Science Feature Articles</p>

Complexity and the Single Cell

No matter how complex, all organisms – from the tiniest fruit fly to a human being – begin with a single cell. We know that this cell contains all the instructions for making every cell type in the body. The challenge is to uncover the overall plan laid out in the instruction book – the genome.  What makes a head at one end and a tail at the other, a front and back, and, continuing through embryonic development, all the complex and diverse patterns that make up the living creature?
A model predicting a “self-organized shuttling” mechanism in which the Toll activator, Spaetzle, is physically redistributed to the center of the belly region by another part of the same Spaetzle protein. The resulting gradient of Toll activation provides the cue for further patterning of the Drosophila embryo

At formation, the fruit fly egg cell takes on rough coordinates that distinguish the head end from the tail, the back from the belly. During embryonic development, these rough coordinates gradually become refined, the entire pattern of the complete organism ultimately arising from this simple process. The first refinement takes place after fertilization, in the initial steps of embryogenesis: The rough markings turn into a sharp gradient with certain hormone-like proteins concentrated thickly in the center of the future belly and thinning out toward the edges of the region. In research findings published in August in Cell, Profs. Naama Barkai and Ben-Zion Shilo, and Michal Haskel Ittah, Danny Ben-Zvi, Merav Branski Arieli and Dr. Eyal Schejter of the Molecular Genetics Department revealed how the embryo carries out this step – one that will soon give rise to a wide spectrum of cell types along the belly/back axis. “The surprising thing,” says Shilo, “is that it accomplishes this feat with only a handful of components.”

Those components had been identified through genetic screening over the years, and the researchers knew that somehow, this limited set of players is sufficient to convert the rough coordinates of the egg to the refined pattern of the embryo. What’s more, the critical action takes place in a thin zone between two membranes – the egg membrane and an external outer membrane.

While the genes could tell the scientists which components were involved, they could not reveal how those components formed a working mechanism. For that, the team turned to computational approaches, creating theoretical models to see which would yield the gradients they observed in experiments. They looked for gradients that would hold and which would be reproducible even when the levels of individual components varied. “We know from previous experience that this constraint strongly restricts the space of possible mechanisms,” says Barkai. Although the number of elements, indeed, was limited, the researchers proposed mechanism is fairly elaborate, with at least one of those elements taking on several different forms. This protein, the hormone that triggers the response, is called “spaetzle” (so-named because when it is missing, the embryo becomes elongated, like the German noodle).
Spaetzle, in its inactive form, is found encircling the entire inner membrane of the early embryo; the enzyme that activates it – by cleaving it into two parts – is active only in the belly region. Once spaetzle is activated, the two parts can diffuse out of the belly region, and they can also recombine in a different form that can then be reactivated in a new way. This interplay – between the elements that are able to diffuse past the edges of the belly region and those that are confined to it – creates a situation in which active spaetzle proteins are concentrated towards the belly region, thus producing the activation gradient.  Shilo: “We see, in our model, that the active form of the hormone is eventually driven in toward the center.”
Dorsal-GFP displaying a gradient of nuclear localization
With the mechanism proposed by the model in mind, the researchers turned back to experiments. They showed that the Spaetzle protein is indeed present in several distinct forms. When the team manipulated the genes for the elements in the model, they found they could direct the process of hormone concentration, even generating fruit fly embryos in which the belly region formed where the tail should be. These experiments convinced the researchers that the working model generated in computational approaches is truly valid.

The membrane receptors to which spaetzle binds are known as Toll receptors, and these were originally discovered in the 1980s in developing fruit fly embryos. The same Toll receptors were the subject of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, but the prize was awarded for the discovery of a completely different role: They are vital for the innate immune response, our body’s first line of defense against invading pathogens. These receptors have been conserved over eons of evolution, and Shilo believes that the Toll receptor initially evolved for its crucial role in the immune system and was later co-opted for embryonic patterning in insects. Shilo: “It would be interesting to see whether the mechanism we discovered for concentrating the spaetzle proteins and creating a gradient might also apply to certain aspects of the innate immune response.”





Prof. Naama Barkai’s research is supported by the Azrieli Institute for Systems Biology, which she heads; the Helen and Martin Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; Lorna Greenberg Scherzer, Canada; the Carolito Stiftung; the European Research Council; the estate of Hilda Jacoby-Schaerf; and the estate of John Hunter. Prof. Barkai is the incumbent of the Lorna Greenberg Scherzer Professorial Chair.

Prof. Ben-Zion Shilo’s research is supported by the Carolito Stiftung; the Jeanne and Joseph Nissim Foundation for Life Sciences Research; the Dr. Josef Cohn Minerva Center for Biomembrane Research; the estate of Georg Galai; and the Mary Ralph Designated Philanthropic Fund. Prof. Shilo is the incumbent of the Hilda and Cecil Lewis Professorial Chair of Molecular Genetics.

