Science Feature Articles</p>

Tiny Vibrations



(l-r) Shlomi Kotler, Yinnon Glickman, Nitzan Akerman and Dr. Roee Ozeri. Separating the signal from the noise



The lab, though it may seem quiet and insulated, can be as full of background noise as a crowded train station when we’re trying to catch the announcements. Our brains can filter out the noise and focus on the message up to a certain point, but turning up the volume on the loudspeakers – improving the signal-to-noise ratio – helps as well.
Separating out the signal from the noise – increasing one while reducing the other – is so basic that much of scientific research could not take place without it. One common method, developed by the physicist Robert Dicke at Princeton University, is based on a principle similar to the one that enables radio broadcasts to pass through the noisy atmosphere. In short, one modulates electric waves (which correspond to the sound waves) one wishes to send over long distances, adding them on top of a high-frequency wave. Someone wanting to listen to the broadcast, must have a receiver that is tuned to the frequency of the carrier wave (the numbered band on the FM dial), which then splits the two waves apart and amplifies the second, “rider” wave – the music or talk the listener wants to hear.
The method used by the physics labs is called “locked-in amplification.” Here, too, a low-frequency, measured signal “rides” a high-frequency wave. A locked-in amplifier singles out the specific wave from the rest of the noise, “locking on” to the required signal and enabling scientists to make a great variety of accurate measurements.
To obtain good spatial resolution, one should measure with the smallest possible detector, and one can’t get much smaller than a single atom. The world of single atoms, however, is governed by the laws of quantum physics, and any sort of observation in the quantum world is a complex undertaking. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, one of the cornerstones of quantum theory, sets limits on our ability to measure with any kind of precision. But that very theory contains some clues as to how these limits can be approached.

Dr. Roee Ozeri and research students Shlomi Kotler, Nitzan Akerman, Yinnon Glickman and Anna Keselman in the Physics of Complex Systems Department applied the rules of quantum mechanics to a single atomic-ion detector, building a quantum version of a locked-in amplifier. Using the ion’s spin as a sensor, they were able to measure magnetic vibrations with a spatial resolution of just a few nanometers (a few billionths of a meter). The sensitivity of this measurement was extremely high: around 100 times better than any previous such measurement. This technique, says Ozeri, could be used in physics labs around the world to improve the sensitivity of all kinds of quantum sensors.
Ion trap in the lab of Dr. Roee Ozeri

Dr. Roee Ozeri’s research is supported by the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; David Dickstein, France; Martin Kushner Schnur, Mexico; and the Crown Photonics Center.

Ion trap in the lab of Dr. Roee Ozeri
Space & Physics

Molecular Release Valve

cellular steam release valve
The molecular machines that defend our body against infection don’t huff and puff, but some of them apparently operate on much the same principle as a steam engine. Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered a mechanism that controls inflammation in a way that resembles a steam-engine valve: Just when the inflammatory mechanism that protects cells against viruses reaches its peak of activity, the molecular “steam-release valve” intervenes, restoring the mechanism to its resting state, ready for re-activation. This finding might shed new light on such inflammatory disorders as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease, and point the way to developing effective therapies.

How does the cellular “steam-release valve” work? The scientists have discovered that its crucial component is the enzyme called caspase-8. When the cell is invaded by a virus, caspase-8 joins a large molecular complex that forms in order to send out an inflammatory signal. However, this same signal, once triggered, makes sure that the inflammatory response will eventually be shut down. The mechanism can be likened to the peak of the steam cycle, when the valve opens, releasing steam and restoring the engine to its initial state. In the case of the cell, the inflammatory signal prompts caspase-8 to destroy a protein called RIP1 – a crucial signal amplifier – after RIP1 has reached a state in which it can produce maximal amplification. The inflammatory cycle is thus completed: The signaling mechanism, precisely after reaching its peak activity level, returns to its neutral state, ready to enter yet another inflammatory cycle should the viral attack on the cell continue.
Prof. David Wallach. Resetting the system
Until recently, caspase-8, discovered by study leader Prof. David Wallach of Weizmann’s Biological Chemistry Department some 15 years ago, was known to prevent inflammation in only one way – by causing damaged cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis. During this process, the contents of the dying cells are prevented from spreading around and triggering inflammation. The present study, reported recently in Immunity, has revealed an entirely new mechanism by which caspase-8 can control inflammation more directly. The research was performed in Wallach’s lab by Drs. Akhil Rajput, Andrew Kovalenko, Konstantin Bogdanov, Tae-Bong Kang, Jin-Chul Kim and Jianfang Du, together with Seung-Hoon Yang.

