescence is expressed in the dentate gyrus part of the hippocampus (inverted V-shaped structure)
Life Sciences

Two for the Price of One

Cover illustration: the zebrafish stress response
After we sense a threat, our brain center incharge of responding goes into gear, setting off a chain of biochemical reactions leading to the release of cortisol – a main stress hormone – from the adrenal glands.

Dr. Gil Levkowitz and his team in the Molecular Cell Biology Department have now revealed a new kind of ON-OFF switch in the brain for regulating the production of a main biochemical signal from the brain that stimulates cortisol release in the body. This finding, which appeared in Neuron, may be relevant to research into a number of stress-related neurological disorders.
This signal is corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which is manufactured and stored in special neurons in the hypothalamus. By the time the CRH-containing neurons have depleted their supply of the hormone, they are already receiving the directive to produce more.

The research – on zebrafish – was performed in Levkowitz’s lab and spearheaded by Dr. Liat Amir-Zilberstein together with Drs. Janna Blechman, Adriana Reuveny and Natalia Borodovsky, as well as Maayan Tahor. The team found that a protein called Otp is involved in several stages of CRH production. As well as directly activating the genes encoding CRH, it also regulates the production of two different receptors on the neurons’ surface for receiving and relaying CRH production signals – in effect, ON and OFF switches.

The researchers discovered that both receptors are encoded in a single gene. To get two receptors for the price of one, Otp regulates a gene-editing process known as alternative splicing, in which some of the elements in the sequence encoded in a gene can be “cut and pasted” to make slightly different “sentences.” In this case, it generates two variants of a receptor called PAC1: The short version produces the ON receptor; the long version, containing an extra sequence, encodes the OFF receptor. The researchers found that as the threat passed and the supply of CRH was replenished, the ratio between the two types of PAC1 receptor on the neurons’ surface gradually changed from more ON to mostly OFF.
Faulty switching mechanisms may play a role in a number of stress-related disorders. The action of the PAC1 receptor has recently been implicated in post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as in schizophrenia and depression. Malfunctions in alternative splicing have also been associated with epilepsy, mental retardation, bipolar disorder and autism.
Dr. Gil Levkowitz's research is supported by the estate of Lore Lennon; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; the Dekker Foundation; and the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund. Dr. Levkowitz is the incumbent of the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.

Cover illustration: the zebrafish stress response
Life Sciences

A Unique ON-OFF Switch for the Stress Response

Neuron cover
After we sense a threat, our brain center responsible for responding goes into gear, setting off a chain of biochemical reactions leading to the release of cortisol – a main stress hormone – from the adrenal glands.
Dr. Gil Levkowitz and his team in the Molecular Cell Biology Department have now revealed a new kind of ON-OFF switch in the brain for regulating the production of a main biochemical signal from the brain that stimulates cortisol release in the body. This finding, which was recently published in Neuron, may be relevant to research into a number of stress-related neurological disorders.

This signal is corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH). CRH is manufactured and stored in special neurons in the hypothalamus. Within this small brain region the danger is sensed, the information processed and the orders to go into stress-response mode are sent out. As soon as the CRH-containing neurons have depleted their supply of the hormone, they are already receiving the directive to produce more.

The research – on zebrafish – was performed in Levkowitz’s lab and spearheaded by Dr. Liat Amir-Zilberstein together with Drs. Janna Blechman, Adriana Reuveny and Natalia Borodovsky and Maayan Tahor. The team found that a protein called Otp is involved in several stages of CRH production. As well as directly activating the genes encoding CRH, it also regulates the production of two different receptors on the neurons’ surface for receiving and relaying CRH production signals – in effect, ON and OFF switches.

