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Sensory nerves


Weizmann Institute researchers have discovered a protein that prunes nerve endings, regulating sensitivity to pain

Seeing Things Differently: The Secret Life of Our Eyes

Tracking our eyes’ motion when we are faced with a visual challenge may help researchers uncover neural encoding in the brain

Two-photon microscope image of a direction-selective cell in a mouse retina (the cell and its dendritic tree are in red) and the starburst (green) cells surrounding that mediate the computation of motion direction

Direction-selection cells in the retina can flip their orientations

Harel, Oram, Sherman and Ahissar

How does attention direct the subconscious actions of our sensory organs? 

Dr. Ditsa Levanon

Discovering the workings of our “sixth sense” 

Our nerves respond to a range of stimuli

Why does a background noise that stops and suddenly starts again get our attention?

Rats' whiskers

Rats' whiskers, and other sense organs, may process information even before it gets to the nearest nerve cell

Twitching Whiskers Tell All

Neurons in a rats' brain that respond just to whisker motion may help explain why our fingers move to feel and our eyes to take...

Twitching Whiskers Tell All

Study shows that perception is tied to movement


Our fingers...