The study results might be relevant for various types of inflammation – not only those caused by viruses – and could thus provide important insights into inflammatory disorders. Since such disorders may occur when the inflammatory response fails to be shut down properly, it’s possible that caspase-8 malfunction and the resulting excessive activity of the RIP1 “signal amplifier” might be involved. And if this is indeed the case, a new treatment approach could aim at blocking RIP1, thereby fighting inflammation in a selective, precise manner.


Prof. David Wallach’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Shapell Family Center for Genetic Disorders Research; and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Prof. Wallach is the incumbent of the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Professorial Chair.

RIP1 system

cellular steam release valve
Life Sciences

Complex Grammar

Two-, three- and four-way retinal neuron interactions on viewing a natural scene

Dr. Elad Schneidman of the Weizmann Institute’s Neurobiology Department likens studying how neurons in the brain communicate to learning a new language just by listening to a native speaker. At first the task seems insurmountable, but little by little we begin to pick up on basic words and phrases that repeat themselves. By the time we understand a thousand or so words, we also have a primitive grasp of the grammar and can incorporate new words as we learn them.

Much of our knowledge about the brain has come from studying the “letters” or even “words” of single neuron activity, usually by  measuring the electrical spikes of single neurons or neuron pairs in experiments. This is a bit like trying to understand an entire lecture from hearing a handful of random words. The really interesting “conversation,” says Schneidman, arises between larger groups of neurons. To get at the underlying rules governing neural communication and collective behavior, he looks at activity patterns in networks of around one hundred neurons and tries to understand their interactions.

Few studies deal with the detailed nature of such large groups of neurons. Aside from the experimental challenge, the difficulty is that even 100 neurons present a huge abundance of possible activity patterns – on the order of 1030 . Extracting meaningful information from such a network would seem to be an impractical proposition, at best.

Schneidman and his research student Elad Ganmor, together with Dr. Ronen Segev of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, approached the problem by combining experimentation and mathematical modeling. The experiments involved fully functional pieces of salamander retina. In each two-millimeter square of tissue, around 100 nerve cells could be reliably recorded. The researchers showed these retina patches film clips of natural scenes and watched as the neurons fired off messages in short spikes of electricity. “These retinal neuron spikes,” says Schneidman, “are the output of the ‘computation’ that the retina performs on the visual input, which would then be sent to the brain. The retina is thus an extension of the brain, and its cellular communication is the same as that of brain cells. We can see unique activity patterns emerge from the ‘chatter’ as the network is exposed to the different scenes. Interestingly, the patterns we see in the retina networks have a specific ‘grammar’ that appears to hold only for natural scenes; not for white noise movies or other unnatural images shown to them.”
Dr. Elad Schneidman. Basic communication
To reveal some of the ground rules for neuron activity, the scientists used a mathematical model similar to one commonly used in physics, where it was developed to study the behavior of large numbers of magnets in magnetic fields. An equivalent model is also used in statistics and in machine learning. In all these domains, complex behavior arises from pair-wise interactions between elements – attraction and repulsion in magnets, on and off states in binary variables, firing and silence in neurons. When the scientists first applied the model to small networks, it fit perfectly. Even for large networks, the experimental data seemed to fit fairly well, except for a few points that fell off the scale. Upon closer inspection, however, they realized that the data points that didn’t conform to the model belonged to the most frequently occurring activity patterns, and these reflected more complex grammar. In particular, they reflected dependencies between cells that could not be explained by pair relations alone. As a result, their model was good at predicting the rare “phrases” but less accurate when it came to the common ones. But just as we must learn to say: “I am hungry,” before we progress to ordering a full meal with wine, side dishes and dessert in a restaurant, Schneidman and his team realized that they couldn’t ignore the everyday expressions used in brain communication if they wanted to get a feel for its language. Their challenge was to find a way to deal with the common patterns and the rare ones at the same time.

Surprisingly, making a small change in the mathematical formula led to a very simple and accurate way to infer the grammar of this complex system. The original physics equation encodes the interactions between magnets with the numbers 1 and -1. Instead of representing a silent neuron with a -1 – as though it were a negative magnetic pole – they used a 0. While this may seem to be a mere “accounting” issue, it has a profound effect on the formula’s terms in one special case: that in which the elements in the network are only rarely active. This is exactly the situation in the brain: Most neurons are silent most of the time. Suddenly the common phrases could be interpreted, revealing fundamental interactions between neurons. Differences among the various phrases also enabled the researchers to infer different rules from each of the common patterns.