The team found that both receptors are encoded in a single gene. To get two receptors for the price of one, Otp regulates a gene-editing process known as alternative splicing, in which some of the elements in the sequence encoded in a gene can be “cut and pasted” to make slightly different “sentences.” In this case, it generates two variants of a receptor called PAC1: The short version produces the ON receptor; the long version, containing an extra sequence, encodes the OFF receptor. The researchers found that as the threat passed and the supply of CRH was replenished, the ratio between the two types of PAC1 receptor on the neurons’ surface gradually changed from more ON to mostly OFF. In collaboration with Drs Laure Bally-Cuif and William Norton of the Institute of Neurobiology Alfred Fessard at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France, the researchers showed that blocking the production of the long receptor variant causes an anxiety-like behavior in zebrafish.

Together with Drs. Alon Chen and Yehezkel Sztainberg of the Neurobiology Department, Levkowitz’s team found the same alternatively-spliced switch in mice. This conservation of the mechanism through the evolution of fish and mice implies that a similar means of turning CRH production on and off exists in the human brain.

Faulty switching mechanisms may play a role in a number of stress-related disorders. The action of the PAC1 receptor has recently been implicated in post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as in schizophrenia and depression. Malfunctions in alternative splicing have also been associated with epilepsy, mental retardation, bipolar disorder and autism.
Dr. Gil Levkowitz’s research is supported by the estate of Lore Lennon; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; and the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund. Dr. Levkowitz is the incumbent of the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.

Dr. Alon Chen’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the European Research Council; Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil; Martine Turcotte and Friends, Canada; Mark Besen and the Pratt Foundation, Australia; the estate of Nathan Baltor; the estate of Lola Asseof; and the Women's Health Research Center funded by the Bennett-Pritzker Endowment Fund, the Marvelle Koffler Program for Breast Cancer Research, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Women's Health Research Endowment and the Oprah Winfrey Biomedical Research Fund. Dr. Chen is the incumbent of the Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair.

Neuron cover
Life Sciences

Close Encounters of the Brain and Blood

(l-r) Dr. Gil Levkowitz, Amos Gutnick and Drs. Liat Amir-Zilberstein and Janna Blechman. Partner for life


“It’s all in your head” is more than a catchy phrase; it’s a fairly accurate description of how the human body functions. From blood pressure to appetite to food metabolism, much of the body’s chemistry is controlled by the brain. In a study published recently in Developmental Cell, a team of scientists led by Dr. Gil Levkowitz of the Weizmann Institute has revealed the exact structure of one crucial brain area in which biochemical commands are passed from the brain cells to the bloodstream, and from there to the body.
The brain area in question, the neurohypophysis, is located at the base of the brain, where it is an interface between nerve fibers and blood vessels. Here, some of the major brain-body interactions take place: the nerve cells release into the blood vessels the hormones that regulate a series of vital body processes, including the balance of fluids and uterine contractions in childbirth. The neurohypophysis has been studied for more than a century; but now, in the Weizmann Institute-led study, the scientists have developed new genetic tools that allowed them to re-examine the exact three-dimensional arrangement of this brain structure, along with clarifying the cellular and molecular processes leading to its formation.
Since the human neurohypophysis, composed of tens of thousands cells, is exceedingly complex, the scientists performed the research on live embryos of zebrafish, which offer a unique model for studying the vertebrate brain. As these embryos are entirely transparent and lend themselves to genetic manipulation with relative ease, the scientists could observe the actual formation of the fish neurohypophysis under a microscope. The findings apply to humans because this part of the brain is built similarly in all vertebrates. The research was conducted in Dr. Levkowitz’s lab in the Molecular Cell Biology Department by Ph.D. student Amos Gutnick together with Dr. Janna Blechman. The Weizmann scientists worked in collaboration with Dr. Jan Kaslin of Monash University, Australia; Drs. Lukas Herwig, Heinz-Georg Belting and Markus Affolter of the University of Basel, Switzerland; and Dr. Joshua L. Bonkowsky of the University of Utah, United States.
Three-dimensional structure of the neurohypophysis in a zebrafish embryo (the nerve fibers and blood vessels are genetically tagged with fluorescent proteins). This brain area provides an interface between nerve cells (green), arteries (purple) and veins (red)
The study revealed a surprising new function for the hormonal messenger oxytocin, dubbed the “hormone of love” because in addition to controlling appetite (see box) and female reproductive behaviors such as breast-feeding, it is also involved in mother-child and mate bonding. The scientists have shown that oxytocin, one of the two major hormones secreted in the adult neurohypophysis, is involved in the development of this brain area already at the embryonic stage. In the embryo, oxytocin released by nerve cells governs the formation of new blood vessels. “In this manner,” says Levkowitz, “the messenger helps to build the road for transmitting its own future messages.” Developmental Cell highlighted the study’s findings in a preview headlined, “The Hormone of Love Attracts a Partner for Life.”