Dorsal-GFP displaying a gradient of nuclear localization
Life Sciences

The Persistence of Memory

Traumatic memories can be extremely stubborn. Surfacing again and again – even years after the painful event – they are notoriously difficult to eradicate. Many do succeed – with a lot of behavioral work – to submerge those memories deep in the depths of their brain’s memory banks. But for some, vivid traumatic memories can continue to float to the surface, leading to the development of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). Dr. Rony Paz and his group in the Neurobiology Department have, in a series of studies, revealed a mechanism in the brain that is responsible for the persistence of such memories. Their findings have even suggested a way to reduce the grip of these memories and help sufferers to inhibit them.
(l-r) Dr. Rony Paz, Dr. Oded Klavir and Uri Livneh


To induce “traumatic memories,” the scientists applied a basic conditioning learning method in which a neutral stimulus (in this case a tone) is followed by negative reinforcement (a bad smell). But the team, including research student Uri Livneh, wanted to compare memories; that is, they needed to induce two equally traumatic memories, one of them easily extinguished and the second persistent. To do this, they used an insight from the field of cognitive psychology: Learning in which a stimulus is always followed by reinforcement (full reinforcement) is not as long-lasting as that in which the reinforcement is sporadic (partial reinforcement). Both types of conditioning are felt with the same intensity and the learned response is the same, but the second type is much harder to get rid of afterward.

To see what was happening in the brain during the two learning processes, the researchers recorded activity in two different areas of the brain: one deep inside the brain, called the amygdala, and the other in the frontal cortex, known as the ACC. Earlier studies have shown that the amygdala is involved in preserving emotionally charged memories, while the ACC contributes to fear-based memories and its activity is disrupted in PTSD patients. Moreover, the ACC is involved in making sense of complex statistical patterns and figures to build a coherent internal world view. For this reason, the researchers suspected that the ACC contributes in the more complicated process of partial reinforcement learning.
memory (Image: Thinkstock)
The findings, which appeared in Neuron, confirmed the suspicion: Full reinforcement learning involves the amygdala, alone, but partial reinforcement engages both the amygdala and the ACC. These two conduct a sort of dialog, and the team found that the level of coordination between them could be used to accurately predict how strongly the memory would be held, i.e., how hard it would be to extinguish.

For example, this finding can shed light on an intriguing phenomenon: When soldiers in a war zone are transferred to another unit – thus forcing them to readjust to an unfamiliar situation – they are more likely to develop PTSD. “Our findings not only explain why some people get PTSD and others don’t,” says Paz, “they also show that the same person may develop the syndrome following one type of incident, but not as the result of a different one, even if it had the same emotional intensity. These differences are not just genetic, as current thinking would have it, but they are rooted in the exact way and context in which each memory is formed.”

Interfering with memory

Next, the researchers decided, on the basis of these findings, to see if they could interfere with the mechanism for storing traumatic memories and thus reduce their recurrence. The research team, headed by Dr. Oded Klavir and research student Rotem Genud in Paz's lab, used electrodes to stimulate the brains of lab animals. While this method is widely used to treat Parkinson’s disease, among others, it has not been tested for PTSD. The electrodes were inserted into the ACC and activated after traumatic memories had been induced. The next day, the animals that did not receive the treatment displayed obvious signs of distress upon hearing the tone – the learned stimulus – while those that had been treated with electricity had a much milder response. The stronger the electrode-induced repression of ACC activity, the calmer the animals were, even three days later. These findings appeared in the Journal of Neuroscience.

The accepted clinical method for treating PTSD – behavioral therapy – is often ineffective or only helps in the short term. Paz’s findings point to a possible reason for this: When the ACC has been recruited to “make order” out of a complex and uncertain environment, it can also end up enshrining a memory firmly in our brain. Understanding this mechanism could aid not only in eradicating painful memories, but also in strengthening and preserving memories that we want to keep.  
Dr. Rony Paz’s research is supported by the Sylvia Schaefer Alzheimer's Research Fund; the Ruth and Herman Albert Scholars Program for New Scientists; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, Israel\France; the Nella and Leon Benoziyo Center for Neurological Diseases; Katy and Gary Leff, Calabasas, CA; the European Research Council; and Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Leshner. Dr. Paz is the incumbent of the Beracha Foundation Career Development Chair.
memory (Image: Thinkstock)
Life Sciences

Through the Window of Opportunity



(l-r) Michal Dagan, Dr. Barry Brunner, Hadas Soifer, Oren Pedatzur, Dr. Nirit Dudovich and Dr. Dror Shafir


This summer in London, competitors vied to see who could claim the title of fastest in the world – their speeds often measured down to hundredths of seconds. But for truly record-breaking speed measurements, one needs to look in a modest lab at the end of a basement hallway in a Weizmann Institute physics building. That is where Dr. Nirit Dudovich has her lab. Here, Dudovich recently succeeded in measuring the amount of time it takes for an electron to briefly pop out of its home in the atom. The results appeared in Nature.

Normally, an electron is like a ping-pong ball sitting inside an upright ice-cream cone. As long as nothing changes, there is no reason for the ball to suddenly leave the cone. And yet, in certain situations, an electron can occasionally escape its snug hole. When it does so, the electron passes, ghost-like, through the barrier – a quantum phenomenon known as tunneling, which arises from the fact that such quantum particles as electrons can also act as waves. This is one of the most basic principles of quantum physics, but because it has no parallel in the everyday world, it still challenges the imagination of laypeople and physicists, alike.

The type of quantum tunneling Dudovich researches takes place when a strong laser field is applied to a material. Such laser fields make tunneling a bit easier for electrons by “bending” the rim of the cone. Tunneling electrons must move swiftly. The bending grants them an incredibly narrow window of opportunity, opening for just 200 attoseconds, give or take – about the amount of time a light wave remains at its peak. An attosecond is a billionth of a billionth of a second. And that tiny window has, until now, been much too small for scientists to measure directly.
Different electron trajectories are separated along the time axis. Only a narrow region in time is selected by the kicking mechanism (shaded red)
It’s not just that electrons prefer to stay put. They are also loyal to their home bases, so that even when one takes a brief “trip,” it may return straight home. Scientists can observe the instant that an electron gets back home because as it flies into place, a photon is emitted. Measurements of these emitted photons enabled Dudovich to trace tunneling dynamics.

Dudovich essentially played a trick on the tunneling electrons, which pop out and back again in a straight line. She devised a way of “kicking” the electron (with another laser) so that it could not be absorbed back into place – and thus no photon emitted. With these measurements, she was able to trace the electron's movements back to the moment when it left the atom.

But just like Olympic runners, electrons can have different energy levels, and thus some take longer than others to pass beyond the rim of the cone. Dudovich wanted to accurately measure this time difference.  To find out, she again made use of the phenomenon of wave-particle duality. When electrons return home, they can appear as waves; such waves interfere with one another, and the patterns of that interference can be observed. When the interference is destructive – that is, the waves are opposite and cancel one another out – their absence reveals the time difference between the two events. Dudovich succeeded in measuring this difference – around 50 attoseconds. This is apparently among the shortest periods of time ever measured.

On one the hand, this research has shed new light on some very basic phenomena in atomic physics. On the other, it may give rise to new knowledge that will, in the future, be used to create new technologies.
Dr. Nirit Dudovich’s research is supported by the Jay Smith and Laura Rapp Laboratory for Research in the Physics of Complex Systems; the Jacques and Charlotte Wolf Research Fund; the Enoch Foundation; and the Crown Photonics Center.
(l-r) Michal Dagan, Dr. Barry Brunner, Hadas Soifer, Oren Pedatzur, Dr. Nirit Dudovich and Dr. Dror Shafir
Space & Physics

Back to the Future


(l-r) Drs. Jacob Hanna and Noa Novershtern, Ohad Gafni and Dr. Abed Mansour



Time travel is still science fiction. But several years ago, Japanese scientists managed to send human cells back in time, to a very early stage of development. They took adult cells that were differentiated – at the end of their developmental road – and turned them into stem cells. These stem cells were nearly identical to embryonic stem cells – cells that have not yet “specialized,” and thus have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. The technique for creating these so-called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) consisted of reprogramming them by inserting just four genes into the cell. Ideally, iPSCs could be used to treat a range of diseases, while bypassing the ethical and technical issues involved in using embryonic stem cells from fertilized eggs. But that promise is unmet, at this point, in part because the success rate of the reprogramming is still too low.

“The reprogramming process is basically a black box,” says Dr. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna of the Molecular Genetics Department. “We insert four genes into the cell, wait two weeks, and if all goes well we get stem cells. But we still don’t know exactly what is happening inside those cells.” A study recently conducted by Hanna and his research team has shed some light on that black box. Their findings, which appeared in Nature, reveal the function of a key enzyme that helps activate the iPSC genetic program.

To understand how adult cells can become stem cells, one must understand what makes one cell different from another: Certain combinations of genes in each cell are expressed while others are silenced. Patterns of gene expression and silencing, in turn, depend on the way that the genetic material is packaged: Exposed genes can be expressed while those that are tightly packed away don’t get used in that particular cell. The effect of the reprogramming is to change that packaging. Some of the genes that were previously exposed get packed away, while others are removed from their packaging so they can be expressed.

How do those packaging changes occur? To find out, the research team, including Drs. Noa Novershtern and Abed Mansour, and Ohad Gafni, created cells with random mutations and inserted the four reprogramming genes into them. They then looked for those cells in which the reprogramming process did not succeed, on the assumption that the mutations would tell them which genes in the cell are essential for reprogramming. In this way, they discovered an enzyme whose activities are crucial for genetic repackaging. Utx, as the enzyme is called, is activated by the reprogramming genes, and it works together with them to expose hundreds of genes that get expressed in the embryonic cell program. In adult cells, these genes are normally so well packaged that they are completely and totally silenced.
Embryonic stem cells (marked in green fluorescent protein) that should become sex cells, in which the gene encoding Utx is not present. Each column shows a gene needed for sex cell development (top row – marked in red, purple and orange). After 12 days (bottom row) the expression of the four genes has stopped and, rather than develop into sperm or ova, the stem cells die


Of course, Utx is not just waiting around the cell for a scientist to come along and produce iPSCs. To reveal its natural function, the scientists created genetically engineered mice that do not produce the enzyme. They were surprised to find that these mice were sterile. Probing further, they discovered the reason: Utx appears to be necessary for producing sex cells – sperm or eggs – in the developing embryo. On second thought, says Hanna, the finding is not all that surprising, because this process also involves a sort of developmental turning back of the clock: “To become sex cells, certain embryonic cells at a certain stage of development – after they have already begun to differentiate – need to ‘regress’ and go back to a stem cell state. The genetic program of such sex cells is very similar to that of the reprogrammed stem cells: In both cases, it is the Utx enzyme that paves the way for this regression. For this reason, our findings may have relevance for research on fertility and the search for infertility treatments.”

Understanding the details of cell reprogramming and identifying where things can go wrong may enable researchers to improve the reprogramming success rate – thus advancing the use of iPSC technology for biomedical and research applications. As an added bonus, it should advance our understanding of developmental processes. Hanna: “We succeeded in locating an important crossroads in embryonic development – that in which sex cells are created. Changes in the embryo – especially in the early stages of development – are quite difficult to investigate as they are rapid and dramatic, leaving researchers a very small window of opportunity for observation. We hope to use the insight we have gained to open more of those windows.”
Dr. Jacob Hanna’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; Pascal and Ilana Mantoux, France/Israel; the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; Erica A. Drake and Robert Drake; and the European Research Council.




Embryonic stem cells (marked in green fluorescent protein) that should become sex cells, in which the gene encoding Utx is not present. Each column shows a gene needed for sex cell development (top row – marked in red, purple and orange). After 12 days (bottom row) the expression of the four genes has stopped and, rather than develop into sperm or ova, the stem cells die
Life Sciences

Sulfur Swings

Dr. Itay Halevy
Sulfur – element 16 in the periodic table – is found all over the Earth. It is released by volcanoes and burning fossil fuels, taken up by living organisms, dissolved in rain and sea water and crystallized in rock. As sulfur cycles through Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land, it undergoes chemical changes that are often coupled to changes in such elements as carbon and oxygen. Although this affects the concentration of free oxygen, sulfur has traditionally been portrayed as a secondary factor in regulating atmospheric oxygen, with most of the heavy lifting done by carbon. However, new findings that appeared recently in Science suggest that sulfur’s role may have been underestimated.

Drs. Itay Halevy of the Weizmann Institute’s Environmental Sciences and Energy Research Department (Faculty of Chemistry), Shanan Peters of the University of Wisconsin and Woodward Fischer of the California Institute of Technology, were interested in better understanding the global sulfur cycle over the past 550 million years – roughly the period in which oxygen has been at its present atmospheric level of around 20%. They used a database developed and maintained by Peters at the University of Wisconsin, called Macrostrat, which contains detailed information on thousands of rock units in North America and beyond.
The researchers used the database to trace one of the ways in which sulfur exits ocean water into the underlying sediments – the formation of so-called sulfate evaporite minerals. These sulfur-bearing minerals, such as gypsum, settle to the bottom of shallow seas as seawater evaporates. The team found that the formation and burial of sulfate evaporites were highly variable over the last 550 million years, due to changes in shallow sea area, the latitude of ancient continents and sea level. More surprising to Halevy and colleagues was the discovery that only a relatively small fraction of the sulfur cycling through the oceans has exited seawater in this way. Their research showed that the formation and burial of a second sulfur-bearing mineral – pyrite – has apparently been much more important.

Pyrite is a shiny, yellow iron-sulfur mineral also known as "fools’ gold," which forms when microbes in seafloor sediments use the sulfur dissolved in seawater to digest organic matter. The microbes take up sulfur in the form of sulfate (bound to four oxygen atoms) and release it as sulfide (with no oxygen). Oxygen is emitted during this process, thus making it a source of oxygen in the air. This part of the sulfur cycle, however, was thought be minor. Since the other part – sulfur evaporite formation – does not release oxygen, sulfur's effect on oxygen levels was considered unimportant.
Iron pyrite crystal (Thinkstock photos)
In testing various theoretical models of the sulfur cycle against the Macrostrat data, the team realized that the production and burial of pyrite has been much more significant than previously thought, accounting for more than 80% of all sulfur removed from the ocean – rather than the 30-40% in prior estimates. As opposed to the variability they saw for sulfate evaporite burial, pyrite burial has been relatively stable throughout the period. The analysis also revealed that most of the sulfur entering the ocean has been washed in from the weathering of pyrite exposed on land. In other words, there is a balance between pyrite formation and burial, which releases oxygen, and the weathering of pyrite on land, which consumes it. The implication of these findings is that the sulfur cycle regulates the atmospheric concentration of oxygen more strongly than previously appreciated.

“This is the first use of Macrostrat to quantify chemical fluxes in the Earth system,” said Peters. “I met my coauthors at a lecture I gave at Caltech, and we immediately began discussing how we might apply Macrostrat to understanding biogeochemical cycling. I think this study will open the door to many more uses of Macrostrat for constraining biogeochemical cycles.”

