Science Feature Articles</p>

Hard Rain



A Weizmann Institute scientist and his colleagues caused a storm in the atmospheric research community a few years back when they suggested that tiny airborne particles known as aerosols may be among the main culprits in human-generated climate change. Aerosols affect cloud cover, and their impact on the local scale may be even greater than the greenhouse effect. 
Scientists have known for a while that such particles can have a number of different influences on cloud shape and formation. The problem is that some of these effects are warming and some are cooling; some seem to nudge the system toward greater rainfall and others toward less. Previously, because of limited methods for measuring the various effects, as well as the difficulty of creating an accurate model that could combine them all, the issue remained cloudy, if not downright foggy. Now Dr. Ilan Koren of the Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, working with Dr. Yoram Kaufman of the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA, has managed to weave together two opposing effects of atmospheric aerosols to provide a comprehensive picture of how they may be affecting our climate. 
Cloud formation begins with small amounts of such aerosols as sea salt and desert dust. The tiny particles serve as seeds around which water vapor in the air condenses, forming water droplets. When droplets are formed, heat is released, and this heat helps to drive the light droplets upward. As they rise, the small droplets collide, forming larger droplets. When the droplets reach a critical size, gravitation takes over and they fall from the cloud as rain. 
Koren's earlier studies had found evidence to suggest that the extra cloud-forming seeds planted in the atmosphere from man-made aerosol emissions (such as forest fires and burning fuel) lead to more but smaller water droplets, as the available water is divided among more seeds. Droplet collision becomes less efficient and rainfall is then suppressed. The lighter droplets are lifted farther up into the atmosphere, creating larger and taller clouds that persist for longer. Not only does this alter the global water cycle, but the increased cloud cover reflects more of the sun's radiation back into space, creating a local cooling effect on Earth.
To complicate matters, Koren, in another study, showed that certain types of aerosols – those containing black carbon (found, for instance, in airborne soot from burning coal) – can also decrease cloud cover, ultimately leading to a warming effect. This occurs because black carbon absorbs part of the sun's radiation, resulting in the atmosphere heating up and Earth’s surface cooling down, thereby preventing the conditions needed to form rain clouds. Fewer clouds mean weaker reflection of sunlight; less reflection of sunlight and absorption of radiation lead to warming.
Many policymakers and scientists have claimed, perhaps over-optimistically, that the effects of aerosols are mainly cooling, and that they may even help cancel out the greenhouse gases effect. Koren argues that it is the local effect that is worrisome: Clouds may retain their moisture over regions where they would normally precipitate, such as rainforests, or move to drop their rain over regions where it is not needed, such as oceans. Alternately, these effects could lead to the warming up of cold climate regions and the cooling down of hot ones. Such changes on top of global warming could have disastrous repercussions in the long run. 
Another question many have debated is: How can such tiny, localized particles affect weather systems thousands of kilometers away? The skeptics have claimed that, though aerosols undoubtedly play a role in cloud formation, it is negligible compared to that of key meteorological players such as temperature, pressure, the water vapor content of the air and wind strength.
To prove his theory, Koren needed a way to separate meteorolog-ical from aerosol influences. He and Kaufman used a network of ground sensors (AERONET) to measure the effect of aerosol concentration on cloud cover and the amount of radiation absorbed by aerosols at various locations across the globe and at different times of the year. Radiation absorption is relatively unaffected by meteorology, so if the skeptics were right and meteorology is the main influence, the correlation between aerosol absorption and cloud cover should have been hard to discern. But this was not the case. They observed the dual effect they had predicted: As the amount of aerosols increased, the amount of cloud cover increased; and as the amount of radiation absorption by aerosols increased, the amount of cloud cover decreased – for all locations, for all seasons. In light of this mathematical analysis, it becomes harder to deny that aerosols are, in fact, a major player in climate change. These results have recently been published in the journal Science.
“I would like to think that this study has finally cleared the air,” says Koren. “Hopefully policymakers will start to tackle the issue of climate change from a different perspective, taking into account not only the global impact of aerosols but local effects too.”    
Dr. Ilan Koren’s research is supported by the Samuel M. Soref and Helene K. Soref Foundation; and the Sussman  Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences.