These findings provide an important advance in basic research because they shed light on fundamental brain processes, but in the future they might be relevant to the treatment of disease. Since the neurohypophysis is one of just a few portions of the brain that regenerate after injury, understanding how it is formed may one day help achieve such regeneration in other types of brain injury.

Appetite Tidbits

Among its numerous functions, the hormone oxytocin suppresses appetite. It would seem that oxytocin could make a fantastic diet pill: Encourage the body to make more oxytocin, and your hunger will go away. Alas, if only things were so simple!

Weizmann Institute researchers have found that a protein called PGC-1alpha, which stimulates energy expenditure due to fasting, exposure to cold or exercise, also stimulates the production of oxytocin. In other words, the same molecule triggers two biochemical processes that have exactly opposite effects: one increases appetite by enhancing energy expenditure, the other suppresses the appetite. This study, reported recently in the Journal of Neuroscience, was performed in Dr. Levkowitz’s lab by Dr. Janna Blechman together with Dr. Liat Amir-Zilberstein and Amos Gutnick, as well as Dr. Shifra Ben-Dor of Biological Services. Using the zebrafish as a model, the scientists developed a unique genetic approach that allowed them to clarify how PGC-1alpha affects the release of oxytocin by the brain’s nerve cells.

If these findings are found to be relevant to humans, they suggest that in order to manipulate appetite with the help of oxytocin, researchers would have to take into account the complexity of the regulatory mechanisms involved. In particular, they would need to separate the two opposing functions of PGC-1alpha, enhancing only the one that results in appetite suppression.
Dr. Gil Levkowitz's research is supported by the Dekker Foundation; the estate of Lore Lennon; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; and the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund. Dr. Levkowitz is the incumbent of the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.

Three-dimensional structure of the neurohypophysis in a zebrafish embryo (the nerve fibers and blood vessels are genetically tagged with fluorescent proteins). This brain area provides an interface between nerve cells (green), arteries (purple) and veins (red)
Life Sciences

Placing That Smell


(l-r) Drs. Hadas Lipid and Sagit Shushan, Prof. Noam Sobel, and Drs. Anton Plotkin and Elad Schneidman. Smelling good



Certain smells cause us pleasure or disgust – this might seem to be a matter of personal idiosyncrasy. But new research at the Weizmann Institute shows that odors can be rated on a scale of pleasantness, and this turns out to be an organizing principle for the way we experience smell. The findings, which appeared recently in Nature Neuroscience, reveal a correlation between the response of certain nerves to particular scents and the pleasantness of those scents. On the basis of this correlation, the researchers could tell by measuring the nerve responses whether a subject found a smell pleasant or unpleasant.

Our various sensory organs have evolved patterns of organization that reflect the type of input they receive. Thus the receptors in the retina, in the back of the eye, are arranged spatially for efficiently mapping out visual coordinates, while the structure of the inner ear is set up according to a tonal scale. But the organizational principle of our sense of smell has remained a mystery: Scientists have not even been sure if there is a scale that determines the organization of our smell organ, much less how the arrangement of smell receptors on the membranes in our nasal passages might reflect such a scale.