“For me, the truly surprising result is that pyrite weathering and burial appear to be such important processes in the sulfur cycle throughout all of Earth’s history. The carbon cycle is recognized as the central hub controlling redox processes on Earth, but our work suggests that nearly as many electrons are shuttled through the sulfur cycle,” said Fischer.

Halevy: “These findings, in addition to shedding new light on the role of sulfur in regulating oxygen levels in the atmosphere, represent an important step forward in developing a quantitative, mechanistic understanding of the processes governing the global sulfur cycle.”
Dr. Itay Halevy’s research is supported by the Sir Charles Clore Research Prize; and the estate of Olga Klein Astrachan.
Iron pyrite crystal (Thinkstock photos)

Adapting on the Fly

Inherited expression levels of the resistance gene (green) and the native gene (red), shown in the stomachs of unchallenged larva (left), challenged larva (center) and unchallenged larval offspring of challenged larvae, eight generations later (right)


The survival of a species depends in large part on the organisms’ ability to adapt to stressful environmental challenges – for instance, changes in temperature, variations in food supply or pollution. Such adaptations develop over evolutionary timescales as a result of repeated exposures to the environment. But what about rare or extreme events, in which there is not enough time to evolve an adaptive response?

Evidence suggests that certain changes in development can be inherited through so-called epigenetic mechanisms – influences on gene regulation that do not involve a change in the host genome and therefore would not require evolutionary timescales. Do such epigenetic changes – ones that result from short-term environmental pressures – persist across multiple generations? This question, says Dr. Yoav Soen of the Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department, is rarely addressed.
Dr. Yoav Soen
Soen, together with Ph.D. student Shay Stern and Dr. Yael Fridmann Sirkis of the Biological Chemistry Department, and Dr. Erez Braun of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, devised a strategy to investigate these issues. To model exposure to an unforeseen environmental challenge, they exposed developing fruit flies to arbitrarily determined patterns of harmful stress across the flies’ tissues, supplementing their food with a toxic drug not normally encountered by flies. The researchers engineered these flies to have a resistance (‘antidote’) gene that was controlled by particular choices of developmental promoters. (Promoters are pieces of DNA that regulate the activation of specific genes.) Because these promoters had not evolved to deal with the drug, there was no effective program already in place for coping with the challenge. Thus the scientists could test how the flies’ systems would handle the situation and whether this could influence the development of their offspring.

The results, recently published in Cell Reports, show that the survival of flies equipped with the resistance gene depended on how well the promoter controlled that gene (up to 100% survival for one of the promoters). The scientists were also able to uncover part of the mechanism leading to the flies’ survival: Exposure to the toxin repressed a group of genes called Polycomb, whose job is to prevent developmental promoters from being activated in the “wrong” tissues. This repression of the Polycomb system “unlocked” its hold on the promoters, which were then activated outside of their usual tissues. This, in turn, modified the development of the organism. Part of this response was indeed inherited by the fruit flies' offspring, who displayed similar developmental changes even though they were not exposed to the toxic drug. Unlike evolutionary changes, however, these epigenetic modifications were not stable; successive offspring reverted to the species’ original developmental characteristics after several generations.
An adult fly that was challenged during development (left) compared with an unchallenged fly (right)


Further experiments – in which different types of stressors are applied to different stages of development – would be needed to determine the scope and extent of this type of heritable epigenetic change. If the environment can induce epigenetic changes that are stable enough, this might enable diversification, thus influencing the evolution of gene regulation.
Dr. Yoav Soen’s research is supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; and the Yeda-Sela Center for Basic Research. Dr. Soen is the incumbent of the Daniel E. Koshland Sr. Career Development Chair.
Inherited expression levels of the resistance gene (green) and the native gene (red), shown in the stomachs of unchallenged larva (left), challenged larva (center) and unchallenged larval offspring of challenged larvae, eight generations later (right)
Life Sciences

How to Start a Revolution



We all know how hard it is to shift an economy from stagnation to growth, but in nature, a transition of this kind occurs on a routine basis – whenever plant seeds shift from a dormant state to that of germination.

Prof. Gad Galili
This transition calls for sudden, far-ranging changes in all the plant’s systems: The plant’s entire genome undergoes reprogramming that affects the expression of genes and the manufacture of proteins. Hundreds of proteins – those that help the seed develop and block premature germination – stop being produced, whereas the production of hundreds of other proteins – those needed for germination – is set in motion.

“The germination revolution” plays a crucial role both in nature and in agriculture because it has an enormous impact on the harvest. Generally, the greater the proportion of germinating seeds and the faster their germination, the bigger the harvest. In fact, farmers use various methods to stimulate germination artificially – for example, by soaking dry seeds for a short while in a germination-promoting solution. Understanding germination on the molecular and metabolic levels is, therefore, vitally important: It can lead to sophisticated ways of improving the rate and speed of germination, thereby increasing crop harvest. Moreover, it can help control the precise timing: When the seeds germinate too early, while still attached to the parent plant and before they reach the soil, they are unlikely to develop into new plants.
Prof. Gad Galili of the Weizmann Institute’s Plant Sciences Department has conducted pioneering studies on the “germination revolution.” He has recently discovered that a molecular process called selective autophagy, which is central to the plant’s life, also takes part in controlling the germination.
In general, autophagy, which means “self-eating,” involves the dismantling of proteins, and it occurs in numerous organisms; originally discovered in yeast, it exists also in animals, including human beings. Autophagy has been the subject of extensive studies – among other reasons because in humans, defects in selective autophagy are implicated in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other common diseases. In the plant world, the main function of autophagy is to save the plant in times of trouble. Since plants, unlike animals, cannot run away from danger, their survival depends on flexible mechanisms that help them cope with mortal threats by other means. Large-scale autophagy, for instance, can prevent plant death when nutrients are in short supply.