Sattelite image of the Mediterranean



Satellite images of clouds




Dr. Yoram Kaufman



Dr. Ilan Koren. Clear data on clouds

Tolerance for Typos

Prof. Zvi Livneh and his team. Error-prone repair
A typo might change the whole meaning of an essay or, more likely, pass unnoticed. Add more typos, and chances are greater that the meaning will be skewed. In our cells, these “typos” are mutations – genetic mistakes in DNA, the material of heredity. If the instructions contained in the DNA become distorted through mutation, the result could be cancer. But the body can’t afford to consign every potentially cancerous cell to the bin. Just as readers might tolerate a few typos, as long as the meaning is clear, our bodies have evolved ways to ignore some mutations. In fact, scientists have begun to realize that mechanisms allowing some mutations to be carried over to the next generation of cells might be an effective strategy for preventing cancer. 
How does the body decide when and where to ignore mutations? The answer begins with the steps leading up to cell division. Before a cell can divide, it needs to make an extra copy of its DNA. An enzyme called DNA polymerase travels along one strand of the double-stranded molecule, reading each bit of genetic material and copying as it goes along, creating new DNA that will be passed on to the daughter cell. This enzyme can be a stickler for accuracy – if it runs into damage from radiation or exposure to harmful substances on the DNA strand, it can stop in its tracks, unable to continue copying. A stoppage of this sort spells death for the cell. A second type of DNA polymerase, however, can be called in to finish the job. This enzyme is more “careless” and can improvise when it hits a snag. “Error-prone DNA repair,” as it’s called, is based on a compromise: The cell lives, but at the price of allowing the genetic mutation to be carried over in cell division. 
To minimize the number of potentially harmful mutations, the body has no fewer than ten different “careless” enzymes. Although this may seem counterintuitive – more careless enzymes would seem to imply more mutations – each of these enzymes is tailored to deal with certain specific types of DNA damage. This specialization is what keeps the level of mutation, and thus the cancer risk, low. But the existence of this variety of specialist enzymes implies precise regulation of the system. The question is:  What keeps copying by careless enzymes under control, so as to prevent an unhealthy proliferation of mutations? 
Prof. Zvi Livneh and research student Sharon Avkin, along with research student Leanne Toube and Dr. Ziv Sevilya, all of the Biological Chemistry Department, Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department and two American colleagues, recently discovered a security mechanism that prevents just such proliferation. This mechanism allows the right enzyme to go to work – but only at the right time and only if it’s needed. The main components of the system are two proteins known as p53 and p21. One of the best-studied proteins around, p53 was even named “molecule of the year” by Science magazine a few years back, because of its starring role in reining in cancer processes in the cell. In the security mechanism, it seems to act as a sort of supervisor, keeping the careless enzymes in check. When the functioning of p53 or its sidekick, p21, was impaired in the team’s experiments, the activities of the careless enzymes tended to go into overdrive, and more mutations ensued.
The nuts and bolts of the mechanism include a sort of molecular clamp that holds the DNA polymerase onto the DNA strand and a small molecule called ubiquitin. When the copying enzyme encounters a problem, the ubiquitin attaches to the clamp. This small molecule, in turn, anchors one of the careless enzymes to the clamp. Meanwhile, p53 is alerted to the damage and causes p21 to be created. It is the p21 that facilitates the changeover from one to the other; it clears the stalled DNA polymerase out of the way and helps to fasten the ubiquitin in place so that the replacement enzyme can get to work. The scientists believe that by carrying out only “authorized” switches, these two molecules keep a tight rein on the number of error-prone repairs.  
Carelessness, in other words, may be tolerable, but only if it’s kept in check. With the judicious use of “careless” enzymes, the body maintains its balance – allowing cells to get on with their lives, while keeping mutations to a minimum.   
Prof. Zvi Livneh’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Dr. Josef Cohn Minerva Center for Biomembrane Research; the J & R Center for Scientific Research; the Levine Institute of Applied Science; and the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute.


Tolerance for Typos

(l-r) Sharon Avkin, Leanne Toube, Prof. Zvi Livneh and Dr. Ziv Sevilya. Healthy compromise
Life Sciences

Star Bright

Prof. Eli Waxman. Early supernova observation


Stars may lead long, luminous lives, but for some, it’s in death that they really shine. These stars finish up as black holes but, a moment before the end, they explode, slinging material in all directions and shining with a light that can be seen throughout the universe. This end only comes to the heavies of the neighborhood, those that weigh 30 times as much as our sun or more. When it happens, their dazzling light can be seen at much greater distances than before. Thus, early observers of the heavens saw bright points of light appear in the sky where none had existed the night before, and they dubbed them “supernovae” or “new stars.” 
Until now, scientists had only been able to spot supernovae several days after stars in the throes of  an explosion had begun to brighten. But the scientists who investigate this phenomenon needed to be able to observe what happens to these stars in real time. That’s precisely what NASA scientists have managed to do, for the first time, and their achievement has confirmed theoretical research carried out by astrophysicist Prof. Eli Waxman of the Weizmann Institute. 
Aided by NASA’s advanced research satellite, “Swift,” the scientists succeeded in detecting the supernova just 160 seconds after the event began. Seeing the supernova so early in the game allowed the scientists to observe, in addition to the material flying out in all directions, jets of gamma rays and X rays shooting out from the vicinity of the explosion. This confirmed Waxman and others’ theory that supernovae are the source of gamma ray bursts that have been measured in the past. They also found that the star was composed mainly of oxygen and carbon, signs that the star was, indeed, very heavy. For the first time, scientists were able to identify shock waves emanating from the center of the star and moving toward the surface. These shock waves give rise to the gamma and x-ray radiation. The “Swift” observations have bolstered the theoretical model of such supernova explosions proposed by Waxman several years ago.      
Prof. Eli Waxman’s research is supported by the Rosa and Emilio Segre Fund.


