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Eli Arama

(l-r) Dr. Lama Tarayrah Ibraheim and Prof. Eli Arama. This study is the first to identify and explore a developmental form of parthanatos

Revealing the details of an alternative cell death may lead to new therapies for a variety of diseases

Dr. Lama Tarayrah Ibraheim. Postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Eli Arama's research group from the Molecular Genetics Department

Dr. Lama Tarayrah Ibraheim talks science and breaking stereotypes

migrating cells

Sub-lethal levels of a “self-destruct” enzyme hold cells in place

Sperm individualization

How does a sperm cell become an "individual?"




Prof. Eli Arama

Prof. Eli Arama

Where Have all the Mitochondria Gone?

Weizmann Institute researchers shed light on a crucial step in fertilization

The tips of two adult fruit fly testes, viewed under a confocal microscope, are filled with dividing germ cells (green). About one quarter of these germ cells die by an alternative death pathway called germ cell death (pink and red)
A newly discovered cell-death pathway could help fight cancer
Sensory axons induced to prune by trophic withdrawal in vitro

Researchers discover a pivotal mechanism for shaping the nervous system

Budding wing from irradiated fruit fly larvae, magnified about 80 times; various aspects of apoptosis in a regular fly (left column) are compared with the mutant fly lacking the drice gene (right column). Upper row: “reporter” proteins are highlighted with green fluorescent protein; middle row: the cutting up of these reporter proteins by caspases; bottom row: numerous cells die by apoptosis in the regular fruit fly (left), whereas almost no apoptosis occurs in the fly lacking the Drice caspase (right)

What separates the cells that are prone to suicide from those that are long lived?

Dr. Eli Arama. Harnessing a cell suicide mechanism
A mechanism for cell death plays a surprising role in sperm cells