Science Feature Articles</p>


Dr. Eli Arama. Sperm cells use cell suicide pathway
Head tucked, arms and legs stretched straight – a swimmer has now assumed a streamlined position. Sperm, those consummate swimmers, go to far more extreme lengths to achieve their streamlined shape – they commit a form of near suicide.
Cell suicide – apoptosis – is a natural process that occurs in many tissues, eliminating aged, damaged or potentially harmful cells. The agents of the final execution are proteins called caspases, and it was thought that once caspases are activated, the cell is condemned to certain death. But together with colleagues at Rockefeller University, USA, while conducting postdoctoral research there, Dr. Eli Arama, now at the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, showed that a fruit fly sperm harnesses this cellular suicide mechanism to streamline its physique near the end of its development. Any excess baggage not absolutely necessary for getting the sperm and its load of DNA upstream to the egg gets collected and deposited into a sort of waste bag, where it is then degraded by the caspases. This process, called sperm individualization, results in a sleek individual sperm, primed to swim for its life. When this apoptosis-like program, and thus sperm individualization, goes awry, males become sterile.
How exactly do sperm evade the zeal of the executioner proteins, keeping them activated in the right place and at the right time, without them actually driving the sperm to suicide? In normal cells, caspase activity is restrained by protein inhibitors, which act as the system’s brakes. When the green light is given for cell suicide, the inhibitors get degraded – releasing the brakes and allowing the caspases to commence the suicide ritual.
Arama and his colleagues have now uncovered a new pathway for regulating caspases during sperm development. Their findings have recently been published in PLoS Biology. The researchers screened over 1,000 sterile male fruit flies for mutations that block caspase activation. They eventually identified 22 distinct genes that are required for caspase activation; the protein products of two of them form a “brake-release” complex. One of the proteins that make up the complex is called Cullin-3, a member of a family of proteins well known for its role in marking proteins with a molecular tag – ubiquitin – consigning them to destruction. It turns out that the Cullin-3 complex adds ubiquitin tags to the caspase inhibitors at the beginning of sperm individualization, releasing the brakes on the executioner proteins. This is the first time that cullins have been linked to caspase regulation. If any of the proteins in the complex contain mutations, streamlined sperm don’t form, and the males are sterile.
Although the research took place in fruit flies, Arama points out that their sperm individualization process is very similar to that of humans and may have important implications for research into male infertility. In addition, faulty apoptosis is involved in many diseases and conditions, and Arama’s findings may lead to new insights into the general mechanisms underlying cell suicide.  
Dr. Eli Arama’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Chais Family Fellows Program for New Scientists; the Samuel M. Soref and Helene K. Soref Foundation; the Henry S. and Anne S. Reich Research Fund for Mental Health; and Lord Mitchell, UK.
Fruit fly sperm prepares for swimming
















Dr. Eli Arama. Harnessing a cell suicide mechanism
Life Sciences

Taking Risks

Prof. Naama Barkai. Experiment in evolution
Every time a scientist embarks on a new experiment, he or she is taking a chance: The results are never known in advance, and all possibilities are open. Nature, in this sense, is a great laboratory; the forces of evolution are continually taking chances on their experiments with living organisms.
Cells can be thought of as basic subjects for evolution’s experiments: Changes in a tiny molecule here or there can have far-reaching, unpredictable consequences for the cell, and for the organism as a whole. Scientists, as well, have often adopted cells as their subject matter and, through their research, they are discovering how the rules governing experimentation in nature have evolved over the millennia.
Prof. Naama Barkai and her research team in the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, for example, have revealed a principle that evolution uses in designing experiments. The stakes are often high: A failed experiment in the cell can mean death for the organism, while a successful one can give the organism an edge in the survival game. In this light, it’s not too surprising that some genes have hardly been touched by evolution – they’ve been conserved from single-celled yeast through plants and worms right up to humans – while others have been changed many times over. Clearly, the conserved genes have some basic, universal function for life, and rearranging them for the sake of an experiment would have drastic consequences for the organism. But how does evolution “decide” which genes to conserve and which can be test cases for change? How are the genes that need to be conserved spared the constant fiddling that affects their neighbors in nature’s lab?
The scientists found that genes have evolved a sort of labeling system that can indicate the level of risk associated with making changes in the expression of a particular gene. The label is a short sequence of letters in the gene code, TATA, which is found in the promoter regions where the genes are activated. A gene that displays a TATA box in its promoter is more likely to have evolved its expression – a signal that it’s open to taking a risk on experimentation.
That risk, say the researchers, can be calculated very much like a financial “risk distribution law,” which is based on the cost of an error. If that cost is high, the investor will be less willing to take a risk, even if the chances of an error are low. Conversely, a low cost for an error, even if there’s a good chance one will be made, will make the investment – or the experiment – more attractive.
Evolution sometimes performs a more drastic experiment on living cells: The whole genome is doubled. In a second line of research, Barkai and her team compared two species of yeast. One of these species had undergone genome doubling millions of years ago, a feat that profoundly affected the yeast’s lifestyle: It gained the ability to grow and thrive without oxygen. To uncover the connection between such a change in gene expression and lifestyle, the scientists singled out and compared 50 genes that are involved in oxygen use in both yeast species. They discovered one gene segment – a bit that regulates the expression of the other oxygen-processing genes – that had changed in the course of the gene doubling. This small change, because it affected so many other genes, dramatically altered the oxygen requirements of the yeast.
The payoff for this natural experiment is open to interpretation: It probably allowed this type of yeast to expand into new environmental niches, giving it an advantage over its sister species in places where oxygen was scarce. In the future, changing environmental conditions might again favor one over the other, or they might support the survival of yet other species that are still to come out of the great, ongoing experiment called evolution.   
Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Carolito Stiftung; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; and the PW-Iris Foundation.

Innovation Prize

A sort of risk distribution law often seems to apply to the grant approval and funding processes in science. All too often, grants are given to research proposals that entail minimal risk: Even though the gains may be proportionately small, chances are the research will yield the expected results. In contrast, scientists engaging in research that is “high-risk, high-gain,” may not even be able to define the expected outcome of a particular line of research to the satisfaction of a grants committee, much less offer guaranteed results for the money.
Nonetheless, true leaps in science are more likely to come out of research that explores the truly unknown or attacks a question from a completely new angle, with few prior clues as to what that research will yield. To encourage scientists who undertake high-risk, high-gain research, the Weizmann Institute, together with the Kimmel family, have come up with a promising concept: Fund the exceptional scientist, rather than the specific research. To this end, they created the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation.
This past  November, Prof. Naama Barkai became the first recipient of this annual award. She receives one million dollars, spread over five years, to continue to research wherever her curiosity leads her.
Prof. Naama Barkai. Willing to experiment
Life Sciences

Common Scents


Prof. Noam Sobel. Physical laws underly smell perception

Most would agree that roses smell good; old sweaty socks do not. What makes one smell pleasant and another odious? Is our perception of smell based on a physical reality, such as the chemical makeup of odor molecules, or is it a subjective, learned experience?
Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the University of California at Berkeley have now discovered that knowing the molecular structure of a substance can help predict whether we will find its smell delightful or malodorous.
Other senses can be explained by physical laws. When we see red, for instance, it is because light is reflected off an object in a certain wavelength, while hearing is based on the varying frequencies of sound waves. But until now, there was no known physical factor that could explain how the brain senses odors. The new study conducted by Prof. Noam Sobel of the Institute’s Neurobiology Department and his colleagues, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, demonstrates that real physical laws underlie our perception of smell.
To identify the general principles by which our sense of smell is organized, the researchers began with a database of 160 different odors that had been ranked by 150 perfume and smell experts according to a set of 146 characteristics (sweetish, smoky, musty, etc.). These data were then fed into a statistical program that analyzed the variance in perception among the smell experts. The scientists found that the data fell along an axis – described as the “pleasantness rating” of the odors – running from “sweet” and “flowery” at one end to “rancid” and “sickening” at the other. The distribution along this axis, they discovered to their surprise, closely matches the variation in chemical and physical properties from one substance to another. The researchers found they could build a model to predict, from the molecular structure of a substance alone, how pleasing its smell would be perceived to be.
To double-check their model, Sobel and his team had experimental subjects assess for pleasantness 50 odors they had never encountered before. They found that the ratings of their test subjects fit closely with the rankings shown by their model.
In other words, they were able to predict the level of pleasantness quite well, even for unfamiliar smells. They noted that although preferences among smells are commonly supposed to be culturally learned, their study showed that the responses of American subjects, Jewish Israelis and Muslim-Arab Israelis all fit the model’s predictions to the same extent.
Sobel: “Our findings show that the way we perceive smells is at least partially hard-wired in the brain. Although there is a certain amount of flexibility, and our life experience certainly influences our perception of smell, a large part of our sense of whether an odor is pleasant or unpleasant is due to a real order in the physical world. Thus we can now use chemistry to predict how the smells of new substances will be perceived.” 
Prof. Noam Sobel’s research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the J&R Foundation; and the Ben and Joyce Eisenberg Foundation.