"swift" image of a nearby supernova a few days after it exploded, July 2006

Prof. Eli Waxman.
Space & Physics

Moving Mountains

Dr. Einat Aharonov. How the mountain moved











The mountains skipped like rams…

– Psalm 114


“Moving mountains” is synonymous with doing the impossible. Yet at least once in the past, one mountain actually picked up and moved a fair distance away. This feat took place around 50 million years ago, in the area of the present-day border between Montana and Wyoming. Heart Mountain was part of a larger mountain range when the 100-km- (62-mile-) long ridge somehow became detached from its position and shifted about 50 km to the southwest. Scientists first realized that the peak was not in its original spot when they discovered that the rock formation underneath was younger than the mountain sitting on top of it. Later satellite images helped them to place the original position of the mountain. This “migrating mountain” has garnered interest from geologists and geophysicists around the world, who have tried to solve the mystery behind the largest known instance of land movement on the face of any continent. Dr. Einat Aharonov of the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department, working in collaboration with Dr. Mark Anders of Columbia University in New York, published a paper in the scientific journal Geology that offers an explanation for the phenomenon.
In the scenario put forward by Aharonov and Anders, the mountain range was permeated with vertical cracks in the rock, called dikes, filled with hot lava boiling up from deep in the earth. This particular range had a relatively large number of these dikes, creating conduits in the rock leading from the lava source many thousands of meters below the surface upward to a 3-kilometer-deep aquifer – a porous, water-soaked layer of limestone. There, the sizzling lava would have heated the water to extreme temperatures, causing the pressure in the trapped fluid to rise tremendously. The scientists developed a mathematical model (based on the number of dikes in the mountain and their structure) that enabled them to calculate the temperatures and pressures that would have been created deep within the base of the mountain. The results showed that the hot lava would have turned the water in the aquifer layer into a sort of giant pressure cooker, releasing enough force to literally move a mountain.   
Dr. Einat Aharonov's research is supported by the Sussman Family Center for the Study of Environmental Sciences. Dr. Aharonov is the incumbent of the Anna and Maurice M. Boukstein Career Development Chair.
Heart mountain. Older on top


