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Weizmann Institute study challenges an old dogma regarding the pituitary gland’s embryonic origins and may lead to new insights into growth...
Stress-resilient fish are born that way; their immune system reveals why
Oxytocin in a developing fish brain determines later social behavior
Some hormones are kept in special nodes for quick release. New research reveals how one hormone is restocked and stored
The cells that keep blood vessels in the pituitary permeable to hormones may hold the key to future drug delivery
The iris in the zebrafish has a distinctive crystal structure that both camouflages the eye and prevents unwanted light from entering
Fish with two genes for a crucial protein are helping researchers understand its function in neurodevelopmental disorders
A unique ON-OFF switch in the brain controls a main stress hormone
Spanish Press Release | ...
Both parts of the mechanism – ON and OFF receptors – are encoded in the same gene.