Prof. Noam Sobel. Hard-wired for smell
Life Sciences

Outside the Fold

Kertesz and Segal. identifying target sites
Of the 20,000 or so genes carried in each and every one of our cells, only a limited number are expressed – “turned on” to produce proteins – at any time in any given cell type. Scientists have long sought to define the basic rules of gene expression, which is involved in everything from embryonic development to the growth of cancer. But the rules are anything but basic: Expressing the right genes at the right time requires a host of attendant molecules to regulate the process – from the proteins that initiate the copying of information encoded in the genes, to the different molecules that act on that coded information at various stages along the way.
One of the later-stage regulatory molecules is microRNA. MicroRNAs are, as their name implies, short bits of RNA that latch on to messenger RNA – the single-stranded molecules that ferry the gene code out of the cell’s nucleus to its protein factories – and prevent them from producing proteins. Hundreds of different microRNAs have been identified to date, and each homes in on the expression of a different set of genes. A host of diseases, including some cancers, may involve errors in microRNA activity.
To get a complete picture of microRNA regulation, researchers should ideally be able to identify the microRNAs’ target sites along the length of the messenger RNA molecules. To this end, many scientists have searched for short sequences of messenger RNA that match up with complementary microRNA sequences, much as the two sides of the double-stranded DNA molecule fit together. Unfortunately, it turns out that microRNA sequences are generally not a perfect fit for their target sites, and methods for predicting which segments of messenger RNA contain target sites have not stood up to lab experiments.
Dr. Eran Segal and research student Michael Kertesz of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Department decided to tackle the problem from another angle altogether: Instead of focusing on the linear sequence, they looked at the three-dimensional structure of the messenger RNA molecule. Like many biological molecules, messenger RNA has a tendency to fold up like abstract origami. To find out whether this folding affects where microRNAs bind to the messenger RNA, Segal and Kertesz, together with a research group from Rockefeller University, New York, performed an experiment. They created a series of mutations in cells so that the messenger RNA either folded tightly around possible target sites or opened up to expose them. The researchers then compared the original levels of gene expression with those of genes in the mutated cells. “If the existing theory is correct, these mutations shouldn’t affect gene expression, as the sequences that are in direct contact with the microRNAs remain the same,” says Segal. But the results of their experiment clearly indicated that changing the shape of the folded messenger molecule does affect levels of gene expression. When the target site was open and accessible to the microRNA strand, binding activity rose and protein production came to a screeching halt. In contrast, closing off the target site with tight folds resulted in less binding between the molecules and, in consequence, rising levels of gene expression.
On the basis of these results, the scientists developed a mathematical formula for identifying target sites. This formula calculates the difference between the energy that must be invested in opening up a potential target site and the chemical energy released when the microRNA binds to the messenger RNA sequence. The more tightly the site is folded, the higher the investment that is needed, whereas a better fit between the two sequences will cause more energy to be released upon binding. When the resulting difference is large – that is, there is a relatively high net energy gain in the process – chances are the site is a target site.
The scientists also found that for the most efficient binding, the open segment should extend beyond the sequence of the target site. This is because the microRNA is embedded in a large protein structure, and the open segment must be long enough to encompass the bigger mass. When they adjusted the formula to fit the protein’s size, they found their model to be a great improvement over the old methods for predicting target sites. A test of their model on potential target sites in the genomes of humans, mice, flies and worms showed that the spatial structure of the messenger RNA is, indeed, a determining factor for the position of target sites. The results of the study, which appeared in Nature Genetics, did not take every possible factor affecting molecular interactions into consideration. Nonetheless, says Segal, it should give scientists a useful tool for identifying likely target sites for microRNA binding.
Kertesz: “The beauty of this research is that despite all of the elements we didn’t factor into the formula, our simple model turns out to be a quite a good fit for the experimental results.” 

Dr. Eran Segal’s research is supported by the Willner Family Leadership Institute for the Weizmann Institute of Science; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Chais Family Fellows Program for New Scientists; the Cecil and Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust; the Hana and Julius Rosen Fund; the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Charitable Fund; and the Estelle Funk Foundation. Dr. Segal is the incumbent of the Soretta and Henry Shapiro Career Development Chair.
(l-r) Michael Kertesz and Dr. Eran Segal. Focus on targets
Math & Computer Science

Two Arms Are Better than One

Prof. Yosef Yarden and Sara Lavi. mechanism for cancer metastasis












When cancer metastasizes, the tumor cells begin to migrate through the bloodstream and establish secondary growth in other organs. Metastasis is the main cause of cancer death, and understanding the mechanisms that make cells detach themselves from their surroundings and migrate may be crucial to developing treatments to prevent or arrest this stage of cancer.

