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Molecular Genetics

Prof. Maya Schuldiner and fluorescent cells

Stuck proteins may contribute to aging

fruit fly larval salivary gland

How do the cells that secrete saliva or tears handle the load? 

Bones of mice at different ages, imaged with three-dimensional computer tomography. A core element at the center of the bone (highlighted in different colors) enabled the scientists to align different bones for comparison

How do bones retain their proportions as they grow? 

Starving yeast cells


SuperPaths: A map of human biological pathways. Each node represents a biological pathway and every line shows a connection between pathways. Every connected set is a SuperPath containing several related pathways.

SuperPaths provide a global online resource of genetic interactions

Muscle fibers of a fruit fly larva viewed under a confocal microscope: A normal fiber has normally-shaped, properly distributed nuclei (A), whereas the nuclei of fibers with mutated MSP-300 or its interacting proteins Klar and Klaroid are distorted and distributed abnormally (B, C and D)

Why do muscles lose their strength without exercise?

Stem cell colony with cells in the process of differentiation; from the lab of Dr. Jacob Hanna

Before anything else, a stem cell must first put the brakes on its “stem-cell” program

Mouse islet of Langerhans; insulin-containing vesicles within beta cells are shown in white

Cells in the pancreas take on unusual shapes in order to carry out their vital work


Use It or Lose It

Why do muscles lose their strength without exercise?

Clusters of human embryonic stem cells that were differentiated to an early germ cell (PGC) state (colored cells). Each color reveals the expression of a different gene. (l-r) NANOS3, NANOG, OCT4 and, on the right, all three combined in a single image

A cell programming technique developed at the Weizmann Institute turns them into the earliest...
