Science Feature Articles</p>

Hope for Early Diagnosis of Dread Autoimmune Disease

Prof. Mozes. specific site of attack
Weizmann Institute researchers have identified the specific elements of a muscle receptor protein attacked by the immune system in myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease in which communication between nerves and muscles breaks down. In this presently incurable illness, white blood cells attack the muscle receptor charged with detecting the nerve-signaling chemical acetylcholine, leading to muscle weakness that can strike any part of the body but most commonly affects the eyes, face, lips and tongue.

In a recently published study, Prof. Edna Mozes of the Chemical Immunology Department has shown that patients with MG have white blood cells that are selectively activated by two specific protein fragments of the human acetylcholine receptor. These peptides could provide the basis for an early screening test or serve as a starting point for the design of potential treatments for this disease.

Prof. Mozes's lab was one of the first to demonstrate the key role that immune system T lymphocytes play in autoimmune attack that causes MG. An autoimmune process is triggered when lymphocytes recognize and attack normal body tissues. Ordinarily, these T cells respond only to foreign invaders, namely peptides derived from bacteria and viruses. In the rare but in sometimes fatal malady, whose best-known victim was Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis, it is the nerve-muscle junction that is assaulted.

Prof. Pecht. test for a disease

In a related study which may simplify the development of early screening tests for the disease, Prof. Mozes and Prof. Israel Pecht, of the same department, have designed a method to detect binding of these peptides to blood cells derived from either mice or MG patients. This approach, the first that enables laboratories to monitor the binding of peptides to live cells, could also help advance the development of tests and potential therapies for other autoimmune disorders, including juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and Graves' disease.

These developments are an outgrowth of earlier studies by Prof. Sara Fuchs, also of the Department of Chemical Immunology, who was among the first researchers to demonstrate the involvement of the acetylcholine receptor in MG.

The method for detecting peptide binding to living cells has been patented by Yeda Research & Development Co., which is responsible for the commercial application of Weizmann Institute research.

Prof. Fuchs holds the Sir Ernst B. Chain Chair of Neuroimmunology; Prof. Mozes, the Heinrich G. Ritzel Chair of Immunology; and Prof. Pecht, the Jacque Mimran Chair of Chemical Immunology.
Life Sciences

Immune System Decline in the Elderly Probed

Two elderly men
Immune system deterioration in the elderly, commonly believed to be a primary function of thymus gland shriveling with age, has now been linked to aging bone marrow cells as well. This finding of Prof. Amiela Globerson of the Institute's Department of Cell Biology indicates that rather than independently governing immune system decline, the thymus is itself influenced by the aging of the bone marrow cells it is charged with nursing. This knowledge may advance the ongoing search for techniques to bolster immune system function in the elderly.

Since the thymus is a major site for the maturation of T lymphocytes white blood cells concerned with immunity to infection and protection against cancer the shriveling of the gland has been commonly implicated in the weakening of the body's immune response with age. These lymphocytes develop from stem cells that originate in bone marrow and then travel to the thymus; there they mature and receive "training" in the recognition of foreign invaders and in avoiding reactions against the body's self-constituents.

Prof. Globerson. Findings in old cells

Prof. Globerson has now found that the influence is mutual: the bone marrow cells not only are nurtured by the thymus, but regulate thymus tissue function as well. She demonstrated that aged bone marrow cells are unable to develop fully in the thymus, or to convey proper signals to the gland. This implies that efforts to retard immune system degeneration should focus not only on the thymus gland but on aging processes in the bone marrow as well.

Globerson exposed fetal thymus tissue culture to radiation, thereby destroying the T cells while leaving the "stroma" the organ-tissue constituents intact. She then inserted stem cells from young animals into some of the thymus stromas, and stem cells from old animas into others. The old cells were found to undergo less clonal expansion and produce far fewer T cells than the younger cells. Therefore, the aging of stem cells is likely to play a major role in declining immune system function.

Prof. Globerson holds the Harold S. And Harriet B. Brady Chair of Cancer Research
Life Sciences

Moon Tug on Giant Accelerator Detected


Late last year, physicists at the giant LEP accelerator in the 18-nation European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) near Geneva began furrowing their brows. The four experiments set up around the 27-kilometer-long LEP tunnel had reported their values of the mass of Z°, one of the two particles that transfer the weak nuclear force. The value obtained by the OPAL experiment, in which Weizmann Institute is a major participant, deviated significantly from the average mass measured by the other three.

According to Prof. Giora Mikenberg, who leads the ten-man Weizmann team at OPAL and serves as the experiment's Senior Scientific Coordinator, the deviant results had a whole staff on edge and led to a major project to determine what was wrong. Among the factors that were checked was the measurement of accelerator beam energy.