In fact, from an incredibly complex network of possible interactions, the researchers obtained a picture of basic neural communication that is decidedly sparse, yet extremely accurate. “We could assemble a basic grammar of millions of activity patterns from about 500 common phrases that rely on two-, three- and four-way connections – provided we knew which examples to choose,” says Schneidman. “The grammar of neuron networks is eminently learnable.” He thinks it may be learnable precisely because it seems to work like language. The common, constantly repeated phrases may be the way that neurons gain their communications skills and continue to understand one another.

With this new insight into the nature of neural communication, the researchers were able to decode the visual information carried by large groups of retinal cells. Schneidman believes that this new approach could enable us to obtain a detailed picture of the workings of large groups of neurons in different parts of the brain. This might, eventually, lead the way to reading the information encoded in such networks and point to new approaches to treating neurological disorders.
Dr. Elad Schneidman's research is supported by the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; the Peter and Patricia Gruber Award; and the J&R Foundation.

Two-, three- and four-way retinal neuron interactions on viewing a natural scene
Life Sciences

Resisting Division


Professors: Yosef Yarden,Moshe Oren and Eytan Domany

Temptations to exceed the speed limit are always plentiful, but only reckless drivers give in to such impulses. Likewise, numerous growth factors always abound in our bodies, but only cancerous cells are quickly “tempted” by these chemicals to divide again and again. Healthy cells, in contrast, divide only after being exposed to growth factors for eight continuous hours. What happens during these eight hours in a healthy cell that resists the call to divide? And even more important, what fails to work properly in the cancer cell during these same hours? Why do cancerous cells give in so easily to the influence of growth factors and divide so readily?

Answers to these questions have emerged from a study by a multidisciplinary team of Weizmann Institute researchers published recently in Molecular Cell. The scientists found that when a cell first receives a signal from a growth factor, ten groups of genes – about 8,000 in total – become activated. Of these, one group, consisting of about ten genes governed by the tumor suppressor p53, is the most crucial: These genes prevent the cell from dividing. Only if the growth factor continues to affect the cell for eight hours does p53 release its grip on the cell’s DNA, allowing it to divide. Like a careful driver who puts the brakes on before proceeding, the activation of p53 at the time the cell receives a growth factor signal serves as a “brake,” preventing instant division. In this manner, the healthy cell ensures that it will not divide as a result of accidental, mistaken or otherwise superfluous growth signals, but only if the signal is continuous and necessary. In cancerous cells, this mechanism malfunctions because in most of them p53 is defective or missing altogether, so that even a fleeting growth signal can cause them to divide, leading to cancerous growth.

This interdisciplinary study has resulted from a collaboration between three research teams at the Weizmann Institute, headed by Prof. Yosef Yarden of the Biological Regulation Department, Prof. Eytan Domany of the Physics of Complex Systems Department and Prof. Moshe Oren of the Molecular Cell Biology Department. The study was coordinated by former graduate student Dr. Yaara Zwang. Other Weizmann scientists taking part were Aldema Sas-Chen, Yotam Drier, Dr. Tal Shay, Roi Avraham, Dr. Mattia Lauriola, Efrat Shema and Efrat Lidor-Nili. Additional participants were clinical researchers Dr. Jasmine Jacob-Hirsch, Dr. Ninette Amariglio and Prof. Gideon Rechavi of the Chaim Sheba Medical Center; and Drs. Yiilng Lu and Gordon B. Mills of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.
Genes that delay cell division exhibit reduced levels of expression (left) after exposure to a second, delayed pulse of growth factor. Those in cells receiving a single pulse (right box) maintained high expression levels

This research sheds new light on the differences between healthy and cancerous cells. It might contribute to the development of new, effective approaches to chemotherapy. Cancerous tumors sometimes develop resistance to the therapy because, among other reasons, it stresses the body, which in turn, leads to the production of growth factors that cause cells to divide. The treatment thus ultimately defeats itself. A better understanding of how growth factors work can help determine intervals for administering chemotherapy that will prevent the rampant division of cancerous cells.
Prof. Eytan Domany's research is supported by the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research - Weizmann Institute of Science Exchange Program; the Leir Charitable Foundation; and Mordechai Segal, Israel.  Prof. Domany is the incumbent of the Henry J. Leir Professorial Chair.
Prof. Moshe Oren's research is supported by the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; the Robert Bosch Foundation; and the estate of Harold Z. Novak.  Prof. Oren is the incumbent of the Andre Lwoff Professorial Chair in Molecular Biology.
Prof. Yosef Yarden's research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Center, which he heads; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; the Women's Health Research Center funded by the Bennett-Pritzker Endowment Fund, the Marvelle Koffler Program for Breast Cancer Research, the  Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Women's Health Research Endowment, and the Oprah Winfrey Biomedical Research Fund; the Steven and Beverly Rubenstein Charitable Foundation , Inc.; Julie Charbonneau, Canada; the Jean - Jacques Brunschwig Fund for the Molecular Genetics of Cancer; the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation; the Centre Leon Berard - Lyon; the Laub Fund for Oncogene Research; the estate of Norman Davis; and the Marvin Tanner Laboratory for Research on Cancer. Prof. Yarden is the incumbent of the Harold and Zelda Goldenberg Professorial Chair in Molecular Cell Biology.