Dr. Einat Aharonov. How the mountain moved

Soaking Up the Heat

Prof. Avigdor Scherz and his team. Hot times
Humans are happiest in middling temperatures: When things get too cold, we turn to fires, radiators and overcoats; if too hot, to fans and air conditioners, to stay comfortable. Microorganisms do not have this luxury, yet without physical mechanisms to regulate internal body temperature or technology to alter their surroundings, they can be found happily thriving both in frozen Antarctica and in boiling hot springs.   
How do these bacteria and algae manage to get by in such extreme environments? If we could learn their secret, we might be able to use it to engineer crops that could grow in different climates or develop enzymes for industry that could work efficiently at different temperatures. Prof. Avigdor Scherz of the Plant Sciences Department and a team that included research students Oksana Shlyk-Kerner, Ilan Samish and Hadar Kless, and postdoctoral fellows Drs. David Kaftan, Neta Holland and P. S. Maruthi Sai, set out to find the mechanism used by organisms that flourish in extreme temperatures. 
In their experiment, the scientists worked with two different kinds of bacteria, both of them photosynthetic (that is, using the sun’s energy to create sugars for food). Employing a multidisciplinary approach, the research team focused on one of the key stages of photosynthesis, a reaction that takes place in enzymes in the “reaction center” of the bacterial cell. As they gradually raised the surrounding temperature, they timed the reaction to see how turning up the heat affected the reaction rate. 
They expected the change in rate to follow a general rule: As the temperature rises, the reaction should become faster and faster. To their surprise, neither bacterial enzyme obeyed the rule: Instead, they each peaked at a different temperature, after which the rate held steady, even as the temperature continued to rise. The peak for each microorganism occurred right in its optimal “comfort zone.” In other words, say the scientists, the bacterial enzymes aren’t affected by vagaries of the weather but are tuned to work most efficiently at the average temperature of their everyday habitat. This adaptation may protect them from potential ill effects stemming from swings in enzyme activity if things get too cool or too hot.
But what gives these enzymes the ability to function at their best in one temperature range or another? One of the bacteria the scientists tested was happiest when temperatures were in the moderate range; the other was a lover of intense heat. The puzzle was that the enzymes in the photosynthetic reaction centers of both are almost completely identical. Nonetheless, the scientists managed to find a tiny difference between them: Just two amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) were changed in the long protein sequence. As the French say: “Viva la difference!” When the scientists genetically engineered these proteins, replacing the two amino acids with their counterparts from the other bacteria, they saw a 10-degree change in the average temperature for peak enzyme activity, about the same as they found in the natural enzymes. This convinced them that the two tiny amino acids play a key role in setting the photosynthesis thermostat to either “lukewarm” or “tropical heat.” 
These findings, which appeared in Nature, may have future applications in a number of different fields. Crops, for instance, might be adapted to growing in extremely hot climates such as deserts. Enzymes used in industrial processes might be tweaked to work more efficiently. Scherz envisions another possible future use for the ability to control rates of photosynthesis: Plants grown for biofuel could be altered so as to produce greater biomass. These would absorb more than the usual amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thereby providing an environmentally friendly, renewable energy source and reducing a greenhouse gas, all at the same time.        
Prof. Avigdor Scherz's research is supported by the Charles W. and Tillie K. Lubin Center for Plant Biotechnology; the Avron-Wilstatter Minerva Center for Research in Photosynthesis; the Sylvia and Martin Snow Charitable Foundation; H. Thomas Beck, Toronto, Canada; Samuel T. Cramer, Beverly Hills, CA; Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Kahn, Mexico; and Mrs. Sharon Zuckerman, Toronto, Canada. Prof. Scherz is the incumbent of the Yadelle and Robert N. Sklare Professorial Chair in Biochemistry.  

In the Spotlight

Photosynthesis – the process of creating usable energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide – is the basis of all life on Earth. Photosynthetic organisms – plants, algae and some bacteria – feed all of the organisms higher up the food chain, supply the air with oxygen and help regulate the climate. But the real news is that many of these organisms, especially the higher plants, convert light to energy with an efficiency that human engineers can only dream of. 
Some of the  photosynthesis research at the Weizmann Institute explores such basic questions as how, even in dim light, the plant cell captures the solar energy it needs to function, while avoiding damage from overexposure in strong light. Meanwhile, the exploration of different aspects of photosynthesis has inspired a host of applications and new research avenues.
One of them is a method pioneered by Prof. Scherz and Prof. Yoram Salomon of the Biological Regulation Department that aims to destroy tumors by clotting their vascular supply, using light to activate a chlorophyll-based compound (chlorophyll being the green, light-absorbing substance in plants). This process, which takes advantage of the superb ability of chlorophyll to absorb light and generate radicals, is now in Phase II/III clinical trials for the treatment of localized prostate cancer.
(l-r) Oksana Shlyk-Kerner, Prof. Avigdor Scherz and Dr. David Kaftan. Peak reaction

Deep Meanings

Lacalle and Moses. Effective communication
From dashing off an e-mail to writing War and Peace, communicating thoughts and meanings involves translating a complex idea or set of ideas into a one-dimensional string of words that another person can read in sequence and then recreate the meaning in his or her mind. Communication is at once one of the most basic and  the most mysterious of our daily activities: Everyone does it; few are really good at it.

Is there a basic, underlying structure to the effective communication of complex ideas? A team of scientists that included physicists and language researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science and elsewhere investigated this question by applying scientific methods to some of our culture’s most successful models for the skillful transfer of ideas: classic writings that, by common agreement, get their messages across well. In research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the scientists created mathematical tools that allowed them to trace the development of ideas throughout a book. The international team included Prof. Elisha Moses and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Enrique Alvarez Lacalle of the Weizmann Institute’s Physics of Complex Systems Department as well as Prof. Jean-Pierre Eckmann, a frequent visitor from the University of Geneva, and research student Beate Dorow from the University of Stuttgart.

Because strings of words are one-dimensional, they literally lack depth. Yet our minds and memories are able to recreate complex ideas from this string. Moses and his team hypothesized that this process may rely on hierarchical structures “encoded” in the narrative. (An obvious hierarchical structure in a text is chapter-paragraph-sentence.) The implication is that our minds decipher not only the individual words, but the encoded structure, enabling us to comprehend abstract concepts.