In a finding that intrigued scientists and romanticists worldwide, beam energy was discovered to vary with the time of day and with the phase of the moon. In fact, beam energy values precisely mirrored the changes in the moon's tidal force. The researchers concluded that the gravitational tug of the moon deforms the land in which the circular tunnel is buried, shortening its circumference by about 1.5 millimeters. Even such a slight change can account for a miscalculation of 10 million electron volts of beam energy. This was the first detection of the effects of tidal forces on giant accelerator operation, a phenomenon that has attracted wide attention in the scientific and popular press and is now being taken into account by all large accelerator facilities.

However, this important astronomical effect failed to explain the skewed results of OPAL: tidal forces would affect all four LEP experiments to the same extent. Further study showed that the OPAL problem centered around an overlooked design failure.

The detector's experimental hall is located between two sets of copper cavities used to accelerate the particles. Because the cavities were not properly positioned with respect to the frequency of radio waves used in the LEP accelerator, the energies of the colliding beams were unequal at that point.

"Now, not only do we better appreciate the effects of the moon on our experiments," says Prof. Mikenberg, "but we also have the copper cavity error well under control".
Space & Physics

Multifaceted Attack on Ovarian and Breast Cancer


Ovarian and breast cancer, which strike hundreds of thousands of women throughout the world each year, are under intense study at the Weizmann Institute.

Prof. Ruth Arnon and Dr. Bilha Schechter of the Department of Chemical Immunology, together with Prof. Meir Wilchek of the Department of Membrane Research and Biophysics, have developed an experimental immunotherapy that would treat ovarian cancer more effectively while sparing women the devastating side effects of present treatments. The scientists are trying to decrease the toxicity of cisplatin, a common ovarian cancer drug, by supplying it as part of a much larger molecule. Using immunotargeting, a method in which antibodies guide drug molecules towards malignant cells, they prompt the drug to zero in on the tumor and circumvent healthy tissues.

The approach consists of a two-step treatment involving the avidin-biotin binding complex, a field in which Prof. Wilchek has been working for over two decades. A patient would first receive an injection of monoclonal antibodies modified with biotin that home in on an ovarian tumor, and then a dose of a cisplatin sugar-avidin complex. Because of the high chemical affinity of avidin for biotin, the cisplatin complex is picked up specifically where it is needed by the biotinylated antibodies present in the tumor tissue.

Another researcher in the Department of Chemical Immunology, Prof. Benjamin Geiger, is developing an improved diagnostic classification of the various types of ovarian cancer based on the use of monoclonal antibodies. While people tend to think of ovarian cancer as a single entity, the ovaries can in fact be affected by various malignancies that require different treatments. Prof. Geiger's system may eventually allow physicians to select optimal therapies for different kinds of ovarian cancer. The work is conducted in close collaboration with Prof. Bernard Chernobilsky of the Kaplan Medical Center.

A third ovarian cancer study is being carried out by Dr. Michal Neeman of the Department of Hormone Research, who is using magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, to investigate factors that control the spread of ovarian tumors. The focus of her research, conducted in collaboration with Prof. Eli Keshet of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, is a growth factor that appears to call upon blood vessels to invade a tumor, a process that allows the cancer to grow explosively. This process is simulated by the use of multicellular spheroids about half a millimeter to a millimeter in size, which are composed of human ovarian cancer cells.

MRI may also help evaluate the effectiveness of hormone therapy for breast cancer, allowing doctors to identify women who may best benefit from such treatment. Taking advantage of her earlier work with laboratory animals, Prof. Hadassa Degani of the Department of Chemical Physics is now using MRI to monitor the response of breast tumors to therapeutic hormones in human patients.

The various MRI methods and magnetic resonance of carbon and phosphorous molecules make it possible to measure processes in breast tissues and characterize changes in the composition, perfusion, vitality and metabolic activity of the tumor cells.

This research is conducted in collaboration with Prof. Raphael Catane and Prof. John M. Gomori and their colleagues at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School.
Prof. Wilchek holds the Marc B. Gutwirth Chair of Molecular Biology; Prof. Arnon, the Paul Ehrlich Chair of Immunology; and Prof. Geiger, the Erwin Neter Chair of Tumor Biology.
Life Sciences

Buckyball-Like Structures Identified in Inorganic Semiconductor Material


Experiments carried out in the United States and Germany in May 1990 were described by one of the participants as the "ultimate eureka experience" of his scientific career: the production of the first crystals of buckminsterfullerene (C60), a brand new and technologically fascinating type of solid carbon.

Less than two years later, a team at the Institute's Department of Materials and Interfaces could have let out a "Eureka" of its own. The group, headed by Prof. Reshef Tenne and including Dr. Lev Margulis, Dr. Gary Hodes and Dr. Menachem Genut, discovered that completely closed, "buckyball"-like molecular structures are not limited to carbon: they can also be formed from the semiconductor material tungsten disulfide. This finding, published in the British journal Nature, has attracted wide attention because the chemical and physical properties of this new cage-like material are expected to be completely different from those of buckminsterfullerene.