Genes that delay cell division exhibit reduced levels of expression (left) after exposure to a second, delayed pulse of growth factor. Those in cells receiving a single pulse (right box) maintained high expression levels
Life Sciences

The Lab Mice that Didn’t Get Fat



(l-r) Standing: Einat Levy, Dr. Liat Rousso Noori and Eynat Finkelshtein. Sitting: Prof. Hilla Knobler, Dr. Alon Chen, Prof. Ari Elson and Dr. Yael Kuperman. Sensitivity

As levels of obesity continue to rise around the world, real solutions to the problem are surprisingly hard to come by. This is partly because we still don’t understand all of the complexities of the metabolic cycles in which eating, hunger, physical activity and body weight are regulated. Weizmann Institute scientists have added another piece to the obesity puzzle, showing how and why a certain protein that is active in a small part of the brain contributes to weight gain.

Prof. Ari Elson and his team in the Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department made the discovery when working with female mice that were genetically engineered to lack this protein, called protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (PTPe, for short). The scientists had originally intended to investigate osteoporosis, and they thus also removed the ovaries of these mice. Taking out ovaries typically causes mice to gain weight, to the point of obesity – so the scientists were surprised to find that the weight of the genetically engineered mice remained stable. Working with Dr. Alon Chen and his group in the Neurobiology Department and Prof. Hilla Knobler in the Metabolic Unit of Kaplan Medical Center, the researchers fed these mice a high-fat diet, yet the PTPe-deficient mice maintained their svelte figures; they burned more energy and had more stable glucose levels as well.

To find out how the lack of this protein could keep mice slim and healthy, the scientists looked at the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that takes in assorted stimuli, including a wide variety of hormones, and sends out messages of its own in the form of new hormones and nerve signals. The hypothalamus plays a vital role in regulating body mass – a complex balancing act that involves, among other things, controlling appetite and physical activity.

In the study, which recently appeared in Cell Metabolism, Elson and his team found that PTPe blocks the messages from a hormone called leptin – a key player in body mass regulation. They revealed exactly how it does this: PTPe response to the leptin signal in the hypothalamus inhibits certain molecules, which in turn dampens that signal.

Among its effects, leptin reduces appetite and increases physical activity. Paradoxically, obese people often have a surfeit of leptin circulating in their blood. This is because, while their bodies produce the hormone normally, their cells become resistant to its effects, and more leptin is then generated to compensate.

The new research shows that PTPe plays a role in this resistance. The scientists found that mice lacking the protein were highly sensitive to leptin; and they remained so despite aging, ovary removal or high-fat diets. This suggests that in obese humans with leptin insensitivity, inhibiting PTPe might, conceivably, help to reestablish the leptin response and thus help induce weight loss. This goal, however, requires further research to ensure that it acts in the same way in humans, with no dangerous side effects.

Elson: “Interestingly enough, the effect seems to be gender-specific. Compared with the female mice, male mice hardly benefited at all from the lack of PTPe. This finding could open up whole new lines of inquiry in obesity studies.”
Prof. Ari Elson's research is supported by the Ekard Research School of Biological Science, which he heads; the Lorry I. Lokey Research School of Biochemical Science, which he heads; the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Kekst Family Institute for Medical Genetics; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Charitable Foundation; the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Prof. Elson is the incumbent of the Marshall and Renette Ezralow Professorial Chair.
Dr. Alon Chen's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurosciences; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Irwin Green Alzheimer's Research Fund; Roberto and Renata Ruhman, Brazil; Martine Turcotte, Canada; and Mark Besen and the Pratt Foundation, Australia. Dr. Chen is the incumbent of the Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair.

(l-r) Standing: Einat Levy, Dr. Liat Rousso Noori and Eynat Finkelshtein. Sitting: Prof. Hilla Knobler, Dr. Alon Chen, Prof. Ari Elson and Dr. Yael Kuperman. Sensitivity
Life Sciences

Senses under Stress: Adversity Blurs Perception



Jennifer Resnik and Dr. Rony Paz. Differences in perception











Adversity, we are told, heightens our senses, imprinting sights and sounds precisely in our memories. But recent Weizmann Institute research, which appeared in Nature Neuroscience, suggests the exact opposite may be the case: Perceptions learned in an aversive context are not as sharp as those learned in other circumstances. The findings, which hint that this tendency is rooted in our species’ evolution, may help to explain how post-traumatic stress syndrome and other anxiety disorders develop in some people.