Lately, however, it has become clear that selective autophagy, in which individual proteins or other cellular components are dismantled without connection to distress or danger, takes place in plants at certain times, including the preparation for germination. Galili has discovered about ten genes that might be involved in selective autophagy in plants. In studies published this year in The Plant Cell and other journals, he has focused on two of these genes, ATI1 and ATI2, which are unique to plants – that is, they do not exist in animals.
When the scientists suppressed the production of the ATI1 protein, which is involved in selective autophagy, and placed the seeds under conditions that reduce germination efficiency, the genetically engineered seeds (right panel) germinated much slower than the control seeds (left panel)


In experiments with the model plant Arabidopsis, Galili and his team have shown that enhancing the expression of ATI1 stimulates germination. When this gene’s activity increased, so did the proportion of germinating seeds; moreover, these seeds germinated faster. The scientists hypothesize that ATI1 and ATI2 promote germination by dismantling proteins that block this process. When the scientists blocked the activity of the two genes, ATI1 and ATI2, germination was reduced. In addition to clarifying the roles of these genes, the scientists also obtained further details about their functioning – for example, where exactly in the plant cell their activity takes place. Prof. Galili’s team included postdoctoral fellow Dr. Arik Honig and graduate student Tamar Avin-Wittenberg.

The study of selective autophagy in plants is still in its infancy, but unraveling it in greater detail should enable plant researchers to improve plant growth and crop yields by enhancing seed germination on demand.
Prof. Gad Galili’s research is supported by the Lerner Family Plant Science Research Endowment Fund; and the Adelis Foundation. Prof. Galili is the incumbent of the Bronfman Professorial Chair of Plant Science.



Genome of a Cellulose-Eating Bacterium Sequenced



The future of fuel? Image: Thinkstock
The bacterium Clostridium thermocellum and a handful of close relatives are the only organisms known to break down one of the hardest materials in nature – the cellulose found in trees and tough, woody plants. This unique ability could be quite valuable: Scientists are working to adapt it to recycling cellulose-based waste and producing biofuel. Now, some 50 years after it was identified and 30 years after the discovery of the cellular organelle that enables it to digest cellulose, the genome of a particularly efficient strain of this bacterium has been sequenced, along with that of a mutant strain used in research. The genome was announced in the Journal of Bacteriology.

Profs. Ed Bayer of the Weizmann Institute’s Biological Chemistry Department and Raphael Lamed of Tel Aviv University were the first to discover the cellulose-digesting mechanism in Clostridium thermocellum. This mechanism, an organelle they named the cellulosome, breaks the long, sturdy chains of sugars in cellulose molecules into shorter, soluble sugars. Their finding was based on a mutant strain they created in the lab that enabled them to isolate the structures. In the 30 years since that discovery, Bayer and Lamed have made steady progress elucidating exactly how the cellulosome works, as well as creating new versions that are more efficient and function in different conditions. “At this point,” says Bayer, “we can take the cellulosome apart and put it back together again like Lego. But until a year or two ago, the idea of getting a complete sequence of the strain we have been working with, known as YS, was just a dream.”
Bayer and Lamed worked with Drs. Steven Brown and Martin Keller and their team at the Bioenergy Science Center in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, as well as Bayer and Lamed’s students Ely Mora and Ilya Borovok of Tel Aviv University and Yuval Shoham of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, to sequence the two strains.
Prof. Ed Bayer
Several relatives of the Clostridium thermocellum strains have already had their genomes sequenced. In fact, a somewhat distant relative, Clostridium acetobutylicum – which goes back to Weizmann Institute founder Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who used it to ferment acetone from maize in WWI – was sequenced not long ago in Bayer’s lab. To the surprise of the researchers, this genome was found to have a defunct version of the cellulosome gene cluster.
Now, Bayer and his colleagues plan to compare the various genomes to look for clues to cellulosome efficiency, the ways the production of these organelles is regulated in nature and, hopefully, pointers for furthering the design of artificial cellulosomes for producing biofuel.
Prof. Ed Bayer’s research is supported by the Brazilian Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Prof. Bayer is the incumbent of the Maynard I. and Elaine Wishner Professorial Chair of Bio-Organic Chemistry.
The future of fuel? Image: Thinkstock
Life Sciences

Rescuing the Rescuers


(l-r) Dr. Gili Ben-Nissan, Prof. Yosef Shaul, Dr. Michal Sharon and Oren Moscovitz



One of the ways our cells keep things running smoothly is by recycling all sorts of proteins, especially those that are damaged or have outlived their usefulness. But how does the cell avoid consigning to the recycling bin those proteins that are still serving important functions? New research led by Dr. Michal Sharon of the Biological Chemistry Department reveals how one enzyme works to rescue vital proteins from unwanted demolition. Among other things, this enzyme saves from the cell’s protein recycler two proteins that help stop cancerous growth – p53 and p73 – and thus may play a role in protecting against cancer.