Prof. Yosef Yarden of the Biological Regulation Department led a team of scientists from the Weizmann Institute and the Chaim Sheba Medical Center, as well as Portugal and the U.S., in deciphering a crucial mechanism that controls the first stage of breast cancer metastasis, when the cancer cell first starts to move. This action begins with a signal that comes from outside the cell telling it to prepare for the journey. The signal, called a growth factor, initiates a series of changes in the cell: The cell's internal skeleton comes apart, and the densely packed protein fibers that make up the skeleton unravel to form thin threads that push the cell away from its surroundings.
Yarden, Drs. Menachem Katz, Ido Amit and Ami Citri of the Biological Regulation Department; Tal Shay, a student in the group of Prof. Eytan Domany of the Physics of Complex Systems Department; Prof. Gideon Rechavi of the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and others set about investigating the protein changes that growth factor signals bring about. They mapped all of the changes in gene expression that take place once the signal is received.
As they sifted through huge quantities of data, including every protein level that went up or down, the team noticed one family of proteins that stood out. To the scientists' surprise, one member of this family rose dramatically, while another closely related protein dropped off.
Tensins, as these proteins are called, stabilize the cell's internal skeleton. When the team investigated the two proteins, they discovered a significant difference: One of the proteins has two arms, while the other has only one. The two-armed protein – whose level drops in response to the growth factor – stabilizes the cell's structure by grabbing the internal skeleton with one arm and the cell membrane with the other. The one-armed version, in contrast, attaches only to the cell membrane, leaving the protein fibers that make up the skeleton dangling. These unanchored fibers loosen to form the threads that push cells apart. For a cancer cell, this can be the beginning of metastasis.
Further experiments were conducted, both on genetically engineered cells and on tissue samples taken from patients with inflammatory breast cancer (a swift and deadly cancer associated with elevated growth factor activity), as well as on samples from cancer patients who had received a drug that blocks growth factor receptors on cell walls. These studies confirmed the ties between the growth factor signal, the levels of the two proteins, and their direct involvement in metastasis.
Dr. Menachem Katz. One-armed protein promotes cancer spread
Yarden: "The mechanism we identified can predict the development of metastasis and possibly how the cancer will respond to pharmaceutical treatment." This discovery may, in the future, aid in the development of drugs to prevent metastasis in breast or other cancers.
Also participating in this research were Sara Lavi, Nir Ben-Chetrit, Gabi Tarcic, Dr. Moshit Lindzen and Roi Avraham from Yarden's group; Dr. Ninette Amariglio and Dr. Jasmine Jacob-Hirsch from Rechavi's group at Sheba Medical Center; from Portugal, a research team from the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology and the Medical Faculty at Porto University; and from the U.S., Dr. Sarah Bacus and her team at Targeted Molecular Diagnostics (Westmont, Illinois); and researchers from the University of California at Davis, Boston University and GlaxoSmithKline, North Carolina.
Prof. Yosef Yarden's research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Goldhirsh Foundation; and Mr. Daniel Falkner, UK. Prof. Yarden is the incumbent of the Harold and Zelda Goldenberg Professorial Chair in Molecular Cell Biology.

Leading the Invasion

Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the Western world. The tumor starts off as a polyp but turns into an invasive and violent cancer, which often metastasizes to the liver. In an article recently published in the journal Cancer Research, Prof. Avri Ben-Ze'ev and Dr. Nancy Gavert of the Weizmann Institute's Molecular Cell Biology Department reveal mechanisms involved in the spread of this cancer.
In a majority of cases, colorectal cancer is initiated by a key protein – beta-catenin. One of the roles of this protein is to enter the cell nucleus and activate gene expression. In colorectal and other cancers, beta-catenin over-accumulates in the cell and inappropriately activates genes whose expression leads to cancer.
Prof. Avri Ben-Ze'ev. player in metastasis
Surprisingly, one of the genes activated by beta-catenin in colorectal cancer cells is a receptor previously detected by Ben-Ze'ev's group called L1-CAM, which is usually found on nerve cells, where it plays a role in nerve cell recognition and motility. What is this receptor doing on cancer cells? Previous research by Ben-Ze'ev showed that L1-CAM is expressed only on some cells located at the invasive front of the tumor tissue, hinting that L1-CAM could be an important player in the development of metastasis.
Using a mouse model for metastasis to check this assumption, the scientists found that colorectal cancer cells engineered to express the L1-CAM gene do indeed spread to the liver, while those cells lacking L1-CAM do not.
In collaboration with Prof. Eytan Domany and research student Michal Sheffer of the Institute's Physics of Complex Systems Department, Ben-Ze'ev then compared the expression of genes induced by L1-CAM in cultured colon cancer cells to those in 170 samples of colorectal cancer tissue removed from patients and in 40 samples of normal colon tissue. Out of about 160 genes induced by L1-CAM, some 60 were highly expressed in the cancerous tissue but not in normal colon tissue. Ben-Ze'ev is conducting further research into the role of this set of genes to unravel the details of L1-CAM's function in metastasis.
Prof. Avri Ben-Ze'ev's research is supported by the Jean-Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; Curie–Weizmann; and the Eugene and Delores Zemsky Charitable Foundation Inc. Prof. Ben-Ze'ev is the incumbent of the Samuel Lunenfeld-Reuben Kunin Chair of Genetics.
Prof. Yosef Yarden and Sara Lavi.
Life Sciences