To investigate learning in unfavorable situations, Dr. Rony Paz of the Institute’s Neurobiology Department, together with his student Jennifer Resnik, had volunteers learn that some tones led to an offensive outcome (e.g., a very bad odor), whereas other tones were followed by pleasant a outcome or by nothing at all. The volunteers were later tested for their perceptual thresholds – that is, how well they were able to distinguish either the “bad” or “good” tones from other, similar tones.

As expected from previous studies, in the neutral or positive conditions, the volunteers became better with practice at discriminating between tones. But, surprisingly, when they found themselves exposed to a negative, possibly disturbing stimulus, their performance worsened.

The differences in learning were in fact very basic differences in perception. After learning that a stimulus is associated with a highly unpleasant experience, the subjects could not distinguish it from other, similar stimuli, even though they could do so beforehand or in normal conditions. In other words, no matter how well they usually learned new things, the subjects receiving the “aversive reinforcement” experienced the two tones as the same.

Evolution and post-traumatic stress syndrome

Paz: “A reduced ability to distinguish between stimuli likely made sense in our evolutionary past: If you’ve previously heard the sound of a lion attacking, your survival might depend on a similar noise sounding the same to you – and pushing the same emotional buttons. Your instincts, then, will tell you to run rather than to consider whether that sound was indeed identical to the growl of the lion the other day.”

Paz believes that this tendency might be stronger in people suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. As an example, he points to the 9/11 terror attacks in New York. Many of those who witnessed the strikes on the towers developed post-traumatic stress syndrome, which, in many cases, could be triggered by the sight of tall buildings. Intellectually, they might know that the building before them bore little resemblance to the destroyed towers; but on a more fundamental, instinctive level, they might perceive all tall buildings as being the same and thus associate them with terrifying destruction.

The scientific team is now investigating this idea in continuing research, in which they hope, among other things, to identify the areas in the brain involved in setting the different levels of perception. Paz: “We think this is a trick of the brain that evolved to help us cope with threats but is now dysfunctional in many cases. Besides revealing this very basic aspect of human perception, we hope to shed light on the development of such anxiety disorders as post-traumatic stress syndrome.”
Dr. Rony Paz's research is supported by the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; the Carl and Micaela Einhorn-Dominic Brain Research Institute; the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; the Ruth and Herman Albert Scholars Program for New Scientists; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, Israel; Katy and Gary Leff, Calabasas, CA; the Candice Appleton Family Trust; Sam Revusky, Canada; and Dr. and Mrs. Alan Leshner, Potomac, MD. Dr. Paz is the incumbent of the Beracha Foundation Career Development Chair. 

Jennifer Resnik and Dr. Rony Paz. Differences in perception
Life Sciences

New Job for a Busy Protein



(l-r) Prof. Varda Rotter, Dr. Eldad Tzahor, Dr. Ariel Rinon, Alina Molchadsky and Dr. Rachel Sarig. Migration regulation


“If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” On second thought this advice (originally from Lucille Ball), makes quite a bit of sense. So it is no wonder that the protein p53, which works in our cells day and night to keep cancer at bay, has also been handed an important task in embryonic development. This finding emerged from research conducted by Dr. Eldad Tzahor of the Biological Regulation Department, whose expertise includes embryonic development, and Prof. Varda Rotter of the Molecular Cell Biology Department, a pioneer of p53 research.

Sometimes called the “guardian of the genome,” p53 puts the brakes on processes that could lead to cancer when the cell’s genetic material is injured. But scientists who in the past looked for a role for p53 in embryonic development had concluded that its “day job” was keeping it busy enough: “Erasing” the gene in mouse embryos did not affect their development (though, unsurprisingly, they did develop cancer early on). Nonetheless, recent findings hinted at p53 involvement in the process of embryonic cell differentiation, suggesting that the previous conclusion needed reexamining.

“It is illogical to think that a crucial protein like p53 would play no role at all in embryonic development,” says Tzahor. “What actually happens in the mice missing the gene is that the genetic system is completely “rewired” to compensate for the protein’s loss. Other proteins cover for it, and while this enables development to proceed, it also frustrates the efforts of scientists to get at the mechanisms underlying that development.” To overcome this difficulty, the scientists targeted the p53 protein or its activity at only a limited number of sites, and only at certain times, so that the cell didn’t have a chance to cover for the lost protein.

The researchers focused on a group of cells called neural crest cells, which are tied to the development of the face, brain and peripheral nervous system. These early cells differentiate into a number of types, including nerve cells, facial cartilage, pigment-producing cells and more. Before their rapid differentiation, these cells undergo another process, called epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT), which enables them to begin migrating from their original site in the neural tube – the embryonic template of the central nervous system – to the facial area.

This key process is similar in many respects to processes that cancer cells undergo when they become malignant. And this suggested to the researchers that p53, which is found to malfunction in a high percentage of cancers, might play a role in regulating EMT. To investigate, Tzahor’s group, which included research students Ariel Rinon and Elisha Nathan, and Dr. Rachel Sarig, first asked whether p53 does, after all, play any sort of role in embryonic development. They found that mouse embryos lacking p53 did indeed have mild defects in their facial structure. Next, the team used chicken embryos to pinpoint both the timing and location of p53 activation. Although the protein was present in the neural crest cells, they discovered that it was silenced for the duration of the EMT process.

The researchers concluded that the reduction in p53 was a necessary condition for EMT. To investigate further, they artificially stabilized levels of the protein; and this was the result: EMT was indeed reduced with fewer neural crest cells migrating out of the neural tube, there was a drop in the expression of EMT-related genes and there were structural defects in the face and brain. Conversely, when the researchers delayed p53 activity, they found an excess of neural crest cells along with increased proliferation. Additional experiments with mouse embryonic cells by research student Alina Molchadsky in Rotter’s lab confirmed these findings: Without p53, there is an increase in the expression of genes tied to EMT as well as those involved in cell division. These findings recently appeared in the journal Development.


Neural crest cell migration in a chicken embryo



Tzahor: “p53 puts the brakes on cell division, and this is what prevents cancer. Its levels need to drop for neural crest cells to divide and migrate, but a drop beyond that which takes place naturally during EMT is harmful as well.”

The study’s findings hint that p53 links two parallel developmental processes – cell division/proliferation and EMT. But they may also have relevance for cancer studies: “We have known for a long time that cancer processes are similar to those of embryonic development, only deregulated and uncontrolled,” says Tzahor. “But much less is known about the connections between p53, cell migration and tumor growth. Our study has not only identified yet another job assigned to p53, it also points to promising new directions in cancer research.”

Prof. Varda Rotter's research is supported by the Yad Abraham Research Center for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy, which she heads; the Women's Health Research Center, which she heads; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Family Foundation for Life Sciences; the Leir Charitable Foundations; the Centre Leon Berard Lyon; Donald Schwarz, Sherman Oaks, CA; and the estate of John M. Lang. Prof. Rotter is the incumbent of the Norman and Helen Asher Professorial Chair of Cancer Research.

Dr. Eldad Tzahor's research is supported by the Kahn Family Research Center for Systems Biology of the Human Cell; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Institute for Stem Cell Research; the Kirk Center for Childhood Cancer and Immunological Disorders; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research; the estate of Jack Gitlitz; the Women's Health Research Center funded by the Bennett-Pritzker Endowment Fund, the Marvelle Koffler Program for Breast Cancer Research, the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Women's Health Research Endowment and the Oprah Winfrey Biomedical Research Fund; and the estate of Fannie Sherr. Dr. Tzahor is the incumbent of the Gertrude and Philip Nollman Career Development Chair.


(l-r) Prof. Varda Rotter, Dr. Eldad Tzahor, Dr. Ariel Rinon, Alina Molchadsky and Dr. Rachel Sarig. Migration regulation
Life Sciences

A Place in the Sun


(l-r) Prof David Cahen and Dr. Pabitra Nayak. Setting limits

“One of my dreams for the field of alternative energy is to see the day when all homes will be covered in ‘solar paint’,” says Prof. David Cahen of the Weizmann Institute’s Materials and Interfaces Department (Faculty of Chemistry).

“The trick,” says Cahen, “is to understand the limitations, as well as the capabilities, of each type of solar cell and then find a suitable niche for its use.” Current solar cell technologies are relatively expensive – unable to convert the sun’s energy into electricity with cost-effective efficiency. Although the solar energy that reaches Earth in just one hour equals the entire energy needs of the world for a whole year, calculations show that even the best solar cell can never reach an efficiency of more than about 31% – and this figure is lower in practice. Simple economics shows that solar cells with low efficiency are worthwhile only if they are also cheap.

Half a century ago, William Shockley and Hans Queisser identified three factors limiting the efficiency of the commonly used “sandwich-layered” solar cell: 1) It has a limited spectrum of light absorption; 2) much of the absorbed light energy is lost as heat; and 3) electric current is lost in the cell before it can be used. Newer generations of solar cells have been constructed from organic, molecular and polymeric materials, but even in optimal lab conditions, their performance is lower than that of most of today’s commercial solar cells. Are there other factors, beyond the SQ limits (named for their proposers), that need to be taken into account?

To find out, Cahen and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pabitra Nayak (a graduate of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India), with the help of Prof. Juan Bisquert of Universitat Jaume I, Spain, analyzed and compared various criteria of all the different types of solar cells. Their findings, recently published in Advanced Materials suggest that there are indeed additional limiting factors beyond the SQ limits – at least for solar cells made with organic materials – that can explain the extra energy loss.

A “typical” solar cell is made from two layers of inorganic semiconducting material – most commonly, crystalline silicon. One of the layers is electron-rich, the other electron-deficient. Stacking these two layers creates a region with an electric field. When light strikes the semiconductor, freeing electrons from their bonds, electricity is generated. The electric field acts as a one-way gate, allowing the “free” electrons to travel through a wire connecting the two layers, thus creating an electric current.

The three SQ limits come into play as the light strikes the material. The “limited spectrum of light absorption” means that some of the light does not possess enough energy to free electrons in any given material and passes through the cell unused. If, on the other hand, the light has more energy than the amount needed to free electrons, the extra energy is lost as heat – limiting factor number two. The third limiting factor involves freed electrons that return to their bound states before they can escape through the wire.
Will solar paint replace some traditional photocells? Traditional silicon photocell. Image: Stephan Kambor, Wikimedia Commons
But materials made of organic molecules have an entirely different structure than the non-molecular, inorganic materials currently used for solar cells, and this, according to Cahen, may contain clues to their lower efficiency values. For example, organic materials are more disordered – a state that requires more energy to free electrons and create a current. Some energy is also lost in the form of bond vibration as an electron is freed in the interaction of light with organic materials. Weaker bonding between organic molecules also leads to reduced electron movement through the semiconductor layer, and this causes some of the freed electrons to lose energy. These latter two phenomena occur in all solar cells, but they are small to negligible in the classic, inorganic cells.

Should researchers give up on organic-molecule-based solar cells? Or should they continue seeking ways to improve their efficiency? That, says Cahen, might be akin to pushing dyslexic students to excel in literature: “Instead of investing time and effort trying to reach unrealistic efficiencies, knowing their limitations up front leads to more reasonable expectations of what the cell can do, and it can therefore be put to a more suitable use. For example, molecular-type cells could be perfect for use in solar paints despite their lower efficiency, and they can be much cheaper to produce than silicon-based solar cells, which are not even an option for such applications. Organic molecules also may be well suited for exploiting specific parts of the solar spectrum.”

Additionally, Cahen views his research as very relevant for artificial photosynthetic systems – in which solar energy is converted to chemicals. “Solar cells are like a beta site for learning about artificial photosynthesis. If we can realize both artificial photosynthesis and solar paint, we will have added some very significant pieces to the mosaic that will make up our energy future.”
Prof. David Cahen's research is supported by the Mary and Tom Beck Canadian Center for Alternative Energy Research, which he heads; the Nancy and Stephen Grand Research Center for Sensors and Security; the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly; the Gerhardt M.J. Schmidt Minerva Center on Supramolecular Architectures, which he heads; the Carolito Stiftung; the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; Dr. Monroe Burk, Columbia, MD; the estate of Theodore E. Rifkin; the Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Foundation; and the Irving and Varda Rabin Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation. Prof. Cahen is the incumbent of the Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Professorial Chair in Energy Research.

