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Molecular Genetics

The nucleus of a fruit fly larva’s muscle cell. The long chains of DNA (red) are attached to the nuclear lamina (green) – the inner layer of the nuclear membrane

A novel imaging method reveals a surprising arrangement of DNA in the cell’s nucleus

Gene editing. Image: Shutterstock

Newly discovered editing rule may be exploited to correct genetic defects

A mouse embryo grown for 6 days outside the uterus is stained at the end point (day 11) for markers of development

The method is set to reveal the hidden first stages of embryonic development – from a tiny ball of cells to organ growth

Copying Foreign Genes Helps Bacteria Withstand the Test of Time

Tracking how bacteria adopt new genes provides unique insight into their evolution, antibiotic resistance and the creation of useful bacteria in...

How Cancers Hurt Themselves to Hurt Immune Cells More

A study of melanoma cells explains a puzzling response they exhibit to ward off T cell attacks

Clearing Out Cellular Junkyards May Be Therapeutic

Details of a cellular adaptation mechanism may point to new ways of treating neurodegeneration


Competition for treatment in a cellular organelle may be decided on the basis of need

infected bacteria

Unusual structures in bacterial cells keep viral infection from spreading; a list of new ones could provide improved biotech tools 

phages and bacterial cell
Virus-fighting viperins, part of the human immune system, turn out to have bacterial counterparts that might boost the fight against human...

The new profile may lead to better diagnostics, and provide a better understanding of this unusual virusA new approach to understanding the virus...