Dismantling proteins can be a “bureaucratic” process in which those slated for demolition are first labeled with special tags called ubiquitin and then sent off to the “Department of Protein Disassembly,” otherwise known as the proteasome. In the proteasome, the tags are read in one unit and then the protein is ushered into the next unit, where it is broken down for parts. The discovery of this bureaucratic process earned Rose, Hershko and Ciechanover a Nobel Prize in 2004. In recent years, however, researchers have come to realize that a parallel, more passive, dismantling process can occur in the same machinery. This process targets proteins that are unfolded – either along part of their lengths or completely. Such proteins can find themselves swept into the demolition unit without having first gone through the tagging and checking stage. Almost a third of the cell’s proteins contain unfolded segments and a fifth eventually undergo this type of disassembly, yet many of them play crucial roles in regulation and signaling. With no tagging system to sort them out, how does the cell protect the needed proteins from the degradation machinery?

Investigating this question was complicated, as the two pathways – the bureaucratic and the passive – exist side by side in the same machinery.

Several years ago, Prof. Yosef Shaul, Head of the Molecular Genetics Department, revealed a part of the answer: He identified the “rescuer” that prevents unwanted dismantling. This rescuer, an enzyme called NQO1, is an all-around protector of the cell: In addition to keeping vital proteins from being broken down, it was known to fight against reactive oxygen compounds, thus protecting the cell from oxidative damage.
Mutual deterrence: The proteasome breaks down NQO1 enzymes that lack structure (unbound to FAD), while binding to FAD prevents protein destruction by the proteasome – including that of the enzyme, itself
To investigate how NQO1 saves proteins from dismantling, Oren Moscovitz, Nimrod Hazan, Hodaya Keisar, and Drs. Gili Ben-Nissan and Izhak Michaelevsky in Sharon’s group created a simplified version of the recycling process. Into their experimental system went enzymes and the recycling unit of the proteasome. By leaving out the first proteasome unit – the one that checks the ubiquitin tags – they were assured of observing just the passive dismantling pathway. Next, the researchers added another molecule – one derived from vitamin B2 called FAD. The binding of FAD molecules to NQO1 is necessary for it to carry out its cellular duties.

Observing the NQO1 enzyme using the advanced mass spectrometry equipment in Sharon’s lab, the team discovered that the bound FAD molecules serve to stabilize the enzyme’s structure. They then tested this observation with a mutant NQO1 enzyme in which the FAD binding site is defective, as well as checking what happened when they removed FAD from a normal molecule. In both cases, the result was a shapeless, unfolded enzyme that disappeared from the experimental system, as it was dismantled in the proteasome grinder unit. When they added large quantities of FAD to the system, the enzymes – both normal and mutant – resumed their organized shapes and were saved from demolition.

Together with Shaul and his research student Peter Tsvetkov, the team tested their findings in living cells. They found that giving vitamin B2 to these cells not only increased NQO1 levels and stabilized its structure, it also boosted p53 levels. Further testing on breast cancer cells in which FAD binding was faulty added to the picture: Giving these cells B2 rescued the NQO1 that would have been dismantled, and it, in turn, saved the cells’ p53. Since p53 is so important for preventing cancer, says Moscovitz, “we think of this as ‘to B2 or not to be.’”

The findings, which appeared recently in Molecular Cell, show that the relationship between the proteasome and NQO1 is based on a sort of mutual deterrence. The proteasome does, indeed, dismantle NQO1 enzymes that lack a complete structure, while enzymes with stable structures can block the actions of the proteasome, rescuing other proteins in the process. The factor that tips the scales is vitamin B2, a nutrient that is absorbed from outside the body. The scientists think that the phenomenon they have discovered – a metabolic factor that directs the functioning of a system by affecting the shape of one of its components – may be found in other cellular pathways, as well.

The mutation that obstructs NQO1 binding to FAD is found in around 4% of the human population and a fifth of all Asians. The cells of people with this mutation do not cope well with oxidative stress, and they contain particularly low levels of p53 and p73. These people tend to be susceptible to cancer – especially breast cancer and leukemia. Thus the findings, which suggest that large quantities of vitamin B2 might overcome this problem, hint at a possible new and important role for this nutrient.
Dr. Michal Sharon’s research is supported by the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust; and Karen Siem, UK. Dr. Sharon is the incumbent of the Elaine Blond Career Development Chair in Perpetuity.

Prof. Yosef Shaul’s research is supported by the M.D. Moross Institute for Cancer Research; the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Center for Molecular Genetics, which he heads; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Ben May Charitable Trust; and the Cure Foundation. Prof. Shaul is the incumbent of the Oscar and Emma Getz Professorial Chair.