A team headed by Prof. Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department set out to search for an organizational principle governing the sense of smell. Hints that the answer could be tied to pleasantness had been noted in research labs around the world, including that of Sobel, who had previously found a connection between the chemical structure of an odor molecule and its place on a pleasantness scale. Sobel and his team thought that smell receptors in the nose – of which there are some 400 subtypes – might be arranged on the nasal membrane according to this scale. This hypothesis goes against the conventional view, which claims that the various smell receptors are mixed – distributed evenly, but randomly, around the membrane.
A volunteer demonstrates the experimental apparatus
In the experiment, the researchers inserted electrodes into the nasal passages of volunteers and measured the nerves’ responses to different smells in various sites. Each measurement actually captured the response of thousands of smell receptors, as these are densely packed on the membrane. The scientists found that the strength of the nerve signal varies from place to place on the membrane. It appeared that the receptors are not evenly distributed; rather, that they are grouped into distinct sites, each engaging most strongly with a particular type of scent. Further investigation showed that the intensity of a reaction was linked to the odor’s place on the pleasantness scale. A site where the nerves reacted strongly to a certain agreeable scent also showed strong reactions to other pleasing smells and vice versa: The nerves in an area with a high response to one unpleasant odor reacted similarly to other disagreeable smells. The implication is that a pleasantness scale is, indeed, an organizing principle for our smell organ.

But does our sense of smell really work according to this simple principle? Natural odors are composed of a large number of molecules – roses, for instance, release 172 different odor molecules. Nonetheless, says Sobel, the most dominant of those determine which sites on the membrane will react the most strongly, while the other substances make secondary contributions to the smelling experience.

“We uncovered a clear correlation between the pattern of nerve reaction to various smells and the pleasantness of those smells. As in sight and hearing, the receptors for our sense of smell are spatially organized in a way that reflects the nature of the sensory experience,” says Sobel. In addition, the findings confirm the idea that our experience of a smell as nice or nasty is hardwired into our physiology, and not purely the result of individual preference. Sobel doesn’t discount the idea that individuals may experience smells differently. He theorizes that cultural context and personal experience may cause a certain amount of reorganization in smell perception over a person’s lifetime.

This research was carried out by Drs. Hadas Lipid, Sagit Shushan and Anton Plotkin in the group of Prof. Noam Sobel, together with Dr. Elad Schneidman of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department, Dr. Yehudah Roth of Wolfson Hospital in Holon, Prof. Hillary Voet of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Prof. Thomas Hummel of Dresden University, Germany.
Prof. Noam Sobel's research is supported by Regina Wachter, NY; the estate of Lore Lennon; the James S. McDonnell Foundation 21st Century Science Scholar in Understanding Human Cognition Program; the Minerva Foundation; and the European Research Council. 
Dr. Elad Schneidman's research is supported by the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Feis, Winnetka, IL; the
Peter and Patricia Gruber Award; and the J & R Foundation.

(l-r) Drs. Hadas Lipid and Sagit Shushan, Prof. Noam Sobel, and Drs. Anton Plotkin and Elad Schneidman. Smelling good
Life Sciences

What Makes a Grid?

Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky. Stable networks
The brain contains a unique set of cells that fire in perfect hexagonal spatial arrays. Since these “grid cells” were discovered in rats in 2005, scientists have been trying to figure out what produces this unusual hexagonal firing pattern. They may now be close to an answer: A new study at the Weizmann Institute conclusively shows that one of the two proposed models for grid cell activity does not hold up in a second mammal – the bat – making it unlikely to be valid. The results of this research appeared recently in Nature.

Grid cells are found in a part of the brain called the entorhinal cortex; they are active when the animal roams around a space. In addition, they are thought to communicate with “place cells” in the hippocampus, next door. Grid cells appear to help map the environment by creating a sort of reference grid – firing when the animal crosses a node – while place cells relate to specific locations.

The model tested by Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky and research student Michael Yartsev of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department, together with Prof. Menno Witter of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, suggested that periodic oscillations in neural activity give rise to the grid pattern. Such regular, wave-like oscillations had been observed in the rat entorhinal cortex simultaneously with grid-cell firing. The supposition was that the oscillation – a periodic pattern in time – is converted by the brain to a periodic pattern in space, i.e., the grid structure.
But does the fact that the two periodicities – spatial and temporal – always occur together mean that one causes the other? In rats, it is impossible to separate them; but Ulanovsky suspected that the bats he studies – Egyptian fruit bats – might not exhibit such a neat correlation. In a previous study of bat place cells, he had noted oscillations that were very different from those of rats, and he hypothesized that this dissimilarity might apply to grid-cell activity, as well.

