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Molecular Cell Biology

A melanoma cancer cell is labeled with invadopodia markers in fluorescence microscopy

How does a cancer cell push its way out of the surrounding tissue?

cytoskeleton structure

The growth of cellular “skeletons” reveals a clear directional pattern

Activity of a glucose-manufacturing gene in mouse liver tissue, viewed under a fluorescence microscope. A high concentration of mRNA (red dots) reveals that this activity is highest near a blood vessel (PP) that bathes the tissue in oxygen-rich blood, essential for glucose manufacture

Fits and spurts of gene expression help the liver cope with change

Paradox Alice in Wonderland

Why do biological systems use the same signaling molecule for opposite purposes?

(l-r) Dr. Ariel Livne, Prof. Benjamin Geiger and Dr. Eran Bouchbiner

To understand how cells orient themselves, Weizmann Institute researchers turned to a model from physics

Cytoskeletal fibers (green) and adhesion sites (orange) grow when the Arp2/3 complex is present in its hybrid version (right) compared with the regular, seven-subunit version (left). When Arp2/3 is absent altogether, the fibers and the adhesion sites deteriorate (center)

A seven-unit structure that helps a cell move can rearrange to help anchor it in place

RiboSNitches: these RNA segments in the mother and father have slightly different sequences, but very different folding patterns

Folds in the RNA strands called RiboSNitches may affect protein function 

stem state infographic

The path from stem cell to mature adult cell is not a one-way street

(l-r) Drs. Harry and BenjaminTowbin and Nora

Drs. Harry Towbin and Benjamin Towbin talk about what drew them to the Weizmann Institute

eating right

A unique experiment explores the connection between the food we eat and our gut microbiota
