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Cancer genetics


A new cellular mechanism for identifying unraveled proteins may serve as a target for cancer therapies

Combat team: A dendritic cell (right) and a T cell, both from a mouse with skin cancer, combined using the BiCE antibody (yellow)

A new kind of immunotherapy, based on crosstalk between different immune cells, could pave the way for innovative treatments of cancer and...


Wasting syndrome – a deadly cancer side-effect – might be diagnosed and treated early on, according to a new study

Tissue sample of a particularly aggressive skin cancer reveals immune cells (yellow) that express on their surfaces a “brake pedal” receptor called FcgIIb (purple); cell nuclei are in blue

Sometimes anticancer antibodies press on the gas and the brakes at the same time. New research might help them accelerate better

Collagen fibers deposited by fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment, viewed under a microscope. The fibers form an orderly pattern in tumors with an unmutated BRCA gene (top); in contrast, in tumors of patients harboring BRCA mutations (bottom), the collagen structure is disordered

Weizmann Institute scientists have discovered how mutations in the BRCA genes, particularly prevalent among Ashkenazi Jews, lead to...

Patterns of epigenetic markers revealed by EPINUC on blood nucleosomes (bright-red dots)

If larger studies confirm the results of a Weizmann Institute innovation, diagnosing cancer may one day be as easy as taking blood

Mutations shed light on cancer

In children, lack of a protein causes a dangerous disease. Why do cancer cells suppress the same protein?

Algorithm-generated comparisons among the genomes of cells from 450 tissue samples: The analysis revealed a striking similarity (red colors, upper right rectangle) in tRNA signatures among cancerous cells and healthy dividing cells, as well as a degree of similarity among the non-dividing cells (red colors, lower left rectangle), whereas no such similarity (blue) was found when dividing cells were compared with non-dividing ones

Synonyms in the gene code spell differences in cell division

Without the c-Kit gene, colon cancer cells grow in a disorderly, aggregated manner and are invasive (A); when c-Kit expression is restored in these cells, they revert to a more normal organization (B)

A cancer-causing gene can prevent the deadly spread of a tumor at a later point in malignancy

“Deregulation scores” of hundreds of brain tumor patients: Each row corresponds to a pathway (that is, a biochemical process), and each column to a sample taken from a patient. Every colored spot stands for a number – the value of the “deregulation score” of the corresponding pathway, as determined for a particular patient. Dark blue stands for the activity of the pathway in normal brain tissue, whereas dark red indicates a high level of deviation from normal behavior. The clearly distinct group of normal b

A new approach to personalized cancer therapy profiles a tumor by its biological pathways
