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Molecular Genetics

Yeast tRNA. Blue and gray are the anticodon end, purple translates to amino acid. Image: Yikrazuul via Wikimedia Commons

Translators in the cell help out when a teammate is in trouble

Developing bone in normal (top) and mutant (bottom) embryos. Protrusions in a developing bone are formed by a distinct class of cells (green) that differ from the regular bone-forming cells (yellow-orange). Incorrect regulation and distribution of these cells leads to irregularities in the shape of the forming bone

How does an oxygen-demanding biological process cope with low-oxygen conditions?

New Stem Cells Go Back Further

Scientists isolate new human pluripotent stem cells capable of generating “humanized” mouse models containing human-derived tissues

Pre-leukemic stem cells (top) with both mutated and healthy copies of the RUNX1 gene already display some of the characteristics of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). When the non-mutated copy of the gene is inactivated, disruptions in the spindle-assembly-checkpoint phase of cell division trigger cell death

Weizmann Institute researchers discover that a “standoff” between a mutated gene and its normal counterpart keeps certain cancer cells alive...

Left column: Previous method for creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs); right column: iPSCs produced with the new method developed by Dr. Hanna. Top: Skin cells (red); center: iPSCs from skin cells (green); bottom: superimposed top and center images. Skin cells that have been reprogrammed into iPSCs appear light yellow. Only a small percentage of the cells on the left have been reprogrammed, in contrast with the high success rate seen with the new method on the right

Weizmann Institute scientists show that removing one protein from adult cells enables them to efficiently turn back the clock to a stem-cell-like...

Bacterial Booby Traps Revealed

Toxin-antitoxin gene pairs make a quick suicide mechanism for bacteria facing viral invasion

The tips of two adult fruit fly testes, viewed under a confocal microscope, are filled with dividing germ cells (green). About one quarter of these germ cells die by an alternative death pathway called germ cell death (pink and red)
A newly discovered cell-death pathway could help fight cancer
Human cells light up with green fluorescent markers after being penetrated by a genetically engineered virus coated with the VSV envelope protein

How does a helpful virus often used for gene therapy break into cells?

Dr. Frida Belinky

A greatly expanded database will give scientists around the world a powerful new tool for life sciences research

Endoplasmic reticulum. Image: Nicolle Rager, National Science Foundation

What happens when proteins don’t “go by the book?”