To find out, the researchers first had to locate the bats’ entorhinal cortex and pinpoint the exact location of the grid cells – a long process undertaken by the Weizmann researchers in collaboration with the Trondheim lab of Witter, a noted expert on brain anatomy. Ulanovsky and Yartsev then carefully inserted tiny electrodes into the area containing grid cells and recorded their activity as the bats crawled around the floor of a box, replicating the rat experiments as closely as possible.
Autocorrelation showing the hexagonal grid structures of grid cells
Their findings showed that the bat grid cells fired in a neat hexagonal array nearly identical to that of rats; the similarity extended to the smallest details of the hexagons’ properties. But the oscillations in time were completely different: Instead of regular waves, the bats’ brains revealed short bouts of oscillation interspersed with longer quiescent periods – putting them at odds with the model. Further mathematical analysis showed that the grid patterns remain unchanged even if oscillations are identified and removed from the analysis. In other words, there is no real correlation between the oscillations and the grids; oscillations cannot be the cause of the grid cells’ unique ordered patterns.

By disproving the first model, Ulanovsky and his colleagues have lent strong support to the second, alternative model, which proposes that the pattern arises because the cells work as a network. The hexagonal layout is explained by the fact that a hexagon is the one formation in which all the activity nodes are equidistant, leading to the minimum-energy, most stable pattern of the network model. This principle is seen elsewhere in nature, for instance in honeycombs, in which the hexagon shape provides a strong structure that yields a minimum-energy, stable configuration.
Dr. Nachum Ulanovsky's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Irving B. Harris Foundation; the estate of Fannie Sherr; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Harowitz, San Francisco, CA; and the European Research Council.
Autocorrelation showing the hexagonal grid structures of grid cells
Life Sciences

A Hormone Ensures its Future

Much of the body’s chemistry is controlled by the brain – from blood pressure to appetite to food metabolism. In a study published recently in Developmental Cell, a team of scientists led by Dr. Gil Levkowitz of the Weizmann Institute has revealed the exact structure of one crucial brain area in which biochemical commands are passed from the brain cells to the bloodstream and from there to the body. In the process, they discovered a surprising new role for the “hormone of love,” showing that it helps to direct the development of this brain structure.

The area in question, the neurohypophysis, is an interface between nerve fibers and blood vessels located at the base of the brain. Here, some of the major brain-body interactions take place: Hormones released from nerves into the blood vessels regulate a series of vital body processes, including the balance of fluids and uterine contractions in childbirth.

Although the neurohypophysis has been studied for more than a century, the scientists in the Weizmann Institute-led study developed new genetic tools that enabled them to examine the exact three-dimensional arrangement of this brain structure and clarify the cellular and molecular processes leading to its formation. Since the human neurohypophysis is exceedingly complex, the scientists performed the research on live embryos of zebrafish. These fully transparent embryos offer a unique model for studying the vertebrate brain, lending themselves to genetic manipulation with relative ease and enabling researchers to observe the actual formation of a neurohypophysis under a microscope.