The family of fullerene molecules, which take the form of closed soccer-ball-shaped C60, of nested cages and of tubular structures, are now studied by academic and industrial laboratories worldwide. Although specific uses for these new forms of carbon are hard to predict, they have already been shown to exhibit three-dimensional superconductivity at relatively high temperatures, ferromagnetic qualities in the absence of metals (an unparalleled physical observation), and the ability to transform into diamond under high pressure. Many are considering their use as components in ultra-strong polymers, in steel and in electronic devices.

The Weizmann investigators believe that the very discovery of this new form of tungsten disulfide (WS2) may be of even greater interest than its presently unexplored physical and chemical properties. This is because the standard crystal forms of carbon and standard WS2 are composed of planar layers stacked one atop another. This may indicate that any material known to form planar crystal structures could be a good candidate for producing additional varieties of "buckyballs." In fact, a few additional planar crystalline solids have already been shown at the Institute to form such completely closed configurations.

How the Brain Recognizes Objects


Computer images looks three-dimensional

A Weizmann Institute-Brown University study has shown that object recognition by the human brain is far simpler than has been commonly thought, a finding that may facilitate the design of more effective vision-related systems, ranging from household robots to smart weapons.

Scientists have long been puzzled by the ability of the brain to reconstruct three-dimensional images from information conveyed by the two-dimensional retina. In a recently published study, Dr. Shimon Edelman of the Weizmann Institute's Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and Prof. Heinrich Bulthoff of Brown University have determined that object recognition may be accomplished through a relatively simple process involving a comparison of two-dimensional views. Upon receiving input about an object, the brain compares its 2-D coordinates to a series of memorized "snapshots" of previously-seen objects. Recognition takes place when the brain, through interpolation, selects the "snapshots" that most closely approximate the new object.

In these studies, subjects were first shown computer images of a previously unseen 3-D object -- or "target" -- as viewed from various vantage points. The participants were then presented with single views of either the target or a "distractor" -- an object similar to but not identical to it. The researchers showed that the subjects could successfully identify the target only when its change in orientation was small enough for interpolation to take place, an indication that learned "snapshot" images and not mentally rotatable dimensional models underlie object recognition.

Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Navy. Dr. Edelman holds the Elaine Blond Career Development Chair.
Math & Computer Science

Soap Bubbles and Silicon Chips


Foamy photocopy reveals structure

Studies on seemingly frivolous soap-bubble arrays carried out by Dr. Yoel Stavans of the Department of Electronics are shedding light on the properties of a wide range of systems with cellular structures. They include magnetic recording films, silicon wafers, ceramics, foams and polycrystalline metals and alloys.

When a thin film of liqueified metal is deposited on a flat surface and cooled, a solid coating with polygonal regions is formed, a pattern very similar to that present in soap-bubble arrays. Moreover, the average size of these regions also expands with time in a manner resembling the growth of soap-bubble arrays. Since control of this growth is instrumental in determining the properties of cellular-structured materials -- namely the strength of alloys, the electronic noise in integrated circuit chips and the mechanical resilience of foams -- the study of soap-bubble arrays is of major technological relevance.

Surprisingly, an ordinary photocopying machine is virtually the only equipment used in Dr. Stavan's experiments. He puts an array of colored soap bubbles in a shallow transparent tray, which is covered in such a way that the bubble film stretches between flat upper and lower surfaces, attaining a uniform height. Liquid collects at the lower boundaries between contiguous bubbles, so that the evolution of the bubble array can be followed by photocopying at convenient intervals.

As reported in a recent issue of Nature, Dr. Stavans has shown that bubble arrays evolve in two stages: a transient stage whose evolution depends on initial conditions, and a long-term stage whose statistical properties, such as area and number of sides, are independent of initial conditions. These same statistical properties have also been found in other cellular systems, despite their different mechanisms of growth and evolution.

Dr. Joel Stavans. Evolution of suds


Sea Urchins May Inspire Development of Stronger Materials


Sea urchin. Crack resistant

A team of Weizmann Institute and Brookhaven National Laboratory chemists has discovered that the suprisingly strong flexible spines of sea urchins are made of a most unusual composite material. This research, published recently in Science, has given rise to novel concepts in material science that may eventually lead to the development of tougher, lightweight consumer items.