The scientists applied their mathematical tools to a number of books known for their ability to convey ideas. They included the writings of Albert Einstein, Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and other classics of different styles and periods, to see if it was possible to identify common structures. They defined “windows of attention” of around 200 words (about a paragraph), and within these windows, they identified pairs of words that frequently occurred near each other (after eliminating “meaningless” words such as pronouns). From the resulting word lists and the frequency with which the single words appeared in the text, the scientists’ mathematical analysis was used to construct a sort of network of “concept vectors” – linked words that convey the principal ideas of the text.

Mathematically, these concept vectors can go in many directions. When we read a text, we’re taking a tour along the paths that make up the resulting network. The multidimensional concept vectors seem to span a whole “web” of ideas. The scientists’ findings suggest that this network is based on a tree-like hierarchy, and that such a hierarchy may be a basic underpinning of all language. The reader or listener can reconstruct the hierarchical structure of a text and so enter the multidimensional space of ideas. Thus, from a flat page and a one-dimensional string of words, we are able to grasp the full complexity of “the author’s meaning.”

Moses: “Philosophers from Wittgenstein to Chomsky have taught us that language plays a central evolutionary role in shaping the human brain, and that revealing the structure of language is an essential step to comprehending brain structure. Our contribution to research in this basic field is in using mathematical tools to connect concepts or ideas with the words used to express them. The structure serves to transmit concepts and reconstruct them in the mind of the reader. A deep question that remains open is whether the correlations we uncovered are related to making a text aesthetic as well as comprehensible.” 
Prof. Elisha Moses’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Center for Experimental Physics; and the Rosa and Emilio Segre Research Award. 

The Physics of Finger Tapping


The volunteer sits with earphones on his head and an electrode taped to his finger, tapping to a beat. Suddenly, his forefinger swings out of rhythm. The researcher standing behind him, postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nestor Handzy, has aimed a painless, external magnetic pulse at one part of his brain, which causes the finger to twitch involuntarily. For that split second, explains Handzy, the finger’s actions were controlled by two opposing instructions. This sort of competition, says Prof. Moses, lends itself to treatment with concepts from physics.

Moses and Handzy have teamed up with Dr. Avi Peled of the Technion and Shaar Menashe Mental Health Center, a psychiatrist who believes that physics can help find better treatments for schizophrenia. In Peled’s words: “The brain is an extremely complex, non-linear network of neurons, and schizophrenia is probably a disorder of connectivity.” Moses: “As physicists, we framed the question and set up the experiment using a complex systems approach.”

With the simple finger-tapping test, the team has already found that schizophrenics’ brains show an atypical response pattern. What’s more, they’ve seen evidence that magnetic pulses might be able to straighten out skewed lines of communication between brain areas in schizophrenia patients. The scientists’ dream is to eventually create a “brain pacemaker” to “reset” these faulty communication signals.
(l-r) Dr. Enrique Alvarez Lacalle and Prof. Elisha Moses.
Space & Physics

Live Wire


Evaporation pond bacteria use sunlight for energy


Nature may be the ultimate designer, using evolution to precisely engineer each biological component to fit a unique function. So the discovery by a team of Weizmann Institute scientists that a protein in a cell wall excels at a function it apparently never performs in living organisms - conducting electricity - was as surprising as finding that hooking up a keyboard could turn a washing machine into a computer.
Prof. Mordechai Sheves, Dean of the Institute's Faculty of Chemistry, Prof. David Cahen of the Materials and Interfaces department, and Drs. Yongdong Jin and Noga Friedman of the Organic Chemistry Department, made their discovery in a series of experiments on a membrane protein isolated from a salt-water microorganism that, like plants, uses sunlight for energy. This protein, known as bacteriorhodopsin (or bR for short), captures the sunlight, which is converted inside the cell to chemical energy for storage. When sunlight hits the protein, protons are ejected and pumped across the cell membrane to energy conversion machinery on the other side. Our eyes contain similar proteins, rhodopsins, which also capture light but convert it to optic nerve signals rather than energy. Both bacterial and mammalian proteins contain a segment called retinal, a vitamin A derivative needed for eyesight. 
Distinguished by its deep purple color, bR changes to yellow following light absorption. Sheves and Cahen found this protein an ideal subject both because of its light activity and because of its unusual stability. Since it has been extensively studied, they had access to a vast fund of knowledge on the protein's structure and function, allowing them to manipulate various parts in their experiments. 
Their findings showed that bR can pass a current that is tens of thousands of times stronger than that which would be expected to pass through a protein - the difference is comparable to that between a room heater on at full blast and the electricity used by the little red LED on the side that tells you the heater's on. The retinal portion of the protein turned out to be a crucial component for passing current.  
The scientists found that the electron transfer is affected by light absorption. The protein's ability to capture sunlight activates a chemical switch: A retinal double bond changes the molecule's shape, flipping a part of the molecule from one side of the bond to the other. After this switchover takes place, the ability of the protein to pass current improves twofold. When the scientists carefully substituted a different molecule for the retinal segment - one that can't undergo the chemical change wrought by light absorption - the photosensitive effect was gone. 
The study raises interesting questions about evolution, says Sheves: "Why would nature create and maintain such an efficient system for conducting electricity, and then not use it? Is it simply an accident of biology, or did evolution abandon electron transport early on in favor of other kinds of energy? And if so, why?"    
Prof. Mordechai Sheves's research is supported by the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; the Joseph and Ceil Mazer Center for Structural Biology; the A.M.N. Fund for the Promotion of Science, Culture and Arts in Israel; Samuel T. Cramer, Beverly Hills, CA; and the estate of Klara and Max Seidman, Israel. Prof. Sheves is the incumbent of the Ephraim Katzir-Rao Makineni Professorial Chair in Chemistry.