The study revealed a surprising new function for the hormonal messenger oxytocin, dubbed the “hormone of love” because, in addition to controlling appetite and such female reproductive behaviors as breastfeeding, it is also involved in mother-child and mate bonding. The scientists showed that oxytocin, one of the two major hormones secreted in the adult neurohypophysis, is involved in the development of this brain area already in the embryo. At this stage, the oxytocin governs the formation of new blood vessels. “The messenger helps to build the road for transmitting its own future messages,” says Levkowitz . Developmental Cell highlighted the study’s findings in a preview headlined, “The Hormone of Love Attracts a Partner for Life.”
Three-dimensional structure of the neurohypophysis in a zebrafish embryo (the nerve fibers and blood vessels are genetically tagged with fluorescent proteins). This brain area provides an interface between nerve cells (green), arteries (purple) and veins (red)
These findings provide an important advance in basic research because they shed light on fundamental brain processes, but in the future they might also be relevant to the treatment of disease. Since the neurohypophysis is one of only a few portions of the brain able to regenerate after injury, an understanding of how it is formed may one day help achieve such regeneration in other parts of the central nervous system.
The research was conducted in Levkowitz’s lab in the Molecular Cell Biology Department by Ph.D. student Amos Gutnick together with Dr. Janna Blechman. The Weizmann scientists worked in collaboration with Dr. Jan Kaslin of Monash University, Australia; Drs. Lukas Herwig, Heinz-Georg Belting and Markus Affolter of the University of Basel, Switzerland; and Dr. Joshua L. Bonkowsky of the University of Utah, United States.
Dr. Gil Levkowitz’s research is supported by the Dekker Foundation; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; and the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund. Dr. Levkowitz is the incumbent of the Tauro Career Development Chair in Biomedical Research.
Three-dimensional structure of the neurohypophysis in a zebrafish embryo (the nerve fibers and blood vessels are genetically tagged with fluorescent proteins). This brain area provides an interface between nerve cells (green), arteries (purple) and veins (red)
Life Sciences

New Organizing Principle for Our Sense of Smell



The fact that certain smells cause us pleasure or disgust would seem to be a matter of personal taste. But new research at the Weizmann Institute shows that odors can be rated on a scale of pleasantness, and this turns out to be an organizing principle for the way we experience smell. The findings, which appeared today in Nature Neuroscience, reveal a correlation between the response of certain nerves to particular scents and the pleasantness of those scents. Based on this correlation, the researchers could tell by measuring the nerve responses whether a subject found a smell pleasant or unpleasant.

Our various sensory organs have evolved patterns of organization that reflect the type of input they receive. Thus the receptors in the retina, in the back of the eye, are arranged spatially for efficiently mapping out visual coordinates. The structure of the inner ear, on the other hand, is set up according to a tonal scale. But the organizational principle for our sense of smell has remained a mystery: Scientists have not even been sure if there is a scale that determines the organization of our smell organ, much less how the arrangement of smell receptors on the membranes in our nasal passages might reflect such a scale.

A team headed by Prof. Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department set out to search for the principle of organization for smell. Hints that the answer could be tied to pleasantness had been seen in research labs around the world, including that of Sobel, who had previously found a connection between the chemical structure of an odor molecule and its place on a pleasantness scale. Sobel and his team thought that smell receptors in the nose – of which there are some 400 subtypes – could be arranged on the nasal membrane according to this scale. This hypothesis goes against the conventional view, which claims that the various smell receptors are mixed -- distributed evenly, but randomly, around the membrane.

In the experiment, the researchers inserted electrodes into the nasal passages of volunteers and measured the nerves’ responses to different smells in various sites. Each measurement actually captured the response of thousands of smell receptors, as these are densely packed on the membrane. The scientists found that the strength of the nerve signal varies from place to place on the membrane. It appeared that the receptors are not evenly distributed, but rather, that they are grouped into distinct sites, each engaging most strongly with a particular type of scent. Further investigation showed that the intensity of a reaction was linked to the odor’s place on the pleasantness scale. A site where the nerves reacted strongly to a certain agreeable scent also showed strong reactions to other pleasing smells and vice versa: The nerves in an area with a high response to an unpleasant odor reacted similarly to other disagreeable smells. The implication is that a pleasantness scale is, indeed, the organizing principle for our smell organ.

But does our sense of smell really work according to this simple principle? Natural odors are composed of a large number of molecules – roses, for instance, release 172 different odor molecules. Nonetheless, says Sobel, the most dominant of those determine which sites on the membrane will react the most strongly, while the other substances make secondary contributions to the scent.