Found in Translation


Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel and Orna Man. synonymous codons

When translating from one language to another, a translator must often weigh synonyms: Will the meaning change if the word "convert" is used instead of "transform," or "influence" rather than "effect?" Translation takes place in the living cell as well, when the coded instructions copied from the genes are converted into proteins. The synonyms in this sort of translation, however, are to be found in the original content: Every amino acid – one of the "words" that are strung together to make a protein "sentence" – can be translated from one of several alternate DNA sequences that code for it.
The code for a single amino acid is a three-letter DNA sequence called a codon. There are 64 triplet combinations of the four letters in the gene code, but only 20 amino acids, so that a number of different codons encode for the same amino acid. Until now, scientists have largely assumed that mutations that exchange one of these synonymous codons for another – so-called silent mutations – would not have any effect on the organism, as the resulting protein is the same.
Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel of the Molecular Genetics Department and research student Orna Man, who also works under the guidance of Prof. Joel Sussman of the Structural Biology Department, thought that, like literary synonyms, the differences between these codons might be real, though subtle. In recent years, scientists have come to understand that differences in the gene code are only part of what separates one organism from the next. Much research into these differences has focused on the first stage of genetic activity, when a complex interplay of regulators controls which coded instructions for protein production will be copied, as well as when, where, and in what amounts. But Pilpel and Man thought that other factors might also come into play, and decided to investigate the codon sequences.
In research that recently appeared in Nature Genetics, the scientists showed that the choice of codon used to produce an amino acid does, indeed, influence the traits of the organism as a whole. Different codons, it seems, do their work more or less quickly, and with greater or lower efficiency.
What causes these differences? Pilpel and Man found that the reasons can be traced to a molecule called transfer RNA (tRNA). TRNAs are the work crew of protein construction: For each codon there is a corresponding tRNA molecule that "reads" the code during translation and lugs the proper amino acid over to the growing protein chain. But some tRNA molecules are more commonly available than others; it seems that the more common the tRNA for a particular codon, the faster and more efficient the translation process.
The researchers tested this idea in nine species of yeast, in which they identified 2,800 shared genes. Using their data on codons, they then calculated how efficiently these genes are translated into proteins in each species. Their findings showed that differences in codon sequence can add up to large variations in translation efficiency, and that these variations are tied to dissimilar traits in the different species. Thus, for instance, aerobic yeast cells – those that need oxygen to produce energy – were very efficient at translating the genes needed for utilizing oxygen, whereas anaerobic yeasts – those that don't use oxygen – preferred greater efficiency in other genes needed for their lifestyle. Pilpel: "Each lifestyle requires the expression of some genes to be elevated over others. These genes are probably more likely, through the forces of natural selection, to include the codons that are translated more efficiently."
Further research may show that exchanges of one synonymous codon for another may have widespread effects on function in living beings. In particular, silent mutations may play an as yet unexplored role in certain genetic diseases.
Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel's research is supported by the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Center for Molecular Genetics; the Minna James Heineman Stiftung; the Ben May Charitable Trust; the Dr. Ernst Nathan Fund for Biomedical Research; the Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation Endowed Biomedical Research fund; and Mr. Walter Strauss, Switzerland. Dr. Pilpel is the incumbent of the Aser Rothstein Career Development Chair of Genetic Diseases.
Charting the Bureaucracy
We depend on bureaucracy to keep our society functioning smoothly: Committees spring up to regulate the work of ministries, which in turn regulate departments and organizations, and so on. It turns out that the genome has also evolved a multi-level hierarchy for managing its activities. In the genome, this regulatory network has developed into a finely tuned, highly responsive mechanism for keeping the right genes turned on at the right time.
Gene regulation begins with the transcription factors – proteins that initiate the copying of the gene code for protein production onto the RNA. In later stages of regulation, the messenger RNA (mRNA) that ferries these instructions out of the nucleus to the cells' protein factories can be stopped, either en route or after protein production is under way. One agent of this "gene silencing" is microRNA – a short segment of non-coding RNA that identifies the target mRNA and blocks it or activates its destruction.
To get an idea of the regulatory network's "organizational chart," Dr. Yitzhak Pilpel, Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, their joint research student Reut Shalgi, and Daniel Lieber performed sophisticated computational analysis on data for interactions between thousands of genes and hundreds of micro-RNAs and transcription factors. The scientists investigated the network as a whole and also looked for smaller structures embedded within the larger network. These "motifs" – combinations of network elements that repeatedly appear together – contained some important clues as to how the organization functions.
One type of motif involved two microRNAs working in concert to silence a gene or set of genes. This, says Pilpel, may enable the cell to base its decisions on the input from two different sources.
In another type of motif, transcription factors paired up with microRNAs. The transcription factor-microRNA correlations they identified showed up again when they looked at levels of these molecules in specific tissues and organs, and they believe such motifs may have special significance in regulating embryonic development. "The tight coordination of gene activation with gene silencing might involve a sort of delay mechanism that shuts off protein production at a preset time after it's begun," says Shalgi.
This research has revealed a system in which proteins and microRNAs closely communicate and work together to keep the process of gene expression in tune. It may have special significance for studies in developmental biology, as well as for the investigation of diseases in which complexes of genes play a role.
Life Sciences

