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Embryonic development

Researchers used color-coded proteins to reveal the identity of the cells in the organoids they produced. In four organoids that simulate the embryo’s central nervous system, the magenta marks proteins associated with the development of the forebrain and the midbrain, the green, the hindbrain and the red, the center of the spinal cord

Researchers from the University of Michigan and the Weizmann Institute develop the first-ever complete central nervous system on a chip; it...


An innovative Weizmann Institute system for tracking the earliest stages of embryonic development, applied for the first time in rabbits,...

A stem cell–derived human embryo model at a developmental stage equivalent to that of a human embryo at day 12 has all the compartments typical of this stage. The top sphere contains the part that will become the embryo itself, capped by the amnion; the bottom sphere is the yolk sac; the interface between them is a critical structural feature of human embryonic development. The two spheres are encapsulated by a cellular layer that will become the placenta

The complete, day 14 synthetic models may open new avenues of research into infertility, drug testing and growth of tissues for transplant – as...

Development of synthetic mouse embryo models inside beakers

The method opens new vistas for studying how stem cells self-organize into organs and may in the future help produce transplantable...


Removing a newly discovered “lock” from DNA’s packaging can restore limitless abilities to early cells

A mouse embryo grown for 6 days outside the uterus is stained at the end point (day 11) for markers of development

The method is set to reveal the hidden first stages of embryonic development – from a tiny ball of cells to organ growth

Feeling Their Way: How Migrating Cell Clusters Choose a Path

Migrating embryonic cell groups sprout “fingers” that pull the rest of the cluster through tight junctures in the developing body

Enhancing Our Understanding of Cell Diversity

A new method, developed by Dr. Yonatan Stelzer, uncovered some fateful cellular decisions right at the beginning of embryonic development

cyanobacteria reveal developmental pattern

Physicists and biologists team up to show that even the simplest biological developmental patterns may require some noise to be formed

organoid with folds

Keeping the tiny "brains" flat enabled researchers to follow the process of wrinkling, step by step 