“We uncovered a clear correlation between the pattern of nerve reaction to various smells and the pleasantness of those smells. As in sight and hearing, the receptors for our sense of smell are spatially organized in a way that reflects the nature of the sensory experience,” says Sobel. In addition, the findings confirm the idea that our experience of smells as nice or nasty is hardwired into our physiology, and not purely the result of individual preference. Sobel doesn’t discount the idea that individuals may experience smells differently. He theorizes that cultural context and personal experience may cause a certain amount of reorganization in the smell membrane over a person’s lifetime.
Experimental apparatus for recording neural activity directly from the olfactory receptor neurons lining the olfactory epithelium in the nasal passages. Photo by Martin Kollar
This research was carried out by Hadas Lapid, Drs. Sagit Shushan and Anton Plotkin in the group of Prof. Noam Sobel, together with Dr. Elad Schneidman of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department and Dr. Yehudah Roth of Wolfson Hospital in Holon, Prof. Hillary Voet of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Prof. Thomas Hummel of Dresden University, Germany.
Prof. Noam Sobel’s research is supported by Regina Wachter, NY; the estate of Lore Lennon, the James S. McDonnell Foundation 21st Century Science Scholar in Understanding Human Cognition Program; the Minerva Foundation; and the European Research Council.


Experimental apparatus for recording neural activity directly from the olfactory receptor neurons lining the olfactory epithelium in the nasal passages. Photo by Martin Kollar
Life Sciences

Identifying Autism Early

Prof. Rafael Malach and Dr. Ilan Dinstein. Synchronization


The biological causes of autism are still not understood. A diagnosis of autism is possible only after age three or four; and the tests are subjective, based on behavioral symptoms. Now, in research that appeared in Neuron, scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California, San Diego, have found, for the first time, a method that can accurately identify a biological sign of autism in very young toddlers. By scanning the brain activity of sleeping children, the scientists discovered that the autistic brains exhibited significantly weaker synchronization between brain areas tied to language and communication, compared to that of non-autistic children.
As compared to the control brain (top), the autistic brain (bottom) shows weaker inter-hemispheric synchronization in several areas, particularly the superior temporal gyrus (light blue) and the inferior frontal gyrus (red)
“Identifying biological signs of autism has been a major goal for many scientists around the world, both because such signs may allow early diagnosis and because they can provide researchers with important clues about the causes and development of the disorder,” says postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ilan Dinstein, a member of the group of Prof. Rafael Malach, who headed this study in the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department.
While many scientists believed that faulty lines of communication between different parts of the brain were involved in the spectrum of autism disorders, there was no way to observe this in very young children, who are unable to lie still inside an fMRI scanner while they are awake. But work by Malach’s group and other research groups pointed to a solution. Their studies had shown that even during sleep, the brain does not actually switch off. Rather, the electrical activity of the brain cells switches over to spontaneous fluctuation. These fluctuations are coordinated across the two hemispheres of the brain such that each point on the left is synchronized with its corresponding point in the right hemisphere.

In the sleeping autistic toddlers, the fMRI scans showed lowered levels of synchronization between the left and right brain areas known to be involved in language and communication. This pattern was not seen either in children with normal development or in those with delayed language development who were not autistic. In fact, the researchers found that this synchronization was strongly tied to the autistic child’s ability to communicate: The weaker the synchronization, the more severe were the symptoms of autism. On the basis of the scans, the scientists were able to identify 70% of the autistic children between the ages of one and three.

Dinstein: “This biological measurement could help diagnose autism at a very early stage. The goal for the near future is to find additional markers that can improve the accuracy and the reliability of the diagnosis.”
Prof. Rafael Malach’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences, which he heads; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; the Friends of Dr. Lou Siminovitch; and the S. & J. Lurje Memorial Foundation. Prof. Malach is the recipient of the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation and he is the incumbent of the Barbara and Morris L. Levinson Professorial Chair in Brain Research.
As compared to the control brain (top), the autistic brain (bottom) shows weaker inter-hemispheric synchronization in several areas, particularly the superior temporal gyrus (light blue) and the inferior frontal gyrus (red)
Life Sciences