Symphony in a Second

Prof. Lucio Frydman. fastest NMR
Each material plays its own unique "melody," if only we know how to listen in. When molecules are exposed to a magnetic field, the atoms in it begin to spin, and each spinning atomic nucleus emits waves of electromagnetic radiation in a distinctive pattern. For scientists, each electromagnetic symphony contains the secrets for understanding the chemical and physical properties of the material.
To decipher those secrets, scientists employ various methods of recording the traces of the radiation emitted by the nuclei. These include nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Both of these techniques are non-invasive and energy-efficient, and they are favored for such chemical and physical studies as revealing the atomic structure of drug molecules. Because they don't harm living tissue, they can be used for such biological research as tracking the development of a fetal brain. There is, however, a drawback to these techniques: The low amount of energy emitted by most materials makes it hard to detect with precision; the measurements therefore may lack sensitivity compared with some other methods of analysis.
Prof. Lucio Frydman of the Weizmann Institute's Chemical Physics Department and Damir Blazina of Oxford Instruments Molecular Biotools Ltd. overcame this limitation by creating a method for obtaining multidimensional images of different materials at unprecedented levels of sensitivity and speed. The details were published in Nature Physics.
The method is based on a technique for amplifying the signal from the atomic nuclei. Dynamic nuclear hyperpolarization, as it's called, is a method for aligning the spin of the nuclei. It works something like exposing a bunch of compasses to a large magnet so that all of their needles point in the same direction. When the nuclei's spins are all attuned, their signal rises to a chorus – making it much easier to detect. Hyperpolarization can align about 20% (one in five) of the nuclear spins in a sample. That's an enormous improvement over existing NMR methods, which are capable of lining up a mere one in 50,000, at best. Hyperpolarization, however, has its own drawback: It's an exceptional state that takes a relatively long time to prepare, and it can only be sustained for a short time, basically permitting scientists to obtain no more than one "super scan" of a material.
To make the most of that one-time scan, the scientists combined it with a technique Frydman and his team had previously developed to speed up the process of obtaining multidimensional NMR images. Standard NMR techniques often take hours or days to complete, as successive images are recorded one at a time and then compiled. Frydman's method, called ultrafast NMR, "carves" the sample into thin slices and images them all at once.
The combined method should prove to be more sensitive than existing NMR techniques by several orders of magnitude, as well as many times faster. But the real excitement in this innovation, says Frydman, is in the new research possibilities that the method may open up: Many chemical and physical phenomena have so far remained beyond the reach of scientists because they take place too rapidly for existing techniques to measure them. "An ultrafast, highly sensitive technique will doubtlessly make interesting new scientific discoveries possible."
Prof. Lucio Frydman. Super-sensitive, ultra-fast

