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Yeast tRNA. Blue and gray are the anticodon end, purple translates to amino acid. Image: Yikrazuul via Wikimedia Commons

Translators in the cell help out when a teammate is in trouble

Dr. Frida Belinky

A greatly expanded database will give scientists around the world a powerful new tool for life sciences research


A complex for activating certain RNAs must avoid cutting up the wrong strands

Cell Reports cover: Illustration by Dr. Rita Gelin-Licht showing yeast cells mating through extensions

When yeast cells want to mate, they grow extensions in the direction of  potential partners

Living Microprocessor Tunes in to Feedback

What keeps the machinery for chopping functional pieces out of certain long RNA strands from cutting up the wrong kinds of RNA?

Prof. Yosef Yarden, Dr. Wolfgang Köstler, Amit Zeisel and Prof. Eytan Domany

Bits of gene code that are normally discarded have found a surprising new use in research

(l-r) Standing: Sharon Kredo, Dr. Tali Melkman Zehavi, Roni Oren. Sitting: Dr. Eran Hornstein, Natali Rivkin, Amitai Mandelbaum

A newly discovered step in insulin production could give researchers new tools to deal with diabetes

A pancreas containing two populations of cells. The red cells synthesize microRNAs while the green ones don’t. Image from the lab of Dr. Eran Hornstein

MicroRNAs may be a missing factor in a number of baffling diseases.

Blue reporter gene in embryonic neural crest

Dr. Eran Hornstein has some new ideas about gene regulation
