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Biomolecular Sciences

filaments melting in infected red blood cells

A collaborative effort reveals deadly malaria parasites’ pre-invasion strategy for softening up red blood cells  


A look at enzyme evolution suggests life figured out how to use oxygen long before the main event 

Colon extracellular matrix

The findings might help identify those at extra risk of this cancer and develop means of prevention

Plant Microbiome Project Connects Students to Real-Time Research

High school students are out in the field, expanding our knowledge of an invisible ecosystem

Like Clockwork

Two research students confronted the metaphor underlying the scientific thinking in their field

Yeda News

Gene Therapy Firm Enters Collaboration Agreement with Weizmann Lab

Reprogrammed cells: β cells expressing insulin (green) and the closely related δ cells expressing somatostatin (red). Blue staining shows cell nuclei. Many reprogrammed cells contain two nuclei (a unique feature of some exocrine cells) demonstrating their exocrine cell origin

Why is reprogramming cells to cure diabetes so difficult?

pain response

A new approach to chronic pain treatment targets a molecule that moves pain messages into nerve cell nuclei

Tissue sample from triple-negative breast cancer, stained for the presence of cancer cells (red) and the two types of cancer-associated fibroblasts: pCAFs (magenta) and sCAFs (green). The nuclei of all cells are stained blue

Supporting actors in cancer growth may help predict the course of the disease

Abstract image of DNA and human brain in blue tones

When fast and slow evolution happen together, the results defy the rules