A Code Is Born

Dr. Tsvi Tlusty. emerging forms
In the opening scene of the film Twin Peaks, directed by David Lynch, a black and white TV screen flickers painfully, intrusively, meaninglessly. When an ax falls on the screen, exploding it to the accompaniment of a bloodcurdling scream, it's a relief. This is because our brains prefer to see clearly outlined images that can be construed into meaningful objects.
The televised image is really a code – it's based on a table for matching the coordinates of a pixel with a particular color. This type of "conversion table" offers an analogy for the genetic code, which can be seen as a kind of spread sheet for matching codons (three-letter sequences of DNA) to corresponding amino acids (the building blocks of proteins). We find the flickering TV screen disturbing because it contains no code: There is no relation between the color of a pixel and its location, so our brains can't "make sense" of it. A code, therefore, is born at the exact instant in which such connections appear, allowing one type of information – location or DNA sequence – to be converted to another – color or amino acid.
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty of the Physics of Complex Systems Department imagines the primeval world was something like the flickering TV screen: Proteins were random assemblies of amino acids, with no genetic code to guide their construction. "If this is so," he says, "it should be possible to write a script – a mathematical model – to describe the birth of the genetic code from the meaningless 'flickering screen' of random proteins." What causes the clear forms encoded in the genes to emerge from the morass? Such a change, says Tlusty, takes place when the benefit is clear and the cost not too high. The genetic code gives an organism a significant advantage in that it allows the plans for a variety of proteins to be stored and reproduced as needed. The cost of the code is the investment in molecular machinery to decode the information and translate it into proteins. An economic-style analysis can identify the point at which cost and benefit reach a balance and it becomes advantageous to adopt a system of codes.
In his mathematical analysis, Tlusty found that the emergence of a code, whether it be an image on a TV screen or a molecular code in living cells, bears a strong resemblance to transitions in the world of materials. Thus, for instance, the changeover to encoded proteins can be likened to the transition of a material from a liquid to a gas. By this analogy, the young code was "smooth." On the screen, this means that abutting pixels are likely to have a similar color; in proteins, two similar codons will code for the same, or chemically similar, amino acids.
Tlusty's analysis showed that the picture shaped by the code as it comes into existence is tied to a mathematical problem known as the "four-color problem." This mathematical theorem describes, for instance, the upper limit in the number of amino acids. The mathematical "script" for the birth of a code appeared recently in the Journal of Theoretical Biology and will soon be published in Physical Review Letters.
Dr. Tsvi Tlusty's research is supported by the Clore Center for Biological Physics; the Asher and Jeannette Alhadeff Research Award; and the Philip M. Klutznick Fund for Research.

An Inexact Match

For a living cell to function, its molecules must, while swimming in the cell's thick, erratic molecular stew, pinpoint and then bind to specific counterparts – something like finding a friend in a Tokyo subway station during rush hour.
In the classical view of molecular recognition, the binding molecules fit each other like a lock and key. In reality, however, the key is often not an exact fit for the molecular lock, and such molecules need to deform in order to bind. Why would evolution choose such an inexact system?
The work of Dr. Tsvi Tlusty and research student Yonatan Savir of the Weizmann Institute's Physics of Complex Systems Department suggests a possible answer. They developed a simple biophysical model which indicates that in picking out the target molecule from a crowd of look-alikes, the recognizer has an advantage if the target is a slight mismatch. This may appear to be counterintuitive – why search for a key that does not match its lock exactly and then require that imperfect key to warp its shape to fit the lock?
The researchers' model shows that the key's deformation actually helps in discerning its locking counterpart. Although the energy required to deform the molecular key slightly lowers the probability of its binding to the right target, it also reduces by quite a bit the probability that it will bind to a wrong one. Thus the quality of recognition – i.e., the ratio of right to wrong binding probabilities – increases.
This so-called "conformational proofreading" may turn out to be a crucial factor affecting the evolution of biological systems, and it may also be useful in the design of artificial molecular recognition systems.
Life Sciences

Protein Ups and Downs

Prof. Moti Liscovitch. protein switch
It was the discovery of insulin's role in diabetes that paved the way for the development of a treatment. Hoping to repeat that success, scientists worldwide have put enormous effort into deciphering the roles of the myriad proteins our bodies produce in the course of daily living. But despite the scientists' best efforts, the function of large numbers of them remain unknown.
A new biological tool developed at the Weizmann Institute may help to change that situation. Prof. Moti Liscovitch and graduate student Oran Erster of the Biological Regulation Department, together with Dr. Miri Eisenstein of Chemical Research Support, have developed a unique protein "switch" that allows scientists to easily observe how the activity of a specific protein affects the cell's functions. This switch can control virtually any protein, raising its activity or reducing it, several-fold.
To create the switch, the scientists used genetic engineering techniques to insert a short chain of amino acids into the sequence making up the protein. This chain is capable of binding strongly and selectively to a particular chemical drug, which then affects the activity level of the engineered protein – increasing or reducing it. When the drug is no longer applied to or removed from the system, the protein's original activity level is restored.
As reported in Nature Methods, the first stage of the method consists of preparing a set of genetically engineered proteins (called a "library" in scientific language) with the amino acid segment inserted in different places. In the second stage, the engineered proteins are screened to identify those that respond to the drug in a desired manner. The researchers have discovered that in some of the engineered proteins the drug increased activity, while in others that activity was reduced. Liscovitch: "We were surprised by the effectiveness of the method – it turns out that only a small set of engineered proteins is needed to find the ones that respond to the drug."
The method developed by the Weizmann Institute scientists is ready for immediate use, both in basic biomedical research and in the pharmaceutical industry's search for new drugs. The method has an important advantage compared with other techniques: It allows total and precise control over the activity of an engineered protein. By giving exact and well-timed doses of the same simple drug, that activity can be raised, lowered or returned to its natural state, at any time and in any place in the body.
Eventually, this method might have many other uses: In gene therapy, it may be possible to replace damaged proteins that cause severe diseases with genetically engineered proteins and to control these proteins' activity levels in a precise manner. In agricultural genetic engineering, the method might make it possible to create genetically engineered plants in which fruit ripening could be perfectly timed. For the numerous proteins used in industrial processes as biological sensors and in other applications, the Weizmann Institute method opens new possibilities for controlling these applications.