bacteriorhodopsin and retinal segment



Bacteriorhodopsin-containing microorganisms give these evaporation ponds near San Francisco their color

Eaten Up Inside

(l-r) Sharon Reef and Prof. Adi Kimchi. One gene, two methods


In an emotionally difficult situation, it’s easy to feel as though we are “eating ourselves up from the inside.” In humans, this is no more than a psychological feeling, but for cells in our body, getting eaten from the inside can really happen. Every one of our cells is uploaded with a special “program” that instructs the cell to abort if it becomes a threat to the body – if it begins to turn cancerous, for example. This phenomenon of cellular suicide can occur in two different ways. The most commonly known is named “apoptosis” (in Greek: “falling off,” like leaves from a deciduous tree). In apoptosis, the cell produces toxic proteins that cause it to break apart. Cells that kill themselves in this way are “eaten” by neighboring cells. The second cellular suicide method, called autophagy, occurs when the cell literally eats itself from within. Malfunctions in these self-destruct programs may result in diseases such as cancer.
Prof. Adi Kimchi, Head of the Molecular Genetics Department, and research student Sharon Reef recently identified a novel protein that tells the cancerous cell to choose the self-eating method of suicide. In research that was published in the journal Molecular Cell, Kimchi and Reef discovered that this new protein is actually a shortened version of a previously known protein that usually causes apoptosis. These two proteins are in fact encoded by the same gene, even though each instructs the cancerous cell to commit suicide in a different way. The scientists proved that the shorter version of the protein, due to the missing segment, carries out its activity in an area of the cell completely different from that used by the longer protein. Consequently, autophagy is
triggered instead of apoptosis. 
The process of autophagy is based on the concept of “recycling bins”: double-membraned sac-like structures that actively develop in the cells. Especially during times of starvation, when food is lacking, these bins are able to recycle some of the cell’s contents, providing it with extra food and energy. But under certain circumstances, the recycling bins work in overdrive mode, resulting in self-eating to the point of death. The question arose: Is the observed autophagy – that triggered by the novel protein – a survival mechanism or its opposite, an agent of self-destruction? 
To answer the question, Kimchi and Reef, together with Einat Zalckvar and Shani Bialik of the Molecular Genetics Department and Prof. Moshe Oren and Ohad Shifman of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, silenced two genes that are known to be necessary for assembling the sac-like autophagic “recycling bins.” They discovered that reducing the occurrence of autophagy via gene silencing increased the survival of cells and thus concluded that the formation of the membrane-bound sacs in this case spells total degradation for the cells’ contents. 
But why have two different suicide mechanisms developed in cells? Kimchi suggests that the autophagy track is a sort of back-up plan, in case the cancer cell fails – for a variety of possible reasons – to sacrifice itself by apoptosis. By employing a back-up plan, the cell continues to ensure the prevention of the spread of cancer. Now the scientists plan to check if their understanding is correct, or whether autophagy is an independent process, unrelated to the cell's  earlier failed attempts to commit apoptosis.    
Prof. Adi Kimchi’s research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Center for Molecular  Genetics; the Levine Institute of Applied Science; the Jeans-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation; the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute; the Anne P. Lederer Research Institute; the Lombroso Prize for Cancer Research; the Ruth and Samuel Rosenwasser Charitable Fund; and the Jacqueline Seroussi Foundation Israel. Prof. Kimchi is the incumbent of the Helena Rubinstein Professorial Chair in Cancer Research.