(l-r) Dr. Gili Ben-Nissan, Prof. Yosef Shaul, Dr. Michal Sharon and Oren Moscovitz
Life Sciences

Helpful Bacteria, Harmful Viruses

Drs. Adi Stern and Rotem Sorek, and Eran Mick


Despite their bad rap, bacteria can actually be quite helpful. In fact, there are about 10 times as many bacteria in the human gut as there are cells in the body, and evidence is mounting that these play a very important role in maintaining our health: They manufacture vitamins, aid in food digestion and “train” our immune system. The latter may be crucial for preventing allergies and autoimmune disease.

Outside the human intestine, bacteria are known to be attacked by viruses called phages, and these can sometimes kill large numbers of bacteria in a short time. The question is: Are the gut bacteria also susceptible to phage infection? And, if so, what viruses are involved and which bacteria do they attack? These questions have not received much attention until now; they were the focus of recent research by Dr. Rotem Sorek of the Molecular Genetics Department. The findings recently appeared in Genome Research.

To investigate the viral population of the gut, the researchers had use of a surprising “catalog”: pieces of viral DNA that are stored in the immune systems of bacteria. The apparatus, called CRISPR, defends bacteria against viruses. When a virus gets inside a bacterial cell, CRISPR steals a small bit of the virus’s DNA and stores it in the part of its own genome that is designed specifically for this immune function. The next time the same virus infects the cell, its immune system will use the stored viral DNA to identify and destroy the invader, something like the way that antibodies work in the human body. For the scientists, these sequences lined up in the bacterial immune systems could be read as a sort of historical record of the viruses that have attacked the various gut bacteria.
Electron micrograph of bacteriophages Image: Dr Graham Beards, Wikimedia Commons
The research team, including then postdoctoral fellow Dr. Adi Stern and undergraduate student Eran Mick, began with a large database of the DNA sequences of gut bacteria taken from 124 people in Europe. After developing a computational method that helped them identify the immune segments in the bacterial genome, the scientists found more than 50,000 of these immune sequences. On the basis of these sequences, they were able to identify hundreds of previously unknown viruses that infect gut bacteria.

Besides giving researchers the largest collection of information to date on phages in the human gut, the team’s findings have yielded new insights on the relationships between gut bacteria, the viruses that infect them and the humans who host them. For example, the scientists discovered that large groups of people share the same viruses, and about 80% of the viruses the team identified were found in more than one person. A comparison with samples from Americans and Japanese showed that they, too, shared the same strains. Considering the wide variety of viruses generally found in nature, this is a surprising finding; the scientists believe it may be tied to fact that the gut is a closed environment.

Another finding was that viruses are sometimes inserted into the bacterial DNA in their entirety. Sorek: “Phages occasionally contribute to the bacteria genes for antibiotic resistance. In return, the bacteria host the phages’ DNA and pass it from person to person. It’s a tradeoff that has evolved to benefit both sides.”

A comprehensive database of phages and the gut bacteria they infect may have implications for research on human health. For instance, if a certain bacterium is known to provide protection against allergies, one could check the effects of the virus that attacks that bacterium. “The ultimate goal,” says Sorek, “would be to create a vaccine against that virus, which would help the bacterium. In other words, aiding the bacterial immune system could indirectly boost the human immune system.”

The good, the bad and the bacterium

In biology, as in archaeology, digging down from one layer to the next can completely change our view of reality. Thus a move from one layer of cellular regulation – DNA – to the next – RNA – revealed a whole array of differences between two related strains of bacteria that had previously been hidden. In addition, the comparison of RNA sequences in the two strains of Listeria – one of which causes a type of food poisoning and the other is harmless – uncovered a previously unknown mechanism for regulating the activation of Listeria genes. The findings appeared in Molecular Systems Biology.
Electron micrograph of Listeria
Dr. Rotem Sorek and his group – Omri Wurtzel, Dr. Iris Karunker-Hazan and Sarit Edelheit – used advance sequencing techniques to map all of the RNA for the two strains, but they actually focused on the sequences that don’t encode proteins. Though the two strains are highly similar, genetically, the team discovered a group of about 80 RNA sequences that exist in the disease-causing version but not in its “peace-loving” cousin. Now the researchers plan to check whether these sequences are responsible for the aggressiveness of the first strain.

In addition, the scientists discovered a unique pairing system in which each member of an RNA pair puts the brakes on the other. The researchers think that this system, which regulates both the activation and the silencing of genes in one mechanism, may be common in bacteria.
Dr. Rotem Sorek's research is supported by the Y. Leon Benoziyo Institute for Molecular Medicine; the Abisch Frenkel Foundation for the Promotion of Life Sciences; the Phyllis and Joseph Gurwin Fund for Scientific Advancement; the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; the Robert Rees Applied Research Fund; and the Alhadeff Research Award. Dr. Sorek is the incumbent of the Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Career Development Chair in Perpetuity.



Electron micrograph of bacteriophages Image: Dr Graham Beards, Wikimedia Commons
Life Sciences