Oran Erster. protein library


Prof. Moti Liscovitch's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; La Fondation Raphael et Regina Levy; and the estate of Simon Pupko, Mexico. Prof. Liscovitch is the incumbent of the Harold L. Korda Chair of Biology.




Life Sciences

Wrap Stars

Prof. Elior Peles. Starting myelination
he very instant we touch something hot, our hand recoils and we immediately feel pain: The nerve signals informing us of our mistake are transmitted faster than the blink of an eye. These signals zip up and down thin, spiky extensions of the nerve cells that can reach over a meter in length in the human body. To enable the signals to travel rapidly, the nerve cell extensions – the axons – have evolved a unique form: An insulating material called myelin covers the axon in sections, leaving short gaps of exposed nerve cell. The signals jump between these gaps, or nodes, skipping in a fraction of a heartbeat from one end of the axon to the other.
When the axons' myelin sheath is damaged, exposing larger areas of nerve, those signals can get jammed or short-circuited, and the nerve itself may eventually degenerate. A host of neurological diseases, including multiple sclerosis, are tied to myelin malfunction. Prof. Elior Peles, graduate student Ivo Spiegel and their colleagues in the Institute's Molecular Cell Biology Department, as well as fellow scientists in the U.S., have uncovered a mechanism for myelin sheath formation that may point the way toward new therapies for these diseases.
Newly formed axons, when they first extend out from the nerve cell, are not insulated. A specialized set of cells – the glia – serve to install and maintain the myelin sheathing. They revolve around the axons, wrapping them in thin layers of the insulating material with each revolution.
How do the two types of cell coordinate this process? How do the glia know when and where to wrap the myelin? To find out, the scientists first looked for molecules that might act as conduits for messages passed from one cell to the other. They identified four related proteins called Necl (Necl1, 2, 3 and 4) that are found where there is contact between nerve cells. Necl proteins are members of a large family of cell adhesion molecules – proteins and other molecules that sit on the outer membranes of cells and facilitate sticking and communication. Further research narrowed their candidates down to two members of the Necl group. These were Necl1, normally found on the axon surface, and Necl4, which is found on the glial cell membrane. Whether they are intact on the cells' surface or detached and mixed together in the lab, these two recognize each other and stick tightly together.
Like many adhesion molecules, the Necl proteins not only create physical contact between axon and glial cell but also serve to transfer signals to the cell's interior. Signals from axons to glial cells tell them to make the changes needed to undertake myelination. The research team observed what happened when they blocked either of the Necl molecules during myelination in the peripheral nervous system.
They found that production of Necl4 in the glial cells rises when they come into close contact with an unmyelinated axon and when the process of myelination begins. If, however, for some reason, one of these molecules was inactivated or contact between the two blocked, the axons did not myelinate properly, even though they were contacted by glial cells. Often myelin was produced, but the glia did not lay it down on the axon surface in neat layers; instead they created a sort of open, horseshoe-shaped loop that failed to encase the nerve cell in a snug, insulating coat. In the same time period, healthy myelin wrapping was already well under way around most of the axons in the control group.

Electron microscope image of a peripheral nerve bundle containing several axons. The black rings are the myelin sheaths




"What we've discovered is a completely new means of communication between these nervous system cells," says Peles. "The drugs now used to treat multiple sclerosis and other degenerative diseases in which myelin is affected can only slow the disease; they can't stop or cure it. Today, we can't reverse the nerve damage caused by these disorders. But if we could understand the mechanism that controls the process of wrapping the axons in their protective sheath, we might be able to recreate that process in patients."


Prof. Elior Peles's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the J & R Center for Scientific Research; the Kekst Family Center for Medical Genetics; the Dr. Emanuel and Frances Freund Fund for Genomic Modeling; the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; and the Wolgin Prize for Scientific Excellence.

Electron microscope image of a peripheral nerve bundle containing several axons. The black rings are the myelin sheaths                                                                 
Nerve cell and with myelin layers
A cross section of a nerve cell as seen under an electron microscope. The forming myelin sheath appears as dark bands surrounding the axon, and the glial cells' cytoplasm can be seen surrounding the sheath









Life Sciences