Eating Machines

Prof. Zvulun Elazar. Protein plugs
Anyone who’s had the experience of putting machinery back together and having a part left over knows that some parts are more essential than others. Prof. Zvulun Elazar of the Biological Chemistry Department has used this principle to identify, for the first time, two sites on a particular yeast protein that are indispensable for protein recognition. Without these recognition sites, the process of assembling the “recycling bins” needed for cellular self-eating can’t take place. 
For the protein to carry out its activity, a specific, complementary protein needs to recognize and “plug” into one of its “sockets” – an action that initiates a cascade of events. By removing various socket-like structures one at a time from the protein and seeing how this affected the overall working of the autophagic machine, Elazar and his research team were able to isolate the specific site the second protein must recognize and hook up to. When this site was missing, that protein remained unplugged, leaving the cellular recycling machinery idle. They also found a second site on the protein that appears to be necessary for autophagic activity, although how it works needs to be studied further. 
Autophagy in mammalian cells has significant associations with neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, cancer, program-med cell death, and bacterial and viral infections. Because the autophagic recycling system found in yeast is similar to that in mammals, this research could provide crucial insight for further studies into the malfunctioning of cellular machinery and its consequences.
This research, which was published in EMBO Reports, was conducted with Ph.D. students Nira Amar of the Biological Chemistry Department and Gila Lustig of the Biological Regulation Department, in collaboration with Dr. Yoshinobu Ichimura and Prof.Yoshinori Ohsumi of the National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan.
Prof. Zvulun Elazar’s research is supported by the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chais, Beverly Hills, CA; and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Caplan, Bethesda, MD.
(l-r) Sharon Reef and Prof. Adi Kimchi. One gene, two methods
Life Sciences

Opening the Window

Prof. Yari Reiser and his team. Transplant cells


Diabetics, particularly those afflicted with Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes, face a lifetime of daily injections to replace the insulin their bodies fail to produce, as well as a host of risks, including blindness, amputation, kidney failure and heart disease. New treatments for diabetes in recent years include the transplantation of human pancreatic tissue in which insulin is produced. Unfortunately, this sort of transplant remains an option for only a few, as there are not nearly enough donor organs available. 
Many animals produce insulin, and the insulin-producing cells of pigs, in particular, are very similar to those of humans. If this tissue could be transplanted into humans, millions of diabetics might benefit. The only catch is that our immune systems are quite vigilant in rejecting any foreign tissue, no matter how similar. Pancreatic tissue from animals that has been experimentally transplanted into non-human primates has, until now, evoked a fierce immune response. 
Embryonic tissue, however, might be more easily adapted to the human body. New research by Prof. Yair Reisner of the Weizmann Institute's Immunology Department has brought the possibility of transplants from pig embryos one step closer. In an article that appeared in PLoS Medicine, Reisner and his team demonstrated how proper timing may be the key.  
In previous work, Reisner and his team had shown that each embryonic organ has its own "time window" during which the chances for successful transplantation are optimal. Prior to this window, the early tissue's cells, which are still largely undifferentiated, can give rise to tumors. Past the window, however, they may be too well developed: They already carry too many markers that identify them as foreign, causing the body to reject them. By transplanting tissue from pig embryos into mice lacking proper immune systems, the researchers determined that the best time frame for pancreatic tissue was about a third of the way through gestation (from 42 to 56 days).
In the new study, Reisner's team wanted to see how such transplanted tissue might function in the body. They first implanted embryonic tissue from pig pancreases into special mice that had human immune cells circulating in their systems - creating a sort of surrogate human immune system. From this experiment they learned that when tissue taken at 42 days (within the time frame they had previously determined) was used, the immune response was markedly reduced.  
Next, the team tried the experiment on mice with fully functioning mouse immune systems, but they destroyed the insulin-producing cells in the mice's pancreases before proceeding with the transplant. With the aid of relatively mild immune suppression protocols, the implanted tissue was fully functional over time, producing insulin and maintaining the mice's blood sugar at normal levels.
According to Reisner, the next logical step would be preclinical trials on non-human primate models. Although the road to pig embryo-human transplants is still a long and uncertain one, if further studies bear out the team's findings, regular insulin injections could one day become a thing of the past for many diabetics.    

Prof. Yair Reisner's research is supported by the J & R Center for Scientific Research; the Belle S. and Irving E. Meller Center for the Biology of Aging; the Gabrielle Rich Center for Transplantation Biology Research; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Loreen Arbus Foundation; the Crown Endowment Fund for Immunological Research; the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research - Weizmann Institute of Science Exchange Program; the Charles and David Wolfson Charitable Trust; Renee Companez, Australia; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldberg, Las Vegas, NV; and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Reznik, Brooklyn, NY. Prof. Reisner is the incumbent of the Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair in Immunology.
(l-r) Dr. Smadar Even Tov Friedman, Prof. Yair Reisner and Dalit Tchorsh. Timing
Life Sciences