While it has been long known that an urchin spine is composed of a single crystal of calcite, the most common calcium-containing mineral, no one could explain why these crystals are so much more resistant to fracture than are calcite crystals from geologic formations or those grown in the laboratory. Prof. Lia Addadi, Prof. Stephen Weiner and Dr. Amir Berman of the Institute's Department of Structural Biology have now shown that this phenomenon is due, in part, to the entrapment of proteins within the crystal. In follow-up studies of these novel single-crystal composites by synchrotron X-ray radiation, this team -- together with Drs. Ake Kvick and Mitch Nelson of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and Prof. Leslie Leiserowitz of the Institute's Department of Materials and Interfaces -- discovered how the entrapped proteins act to prevent cracks from spreading through urchin calcite. They found that laboratory-grown calcite crystals obtained from solutions containing proteins extracted from urchin spines had rodlike protein molecules integrated into planes oblique to the crystal cleavage planes, which would interfere with fracture propagation.

Their observations might eventually lead to the development of new single crystal-polymer composites that could be used to make less brittle materials. Continuing stages of this research are being supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation.

Dr. Berman, Profs. Weiner and Addadi. Finding entrapped protein


Anticancer Potential of Opiates Explored in Joint Study


Dr. Jacob Barg and Prof. Zvi Vogel. Opiate receptors

A new study on the effect of opiates on cell reproduction may facilitate eventual use of such drugs in the treatment of cancer. This research -- carried out by Prof. Zvi Vogel and Dr. Jacob Barg of the Weizmann Institute's Department of Neurobiology along with Prof. Carmine Coscia of the St. Louis University School of Medicine -- was inspired by recent scientific papers documenting the inhibitory effects of opiates on DNA production in the fetal brain, as well as intestinal, lung and breast cancer cells.

In this study, parts of which were recently published in the Journal of Neurochemistry, the rate of DNA synthesis in fetal rat brain cells was measured. The researchers used aggregates of nerve cells and glial brain tissue supporting cells in order to mimic as closely as possible the situation in the developing brain.

The researchers found that of the three known types of opiate receptors in brain cells -- mu, kappa and delta -- only the first two are associated with inhibition of DNA synthesis, while the third is inactive. In addition, they demonstrated that opiates impede a key step in the transmission of intercellular messages ? phosphoinositol signal transduction -- which is also known to be linked to DNA synthesis. It is likely, therefore, that the capacity to impede phosphoinositol signal transduction is what enables opiates to inhibit DNA synthesis during brain development.

It is hoped that this fresh information may contribute to the development of new opiates capable of selectively slowing DNA synthesis in malignant cells with opiate receptors, thereby repressing the spread of certain tumors while leaving normal cells unharmed. "The side effects of opiates," says Dr. Barg, "are generally less severe than those of standard cancer therapies. A cancer victim would derive double benefit from these substances if they could be made to not only kill pain, but also to impede the spread of tumors."

Prof. Vogel holds the Ruth and Leonard Simon Professorial Chair.
Life Sciences

Joining the Race to Decipher the Human Genome


Mehlman, Rubinstein and in new DNA lab

Israeli molecular biologists can now participate fully in the international quest to decipher the human genome, thanks to a $500,000 automated DNA Analysis Laboratory that opened last year at the Institute. The Human Genome Project, a 15-year multinational endeavor to sequence man's entire genetic storehouse, will make it possible to pinpoint the genetic origins of all five thousand human genetic diseases, hopefully leading to improved understanding of the function and formation of complex organs, including the brain.

Within the first six months of Laboratory operation, nearly all Institute molecular biologists had abandoned their own non-automated genetic sequencing procedures and started submitting samples to the new facility, which is part of the Institute's Biological Services Unit. Its expertise is also available to the wider Israeli scientific community.

According to Prof. Menachem Rubinstein of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Virology and Head of the Institute's Biological Services Unit, benefits have already been realized in Institute projects bearing on Down syndrome, human reproduction, the basis of odor detection, nerve repair and function, natural cancer protective mechanisms, and autoimmune diseases, among others.

DNA, the coded plan used by all living organisms to construct their various proteins, is a long chain-like molecule built from four different nucleotide bases tied together like a string of beads. The kingpin of the new Laboratory is a state-of-the-art DNA sequence analyzer, which accepts a gel loaded with as many as 36 different samples of specially prepared DNA and supplies a complete base sequence analysis in as little as eight hours.

Three other vital Laboratory components are soon to be added. One is a robot for liquid handling that will be able to automatically work up the DNA sample for insertion into the analyzer. The second component is a dedicated work station that will accumulate all data generated by the sequencer, reconstruct DNA chains too long to be handled by a single DNA analysis, and provide improved comparisons to known DNA sequences. The third instrument is a DNA fragment analyzer, which enables detection of genetic defects by separating, identifying and comparing large genetic segments.

Establishment of the automated sequencer facility was initiated by the Institute's Human Genome Committee, which supervises the Laboratory's integration into DNA-sequencing activities elsewhere. Its members are Profs. David Givol, Yoram Groner, Doron Lancet and Menachem Rubinstein. Equipping the Laboratory was made possible by a contribution from the Forchheimer Foundation and grants from the Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Israel Council for Higher Education and the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust.
Gene readout
Life Sciences