(l-r) Prof David Cahen and Dr. Pabitra Nayak. Setting limits

Social Networking, Molecular Style


Illustration: helping hand

When two people strike up a friendship, sometimes their spouses, children or even pets become friends too. In the case of Dr. Ami Navon and Prof. Zvulun Elazar, biologists and friends at the Weizmann Institute, their comradeship extends to the molecular pathways they study. They have recently discovered that two of them collaborate in case of need.
Navon studies the proteasome, the cell’s major “garbage disposal” system: This molecular complex destroys and recycles defective proteins – for example, ones that are not folded properly and therefore cannot perform their function in the body. Elazar investigates the lysosome, another recycling machine. The lysosome also carries out destructive tasks, but not as selectively as the proteasome: If a cell turns cancerous, the lysosome might destroy cellular compartments “in bulk” in order to induce the cell to commit suicide.
Navon decided to find out: Do these two destructive mechanisms interact? Answering this question is important because improper breakdown of proteins can be catastrophic for human health. For instance, faulty recycling of certain proteins might cause cystic fibrosis or such neurodegenerative diseases as Parkinson’s or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; on the other hand, excessive recycling is typical of multiple myeloma and autoimmune disorders.
To explore the relationship between the proteasome and the lysosome, Navon and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Edith Kario, both of the Biological Regulation Department, teamed up with the Biological Chemistry Department’s Elazar and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Nira Amar. Their study results, reported in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, show that the proteasome and the lysosome can indeed lend each other a helping hand when necessary. When the proteasome fails to destroy a target protein, causing this protein to accumulate in the cell, the lysosome springs into action. Working with yeast, the scientists have revealed how this happens: A cellular process called autophagy attaches a “label” to the accumulated protein, thereby signaling to the lysosome that its help is needed; the molecular elements of autophagy then “escort” the accumulated protein to the lysosome, which destroys it effectively. Thus, when the main protein recycling machinery is out of order, a secondary recycling complex takes over.
These findings might in the future help in the development of new approaches for treating diseases involving faulty protein breakdown. In those tied to proteasome malfunction, for example, its activity might be enhanced with the help of the lysosome – just the kind of help one would expect from a good friend.


Prof. Zvulun Elazar’s research is supported by the Louis Brause Philanthropic Fund; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Prof. Elazar is the incumbent of the Harold L. Korda Professorial Chair of Biology.
Dr. Ami Navon is the incumbent of the Recanati Career Development Chair of Cancer Research in Perpetuity. 
Illustration: helping hand
Life Sciences

How to Build a Cellular Recycling Machine

(l-r) Prof. Zvulun Elazar, Tomer Shpilka and Hilla Weidberg. Construction details
Allowing broken furniture and appliances to accumulate can cause stress: If we fail to haul them away, our house at some point becomes unlivable. For the living cell, with its limited resources, it is critical not just to get rid of the old junk, but to recycle it for reuse. Fortunately, says Prof. Zvulun Elazar of the Biological Chemistry Department, researchers are now realizing the importance of a kind of cellular recycling activity known as autophagy (“self-eating” in Greek). This process is vital for everything from growth and development to cancer prevention; malfunctions in the autophagy equipment can contribute to Parkinson’s and Crohn’s, as well as a number of other diseases.

Autophagy comes into play when resources are scarce, recycling less crucial components to keep the cell’s main functions going; but it is also important for general maintenance. The components are broken down in a special compartment called the autophagosome, which is enclosed in a double membrane.

In the cell, not even the recycling equipment is left to gather dust: The autophagosome gets constructed anew each time as needed, on the spot. A unique membrane called a phagophore is assembled from bits and pieces of other membranes. As it elongates, the membrane takes on a cup-like shape that gradually extends around the cellular material slated for recycling until the compartment is sealed off completely from the rest of the cell. Elazar and research students Hilla Weidberg and Tomer Shpilka have been investigating the nuts and bolts of autophagosome assembly. In recent research published in the EMBO Journal and Developmental Cell, they revealed the actions of two proteins that fuse together the pieces of the autophagosome membrane.

The two proteins, known as LC3B and GATE-16 (the latter originally identified by Elazar’s group several years ago), share some characteristics with other cellular proteins – particularly ubiquitin, a small tag that the cell applies to certain proteins to label them. Even though LC3B and GATE-16 are similar in design to ubiquitin, they attach to lipids – the fatty molecules that constitute cellular membranes – rather than to proteins; and the bonds they form are unusually stable. Elazar and his team found that both of these proteins are necessary for constructing an autophagosome. When they blocked either one, the assembly process was incomplete.
Early stages of autophagosome formation

After latching on to the phagophore, small active sites on the proteins glue the membranes together. These membranes fuse into one double-walled structure as components continue to be added to the autophagosome wall. The researchers found that the active sites on LC3B and GATE-16 each use a different mode of action, possibly explaining why both are necessary. They think that one of the proteins contributes to the elongation of the phagophore while the other may also function as the “latch” that seals the membrane shut when it reaches the proper size.

“This is the first time,” says Elazar, “that this type of membrane fusion mechanism has been demonstrated in a mammalian cell. Our appreciation of the role that autophagy plays in nearly every biological process grows stronger the more we study it. That is why it is so important to understand exactly how the equipment works.” 
Prof. Zvulun Elazar's research is supported by the Louis Brause Philanthropic Fund; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Prof. Elazar is the incumbent of the Harold L. Korda Professorial Chair of Biology.

(l-r) Prof. Zvulun Elazar, Tomer Shpilka and Hilla Weidberg. Construction details
Life Sciences