Time to Remember

Prof. Michal Schwartz and her group. Healthy and wise


How do our brains stay healthy? Until quite recently, most scientists believed each brain is allotted a fixed number of nerve cells that gradually degenerate and die without being replaced. Fortunately for us, science has since overturned this dogma: Certain regions of the adult brain do, in fact, retain their ability to maintain cell renewal throughout life. But this discovery raises new riddles: How does the brain know when and how to produce new brain cells?
This question has been puzzling scientists, mainly because the central nervous system (CNS) - the brain and spinal cord - has been viewed as a sort of Forbidden City, guarded by well-established border controls. These controls supposedly prevent the entry of immune system cells - the cells responsible for fighting infection and promoting healing and renewal - as they present a possible threat to the complex and dynamic nerve cell networks. Immune cells that recognize the body’s own components (autoimmune cells) are considered even more dangerous, as they can induce autoimmune diseases. Although autoimmune cells are often detected in a healthy CNS, their presence there is generally explained as a failure of the body’s "border police" to eliminate them.
A team led by Prof. Michal Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department, however, has a different explanation. They had demonstrated that strictly controlled levels of autoimmune cells have the potential to fight off debilitating degenerative conditions that can afflict the CNS, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, glaucoma and nerve degeneration resulting from trauma or stroke. Earlier research by Schwartz and her team suggested that these T cells - specialized immune cells that have the ability to recognize CNS components - are not enemies attacking the brain but friendly forces that help the brain to safely fight off outflows of toxic substances from damaged nerve tissues.
In a recent study published in Nature Neuroscience, the scientists showed that, in addition to preventing disease, these immune cells may be key players in the body’s campaign to maintain a normal, healthy brain. They worked with rats kept in an environment rich in mental stimulation and opportunities for physical activity, which is known to fuel the formation of new nerve cells in the hippocampus (a memory-related brain region). The Weizmann Institute scientists showed for the first time that this nerve cell renewal (called neurogenesis) is linked to local immune activity. But are T cells really to thank for this, as Schwartz suspected, or are other factors responsible?
To answer this question, the team conducted a series of experiments. They first repeated the above experiment using mice that lack a number of important immune cells, including T cells. Though housed in an enriched environment, these immunodeficient mice didn’t exhibit the increase in brain-cell renewal seen in the trials with normal mice. When the scientists repeated the experiment, this time with mice missing only the T cells, they again found impaired neurogenesis, confirming that T cells themselves were the critical factor in forming new brain cells.


In yet another set of experiments, they found that mice possessing certain CNS-specific T cells (those that recognize brain proteins) performed better in some memory tasks than mice lacking the cells. These findings, taken together, led them to suspect that the primary role of the CNS-specific T cells is to enable certain brain regions to form new nerve cells so as to maintain the capacity for learning and memory, and that their observed role in pathological situations is an extension of this primary role. The work is an outcome of a long-term collaborative effort of Prof. Schwartz and Dr. Jonathan Kipnis (a former student and post-doctoral fellow in Schwartz’s lab and now assistant professor at the University of Nebraska), together with graduate students Yaniv Ziv, Noga Ron and Oleg Butovsky, and in collaboration with Dr. Hagit Cohen of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba.

Schwartz points out that autoimmune T cells don’t affect levels of intelligence or motivation; rather, they allow the organism to achieve the full potential of its brainpower. "These findings," she says, "give new meaning to ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body.’ They open up exciting new prospects for the treatment of cognitive loss." Knowledge that the immune system contributes to nerve cell renewal may have far-reaching implications for the elderly, in particular, because aging is known to be associated with a drop in immune system function accompanied by a decrease in new brain cell formation and memory skills. By manipulating and boosting the immune system, it might be possible to prevent or slow age-related memory loss.
Prof. Michal Schwartz's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Alan T. Brown Foundation to Cure Paralysis; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Green, Boca Raton, FL; Mr. Gerald Kaufman, Chicago, IL; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Siegal, New York, NY. Prof. Schwartz is the incumbent of the Maurice and Ilse Katz Professorial Chair of Neuroimmunology.

Healthier mice have shorter routes



'T' for Trauma

In addition to the maintenance of brain cell renewal and cognitive abilities, T cells that recognize brain antigens may improve the ability of mice to cope and to adapt their behavior to stressful life events. Mice that lack these cells manifest responses typical of those of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This finding of Drs. Cohen and Kipnis and Prof. Schwartz's team has recently been published in the Journal of Neurobiology.
Schwartz says that these results may, in the future, lead to the development of T-cell-based vaccines, which might be used to help prevent the development of PTSD following stressful episodes.
(l-r) Oleg Butovsky, Noga Ron, Prof. Michal Schwartz and Yaniv Ziv. Mental immunity
Life Sciences
