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Weizmann Institute researchers forced thousands of yeast proteins to go on a surprise strike – and uncovered their previously unknown roles in...
A bacterial immune system that alters the tails of phages might help clarify an immunity mechanism in humans
Why do we inherit only maternal mitochondria? A new study shows how the paternal versions are deliberately destroyed
Researchers from the University of Michigan and the Weizmann Institute develop the first-ever complete central nervous system on a chip; it...
Weizmann Institute of Science researchers call for a new kind of test – one that will ensure evolutionary safety – ...
The complete, day 14 synthetic models may open new avenues of research into infertility, drug testing and growth of tissues for transplant – as...
A newly discovered immune strategy protects bacteria and more advanced species, from corals to bees
High levels of defensive proteins offer protection against a hostile takeover by herpes viruses
Weizmann Institute scientists reveal how viruses outwit cellular immune systems
A surprising precision weapon against Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis